
Fall for me
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Though, when the next week of school began, the two acted as if nothing happened. That Jimin didn't wake up at 6am to Taehyung's nightmare, that Jimin made the two of them breakfast, that Jimin cleaned Taehyung's house while Taehyung was still sleeping. They acted as if nothing happened and Jimin was okay with it. On the way to school, Taehyung walked alone with nothing in particular in mind, mindlessly humming to random songs on his iPod when he felt a arm wrap around his waist.

"Let go of me Jimin," he said with a strict tone but Jimin didn't budge

"Let's walk together TaeTae, it's lonely when you walk alone," Jimin smiled and they walked together without a word being said. From time to time Jimin would stare at Taehyung's side profile with a big smile plastered on his face. After a while, Taehyung turned his head to the smaller male

"What are you staring at?" he asked but Jimin just shrugged

"Nothing, just your beautiful face," he said as if it was nothing, Taehyung however turned pink and looked away. It was too early in the morning for Jimin's nonsese. When they arrived in school, Jimin gave a soft pat on Taehyung's shoulder before skipping away to his own class. It wasn't even a moment of freedom, when Taehyung felt a slap on his head, no need to turn around, Taehyung knew who it was

"What do you want, Chulyoon?" Taehyung was annoyed and frustrated. ChulYoon was probably the only person who made him feel that way other than Jimin. Hearing soft chuckled from his back, Taehyung turned around to meet eyes with his senior. Park ChulYoon, a third year who apparently had to re-sit his final year twice due to his horrible grades on his final term, a player, a bully, an annoying brat (which what Taehyung calls him most of the time, regardless of the )

"Who was that cutie? Your boyfriend?" the elder winked. Taehyung cringed at the action, never had he hated anyone more than him

"That was no one and stop bothering me, aren't you too old for that?" Taehyung was about to walk away when ChulYoon grabbed Taehyung's hair and pulled him back

"I'm your senior, know your place Kim Taehyung. Don't act all hot stuff just cause you have girls drooling over you," ChulYoon slammed Taehyung into a locker before walking away. The brunette let out a sigh while collecting his files that were now on the floor

"You should report about him," Hoseok said while helping Taehyung collect his stuff. Hoseok just arrived when he saw what had happen, he wanted to help his best friend but the other seniors who were standing by stopped him.

"It's not like they can do anything, they'll probably just tell me to get over it cause ChulYoon's going to graduate soon. Which, as a matter of fact, isn't logically possible since he's an idiot," Taehyung grunted as the two friends made their way to class. Through the whole lessons, Taehyung wasn't pa

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vmin yay
XueXing #2
Chapter 13: For a moment there I thought Tae was dead and thought he wasn't really dead when Jun Seo said he has a present for Jimin. Nice work, keep it up~
Chapter 13: Wow. This story is soooo nice! <3
obliVia #4
Chapter 12: Woah, ok was not expecting that
chiimch #5
Chapter 8: what the sjkslkjdl
Chapter 14: Such a great story!! I also really like the Jjeoreo reference at the end♥♥ Thank you so much for writing this~
swethaTR #7
Chapter 13: V is a detective, Him in is a intern, J-Hope is a racer and kookie is in swat.....wait a minute *narrows eyes*......OMG!! DOPE!!
Chapter 14: I loved this so much! ^_^
Chapter 13: F***, and Tae became a cop. Perfect ending. I was about to kill myself, I thought he died! You got me! Happy?
I'm happy. Sequel? Please?