

Today I felt like . It's been two months since my parents left me and my boyfriend dumped me for another girl. I'm an emotional wreck.

Can you imagine how it is to be left by the ones you love and care the most about in the world?

Do you know the thoughts you get by that on your life? 

Do you just want to disapear from the world so no one can see you again?

Well thats how I feel. But now you can see what happend when everything started.


Happy Birthday Maddie! Joon said. Your boyfriend who you love so much.

You really didn't have to do this for me Joon. I said I didn't want anything special this year.

But you're 18 today Maddie and I want to spend it with you. You know i love you right?

Of course I do Joon! Why wouldn't I?


Joon? What's wrong?

N-nothing. I was just thinking about something. But blow out the cake before-


Oh! Who is that? I didn't invite anyone else. Did you Joon?

No just answer it fast so we can continue.


You where walking towards the door to open it. When you opend the door you didn't like what you saw. Joon's ex girlfriend was here. You hated her so much. She's always trying to take him from you, but you wont let that happen so easily.

Oh hello ugly face. Happy to see me? She said with the creepiest smile i've ever seen.

No. Why are you here? 

I'm invited.


Then you heard Joon running towards the door to se what happend.

Hi Joon~ How are you?

F-fine. You?

Perfect. Can I come in?

Of course no-

Sure. Joon said. WHAT?! Why are you doing this?! You know what se is trying to do to us.I have to stop this.

What is she doing here? You bestfriend jessie said.

Ask him... *pointing at Joon*

What are you doing here Minzy?!

Didn't you her it? me and joon are dating again. You must be so heartbroken. I would have been. haha.

W-what? I don't believe it. Tell me she's lying Joon. I love you too much to loose you now.

Suddenly Joon decides to speak. "It's true Maddie. I didn't want to hurt you...but I guess it's too late now. You know I love you but I realised I love Minzy more. I'm sorry, please forg-

GET OUT! ALL OF YOU BEFORE I HURT YOU BOTH! Running to your room and hide yourself under your blanket on your bed. you didn't hear anything after that because you were crying to much about what just happened. Butluckily your parents would come home soon though. They could give you some advice.

*knock knock*

Maddie it's me Jessie. I fould a letter in front of your door when I was about to leave and wanted to give you this.

Who is it from?



I don't know open it and see. But i'm really sorry for what happend earlier and I have to go home now. I have to watch my little brother while my parents are having dinner together.

Don't be sorry Jessie. it's not your fault it happend, just go home now. Bye~

Bye Maddie~

You opened the envelope and saw a nice written letter from you parents. 

Dear Maddie our beloved daughter. 

Have you noticed some stuff gone from our house? I you have i'm really sorry to say this to you but...from now on you wont have us by your side anymore. We can't afford keeping you anymore. But don't worry Maddie you'll be fine. We love you very much. Please don't hate us after you've read this letter. And please don't try to call us or find us. We love you remember that Maddie. Always...

From mom and dad.

Why? Why are everyone leaving me today? What did I do wrong? Am I really that horrible to be with? I can fix it...

I can fix it...

I can't fix it...


Mabye it's my fate to end up like this. The world is just sometimes unfair. It could have been alot worse though. I will get over it somehow. But how will I do it? Jessie can't know about this. She will just be burdend with my problems, and I don't want that to happen. Mabye I can isolate myself from the world and everyone. *starting to crie* Mabye thats t-the best f-for everyo-one. N-no one have to see or worry about me ever again...Mabye I can just kill myself? No that's just pointless. I still have alot of my life left, and I don't wanna take it away just because everyone I love left me. 

You can do it Maddie

You can do it. Just find a way...

*End of flashback*

Now you see how I feel. I know I said I could do it two months ago, but mabye it just isn't my time yet. I need some more time I think. After that day, all i've been doing is just to eat and sleep. Jessie once managed to brake into my house. She asked me:

Why do you like sleeping so much?

The answer was simple. " I like sleeping beacause it's like being dead without the commitment"

Why do you think I do that? That answer I don't know. Mabye you can help me with that.











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