Chapter Two

He Wasn't A Jerk Online
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I looked up at the school building in front of me. It was similar to the one back in Seoul but different in ways. I looked back at the circular drop-off driveway that I had been saying goodbye to my mom in just about five minutes ago.


At times like these, I wish the Singing4life24 guy that I talk to online went to the same school with me – I’m sure we’d be really good friends in person like we are online.


I took a deep breath as the final bell rang. I walked into the front entrance and made my way to the main office. Well, I kinda of just guessed where it was since I never took a tour of this school nor have I ever heard of this school before.


It took me about three minutes to find the office, and when I walked in the secretary at the front desk was sat on an office chair on the phone curling a piece of her reddish brown hair around her index finger.


I stood there for a few minutes until she finally noticed me.


“Oh, sorry didn’t see you there” she said, smiling a fake sweet smile at me.

“It’s alright. I just needed my schedule” I paused when she looked back at her computer screen “I’m Sandara Park”.


She looked me over once, before bending over and grabbing a file from cabinet in her desk. She pulled out a blue piece of paper, handling it over to me, an I looked at my time table that had my classes on it.


I groaned, my first was math that was in the math and science wing. She also handed me a map of the school and I nodded and muttered a thank you to her heading out of the office.




“You must be Sandara Park” my math teacher, Miss Oh greeted me the minute I walked in the classroom. I nodded curtly at her.


“Why don’t you tell us a little but about yourself?”


“Well,” I started to say. What was I supposed to say? I never really had to do one of these. “I’m from Seoul, I like to dance and I’ve never been to Busan”


Miss Oh smiled sweetly at me and put her perfectly manicures hand on the small of my back and gave me a slight push, “Why don’t you sit next to Mr. Luhan Xi the fourth row to the left on the right side”.


I nodded and walked towards a boy with chocolate brown hair that was messed up like he had been running his hands through it. I took in his outfit. A pair of dark blue skinny jeans, a tight black Givenchy t-shirt and a pair of navy blue toms without socks. He looked up at me with his crystal blue eyes and smirked.


“I’m Luhan , but you can call me anything you like babe” he said, once I sat down. I looked over at him and he shot me a wink. Really? Are you kidding me?

“Look, I don’t go for cocky s.”


He scoffed “what makes you think I am one love?”


“Just by the first sentence you said to me. First impressions obviously don’t matter for you”


He laughed as if I had told the funniest joke in the world. “don’t worry love, you will remember me”


During the rest of the class, Luhan didn’t really talk to me. But, don’t get me wrong – I really, really don’t mind. He could not talk to me for the rest of the school year and it wouldn’t bother me.



Once the period was over, the bell rang, everyone collected their stuff and rushed out of the classroom. I looked at my schedule and I saw I had English next. I headed toward the Arts and Literature wing of the school, which was next to the Math and Science wing.


“You’ve got to be kidding me” I groaned once I walked into my English class which I’d have to say in two periods. The English teacher looked at me with a raised eyebrow. I smiled innocently and handed him my schedule.


“Class, this is our new student Sandara Park” he announced to the class. My schedule said that my English teacher was name Mr. Yang, even though he didn’t introduce himself.


“You can sit to Mr. Xi here” he said, pointing to the empty seat in the second row. Luhan just smirked at me.

“But Mr. Yang, Xiumin sits there” A girl called out from the back row. Mr. Yang pondered for a moment and sighed.


“Fine, Sandara you can sit next to Chaerin, She’s in the third row on the right”


I nodded and made my way over to the girl with dark brown hair that stopped a little past her shoulder. She looked up at me with her dark green eyes and then looked back into her notebook. I slid onto the stool, placed my bag at my feet

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Chapter 12: awww...dara...just loosen up a little and let luhan in.
baby1988 #2
Chapter 12: Really luv ur story..update please
graceguting #3
Chapter 12: love this! update juseyo. :)
Chapter 12: Chapter 12: awww love your story Author-nim :) looking forward for the next update:)
GorgeouZ #5
Chapter 12: pls update soon. its been 3 months already authornim. :( hope
ure doin fine..
Luhanfirstlove #6
Chapter 12: Please update! I love this fic <3
21_blackjack_21 #7
Chapter 12: AW ^-^ Thanks for the update and happy birthday to Luhan! (Blaze it XD Just kidding)
I wonder whats going on with Luhan now that he knows Dara is the girl from online. >.< I can't figure it out...
piper8702 #8
Chapter 12: Luhan wth is wrong with you?! I wonder if what's his motive. Does he really like dara or disappointed upon knowing the truth & is just playing around? Hmmmm
DaraGonBear14 #9
Chapter 12: Thanks for the update! :)