
Father-Daughter Bonding Time

"Appa is the worst appa in the world!" Kang Daesung’s little girl, Soo Min cried as she stood her ground with her little arms crossed in front of her chest. She had her angry face on even though there were little tear drops rolling down her round cheeks.

Of course, at such a statement from his own daughter, Daesung’s heart hurt but he had to stand by his original decision for he had already begun to see that his daughter was becoming more and more spoiled and demanding, due to his ‘a-little-too-loving’ wife who became a puddle when ever it came to your daughter.

"Soo Min-ah…" Daesung tried to sooth her tantrum while glancing at the people who were giving them curious looks, "Please don’t act this way in public…" He reaches to touch her arm, but she swats his hand away.

"No! I want Puffer!" She screeched and pointed her little stubby finger at the stuffed pufferfish in the store window. The moment she saw it, she named it ‘Puffer’ became attached.

"Soo Min baby," Daesung attempted again with a sweeter voice as he sat on the floor of the mall so he was somewhat the same height as his daughter, "You have so many toys at home. How about I get you ice cream instead? Do you want ice cream?"

She shakes her head vigorously, “No! I’m not hungry and ice cream is unhealthy appa!”

He gapes at his daughter and wasn’t sure if she actually believed that or if she just overheard one of the many times he had been scolded by you for always using ice cream as the remedy for these types of situations.

"How about dresses? Do you want new clothes? How about a new jacket, hm?" Daesung tried again with hopeful eyes, but his daughter didn’t waiver.

"I have a lot of clothes too appa! There’s no difference if I get Puffer instead!" She argued, making Daesung in shock yet proud at how smart his daughter was… maybe too smart for his own good.

Since there was no way getting past her, he decided to go about it in a different way.

"Kang Soo Min," He said with a stern voice, "as your father, you must listen to what I say. I am not buying you that toy because we had just bought you a new toy yesterday. Understood?"

For a moment, he felt that he really got through to her… that is until she started wailing, making Daesung break into a panic. He turns his head from left to right to see the group that had gathered around to watch him fail as a father. And there was nothing useful coming to mind that would help the situation. In his state of panic, he went to his last resort… the only thing he knew that always cheered her up in the past when she was an infant.

"Soo Min-ah~" He whined with a frown, grabbing her attention. Once he saw her eyes on him, he put his plan into motion.

He in air into his cheeks and held them there to make his face puff up. He opened his eyes wide and placed his hands next to his face, making them open and close occasionally. This was the silly face he made at her all the time when she was a child. It had been a while since he had to last do it for her, so there was no knowing if it was going to work.

But finally, after a few more sniffles and hiccups from his little girl, a smile broke through her tear stained face. This persuaded him to go on. He tilted his head side to side and began making more funny faces at her.

"Soo Min-ah, if you cry… Appa will feel very sad and look like this…" Daesung said while making a very dramatic pout, "Do you want appa too look like this?"

She hides behind her hand and giggles, a habit she took after her mother. “No… appa, you look funny.” She says.

"Right? You don’t want a funny looking appa!" He said as he returns his face to normal. "So if you are a good girl, and listen to appa and omma, I won’t look funny anymore. Arrasso?"

He could still see the disappointment on her face but eventually she just nodded. He gathered her in his arms and gave her a good squeeze before carrying her in his arms.

"No lets get you cleaned up and meet omma, okay?" Daesung said while using the sleeve of his shirt to wipe his daughter’s face. She nods and buries her head into the crook of his neck.

"I’m sorry for making appa feel bad… I love you…" She whispered before sleepiness overcame her. Daesung’s heart flutter at the sweet words of his cute daughter, making him feel that every moment with her is worth it, no matter what happens.

Finally, he spots you making your way from the grocery store and meets you half way.

"Omo why is Soo Min asleep?" You asked your husband, surprised, when just a few minutes ago she was a ball of energy.

"She cried herself to sleep…" Daesung said sheepishly, feeling bad thinking back to it. "She wanted a toy in the store back there and I wouldn’t buy it for her."

"Aigoo… such a horrible appa." You teased but knew that your husband meant well. "What was it anyways?" You asked as you held out your arms wanting to carry your daughter.

"A pufferfish." Daesung answered, carefully transferring his daughter to you. "I didn’t even know she liked such a thing…"

At his answer, you try to hold it in but you burst out laughing as Daesung looks at you confused.

"What? What are you laughing about?"

You calm yourself down and cradle your daughter, hoping you didn’t wake her, “I know why she wanted the pufferfish.” You said in a sing song voice. “Not too long ago, she told me that she thought you looked like a pufferfish.” You explain but are close to laughing again when you see his dumbfounded reaction.

"So that’s probably why she— Yah! Where are you going?" You called after him as you see Daesung run off into the direction he came.

"I have to get Puffer!" Daesung yelled over his shoulder before disappearing around the corner.

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Chapter 2: in the end they didn't manage to resist their daughter's request. .
Mikelai #2
Chapter 1: Father-daughter bonding time is always full of love and laughters, especially I strongly believe taeyang and danseng will be such a great lovely appas!
autumnlady #3
Chapter 2: Ah, these two are definitely going to be great dads <3
I like this ;-; dkjshfsglkjhdsa
Chapter 2: This is do cute! I love it!
Misaki123 #6
Chapter 2: I can so imagine this...
missQee #7
He's sure wud be the sweetest father among all Bigbang members :)