Part 3 - The Promise


'Let me introduce you to Choi Seunghyun. A member of the Double Dragon gang.'

In that moment, you really thought you had died. Maybe you had a cut or a gunshot wound somewhere and you had finally bled out. Your vision went black, your heart stopped, your breathing halted, and your mind was empty. The only thing that seemed to be working was your hearing, but even then you wish you couldn't hear anything at all.

You wish you hadn't heard that the person you loved had betrayed you this whole time.

"An ex-member," TOP corrects him. His deep voice is the only thing that rings through the emptiness you were feeling, bringing some life back to you again, "_________. Don't listen to him."

The Head of the Double Dragon gang laughs heartily before turning his attention to TOP with a sickening smile, "Shouldn't she know the truth? That you of all people, used to work for me, taking young and innocent girls like her sister and putting them into ion?" You see TOP's face contort in a mixture of pain and disgust as he pulls his gaze away from you, clearly ashamed.

"Do you really think she'd ever forgive you, even if you weren't part of this life anymore, Seunghyun?" The Head chuckles again but suddenly a strong hand swiftly wraps around his throat.

"Don't you ing go there." TOP growls, so monstrously that it set fear running throughout your body, "I'll kill you for this."

But unlike you, the Head didn't seem to have an ounce of worry or fear from TOP's promise. Just pure amusement.

"Oh, that sounds fun. But you can't kill me yet, not before I let your girlfriend know where her loving sister is." He manages to let out a laugh despite TOP's hand closing around his neck. "You may want to let me go, unless you want to ruin her chances of meeting her sister one last time."

TOP's eyes flicker to you, as if for some sort of confirmation or response, but you were still motionless on the ground barely taking in what was happening in front of you. Without knowing how to even look at TOP, his hand releases the man's throat.

"Good choice." The Head says while straightening his collar... before pulling out his gun from behind his back and pointing it straight at TOP's chest making your heart lurch forward.

"Now, Captain." He says to you with his eyes still on TOP, "As promised, your sister..." With his other hand he takes out a small remote from his pocket and presses a button. A buzzing noise fills the room as you notice some curtains begin to move, opening a space on the wall that looked like glass. But after a while, you realized it wasn't just glass, but a window... and behind the pane was a slouched figure curled in the corner of her confinement.

Your sister.

Your mouth dropped and immediately tears began running down your cheeks blurring your vision. But it was no mistake. That brown hair, that familiar figure... It was your sister. Her body was bruised and purple, her bones much more obvious through her skin than the last time you saw her. You felt your body pick itself up and practically hurl itself against the glass, trying to reach her despite the obvious barrier.

"Y-umi... Yumi!!" You screamed against the glass even though you weren't even sure if she could hear you. But you see her body twitch before her head slowly lifts up for you to see her face.

Her cheeks were sunken in and the bags under her eyes had grown, but her eyes widen at the sight of you as you saw a mixture of recognition, relief and then fear all flash in her eyes.

moves but you can't hear anything as she pushes herself to eye level with you, placing her hands against the glass where yours were. moves again, this time you recognize it as your name before her features became wild and livid. She starts banging against the glass so hard that you were afraid she'd break her weak bones. Her limbs flailing around as she screamed, tears streaming down her face.

Just at the sight of seeing her like this made it so hard for you to make sense of what was happening, but after a while it finally hit you what she was screaming. She was telling you to 'run'.

"What a touching reunion." The sickening voice of the person you hated the most in the world woke you up, "It's been a while since I've seen her so feisty."

Your head snapped towards him, giving him the deadliest look you could muster, "Let her go."

"And now I can see where she gets it from. It must run in the family." He chuckles before turning his attention to TOP again, as if you didn't even pose a threat to his life.

"Tell me, Seunghyun. Is she just as crazy in bed as her sister is?" He grins evilly while his lips. But this statement was enough to set you off.

"You BASTARD!" You growled, leaping onto your feet and ready to pounce him without any weapon except your fingers, itching to dig his eyes out.

"Not so fast, Captain." He says before two motions stopped you: repositioning his gun to TOP's head and a finger over a red button on the remote.

"Let's play a little game." He says, changing his attention to you. "You'll get to choose which one I should kill, your boyfriend or your sister. If you choose Seunghyun, a bullet will go through his head... if you choose your sister, this button will trigger flames to fill that cell your sister is in and you can watch her burn alive." You felt your body go completely numb for the second time today.

"Personally, I'd pick the first option. A bullet through the head is such a quick and clean death... Death by fire though, much more messy and painful..." He says as if he's giving you helpful advice. You looked from your sister to TOP, whose eyes were on you now. But what surprised you was the look he had in them. The confidence that you'd make the right choice... but the sadness that the right choice would be your sister.

"What's the third option?" You say with a shaky voice.

"There is no third option." He replies with a smile but clearly annoyed that you weren't complying to his rules.

"How about... I die instead of the two." The words fly out of your mouth before you can fully process the meaning of them. You can tell you manage to surprise the Head, whereas TOP had an expression like he was going to burn down the whole building.

"____________-ah!" TOP's voice raises as he reprimands you for even suggesting something like that. But that reaction was enough to convince the Head of this idea.

"What an interesting offer... It'd be quite boring for me to be the one to do the deed..." He says, giving the idea a thought before his smile grows wider in pure excitement. "I'll only accept it if Seunghyun is the one to kill you."

You see TOP's mouth open as his eyes grow wider, but you speak before he can even retaliate, "Deal."

"NO!" TOP yells, his eyes were livid and full of anger. "I'm not doing it. I refuse!"

"Please, Seunghyun..." You says, too tired to raise your voice as you plead to him in a whisper. "Just do it. Just end it quickly."

"A-Are you ing insane?!" He yells, making you flinch a little. But the sight of his tormented face was enough to bring tears to your eyes again. "How could you even think I can do something like this?! He's going to kill all of us no matter what!"

"I know that!" You yell back, but this time tears streaming down your face breaking your strong image. You didn't want to cry in front of that man anymore, but you couldn't help it knowing that death became the better option than seeing either of them die. "But... I'd rather you be the one to kill me than him."

TOP's eyes were pleading now, pleading for you not to do this for him. But you were too stubborn, too set on dying, that this was the best idea for all three of you as you stood up and took slow and painful steps towards the two men.

"Get on with it." The Head said while pushing TOP in front of him, gun at his back while excitedly putting another gun into TOP's hand, one that you recognize as his own.

You take the final step before standing right in front of TOP, having to tilt your head up slightly to look at his face, full of torment and panic. You took a deep breath in, filling your noise with his lingering scent... it was masked by blood and gunpowder but it still strangely brought you peace.

"__________-ah..." TOP whispers. You hear his voice break and can feel how badly he wanted to hold you... but one wrong move could send a bullet into both of you. You didn't care anymore.

You carefully grabbed his hand with the gun and slowly brought it up so that the barrel aligned perfectly with the middle of your forehead. The cool metal burning your skin as your heart automatically jumped, finally realizing what's about to happen. You let your arms fall to your side along with more tears down your cheek as you hear thumping against the glass. It must've been your sister finally realizing what was happening.

You took one last moment to study TOP's face. Every detail burning it deep inside your head, along with all of the memories that accumulated over the years. Remembering his touch, his kiss, his hugs one last time brought a soft smile to your lips, catching him by surprise.

And what made everything worse, was the words you whispered to him. The last words that meant everything to you and your existence.

"I love you, Seunghyun." You said while closing your eyes. "Please save my sister."

"If you don't kill her at the count of three, the deals off." You hear the Head warn TOP as he begins to count down immediately, "3....2...."

The gun was shaking against your forehead as sweat began to form at your hairline. But you were surprisingly calm as you wondered if you'll hear the sound of trigger before the bullet hit your skull.


"Save her yourself." TOP says in a hushed whisper before you feel the absence of the metal against your forehead and instead a familiar warmth embraced you.


The sound of a bullet piercing flesh fills your ears and the body that was so tightly wrapped around you topples you to the ground. But you felt no pain other than the impact from the floor. Your eyes open as you see familiar dark hair beside your face... and that TOP's body was what had taken the hit.

Your eyes immediately focus on The Head lifting his gun straight at you. Your body moves before you can think as you grab for the gun in TOP's hand, aim and shoot, hitting the Head right in the arm, making him drop both the gun and the remote.

"...!" He curses, bending over to grab one of the two again, but this time you aim the gun at the top of the glass wall as you see your sister in complete shock.

"YUMI, GET BACK!" You screamed and only shot once you saw your sister cover her head with her arms.

You shot once, twice, and a third time before you finally heard the crack and shatter of the glass as it crumbled to the ground.

A hand suddenly grabs at the gun in your hand, causing you to pull away but see that it was just TOP, panting and wincing in pain.

"Get your sister and go." He says, clearly weaker than before.

"You're injured, no." You protest but slightly yelp at the sound of more gun shots fill the room. You had no idea where the Head's shots were coming from but you looked over to see your sister slowly crawling her way towards you.

"I SAID GO! NOW!" He yells, pushing himself off the ground and immediately shooting towards the opposite side of the room. Quickly, you pulled yourself to your feet and lunge yourself towards your sister, your hand and knees scrapping against the broken glass.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt?"

She shakes her head while her hands find your arms and face, "U-Unnie... You came...."

"Of course, I did." You say, making sure your body was fulling covering her before ducking at more shots fired. You look over your shoulder and see TOP hiding behind a wall as bullets zoom past him.

"Come on. Let's get you out of here." You whisper, an arm still wrapped around her as you two make your way towards the main door of the room.

"You come in here, kill your brothers, my men, and threaten the one who brought you out from the depths of hell..." The Head's voice was coming from a distance, but was clearly angry. "You may think you left us, Seunghyun. But you haven't. 'Blood in. Blood out' remember? You took an oath with a drop of your blood... and now the only way out is when you DIE!" He grows before shooting again, causing your sister to scream.

"Yumi, hurry!" You make sure she wasn't hit before practically shoving her through the door, hurried to get her out of there as you were beginning to fear for TOP's life. As you two make it outside, you hear the sounds of foot steps coming towards you from the hallway, setting fear through your body.

", Yumi we have to run." You tell her, grabbing her arm and pulling her with you. Without a gun you were pretty much useless, but you hoped that you could at least shield her if necessary.

"There they are!" You hear men's voice chase after you, causing you both to run faster, but soon after more gun shots were heard as bodies toppled to the ground.

"Captain!" Your second in command rushes over with some other men from your team. Relief rushes through you at the sight of them.

"Hurry! Get her out of here! There are more girls down to the left of here, make sure to get them too. Clear this entire place out!" You bark commands as someone from your team hands you a gun, noticing you were without one.

"Captain, where's the Directo--" One members asks before the hall filled with the sound of two gun shots... coming from the room from which you came.

Your face drained of blood as fear fueled you to run back. Back towards the direction of the gun shots and to where you left TOP to fend for himself.

You were cursing yourself the whole way until you finally reached the door, slightly left ajar but it was completely silent... except for the sound of heavy panting.

"Seunghyun!" You cry out, your gun ready in front of you as you jump into the room. But there was no sign of anyone. You carefully scan the room, covering every corner and making sure you weren't in a blind spot... until you see a growing puddle of blood on the floor.

You first see the Head's lifeless body, face down while a pool of blood was accumulating from under him. Your body was slightly relieved at the sight until you saw the body lying next to him... with it's own puddle of blood growing.

"SEUNGHYUN!" You gasped and drop to your knees next to him as he was laying on his side. You could see two major gunshot wounds, one at his back and the other at his shoulder. Your fingers were shaking too scared to touch him, afraid that at your touch he'd disappear.

"No. No. No. No." You mumbled to yourself while panicking, not knowing what to do despite all the training you've been through. You couldn't see him as just someone injured, you saw him as the person you loved dying. "Seunghyun-ah.... Seunghyun... please wake up!"

Your hands gripped at his shirt, now soaked in blood as your fingers shakily found his pulse. It was weakening.

"Captain! Director!" You heard more voices from your team trail into the room.

"GET HIM HELP! HE'S DYING!" You screamed through your tears as you tried to put pressure on his wounds, his blood seeped through your fingers causing you to sob more.

"Shhhh..." You hear his raspy voice as the others run out of the room, yelling for a medic. Your tears stop momentarily, not wanting to miss anything he said, "You're so noisy...."

You see his eyes open slightly and look at you, wrenching your heart from within your chest.

"Seunghyun... you're hurt. You're bleeding..." You mutter still racking your brain for some way to save him.

"I'm okay... I'm okay." He says weakly lifting a hand to barely wipe the tears from your cheeks, "Is your sister... okay?"

You nod and lean into his touch, wanting to feel more of it. But you couldn't help but notice the missing warmth from his hand. It was ice cold.

"She's safe. She's safe now..." You say through more sobs. You see a smile form at his lips, blood trickling from the corner of them.

"Good..." He says and widen his eyes more as if to get a better look at you, "I'm sorry, ________-ah..."

"It's okay. It's okay." You repeated, not really knowing what exactly he was apologizing about, but didn't care. "You can say whatever you want when you're better. Once you're better you can tell me whatever you want. Okay?"

He lets out a little chuckle before shaking his head, causing fear to creep up on you once more. Your eyes land on his wounds, the bleeding seemingly never ending.

"Why did you do that... huh?" The words slipped out of you at the fear of losing him. "Why did you have to do that for?"

"Remember... what I promised you?" He asks, each word getting weaker and weaker.

You remembered the feeling of his fingers tapping morse code against the palm of your hand before this mission. You remembered how it brought you security and fear at the same time.

'I'll protect you'

Tears filled your eyes at the thought as you shook your head, "No... you can't... you can't leave me... What am I going to do?!" You half yelled half cried while bending over him, burying your face into his chest.

You feel his hand briefly touch the top of your head, tangling his fingers in your hair...

"Be happy..." He spoke...

As his hand went limp...

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shirogane #1
Chapter 4: OMG THIS STORY HAHAHA YOU DON'T KNOW HOW MUCH YOU ANNOYED ME AT THE ENDING:"""""" a veryvery good story! Will check your other stories for sure!
valeriemillenia #2
Chapter 4: Aaa love it awesome ;D
BangtanCheesecake #3

MY HEART CLENCH WHEN SHE WAS ASK TO CHOOSE TOP OR HER SISTER. AND AWW TOP'S REACTION WHEN SHE SAID IF SHE CAN BE THE ONE GETTING KILLED INSTEAD. he really do love her huh. i cried when i thought top died :( SO HAPPY HE LIVE!!!! and aww he's scared to meet the daddy XD hahahahaha omg i love this story so much! love the way u describe everything! i can imagine everything!
LittleJr #4
Chapter 2: ahhh. chincha. Top is one of the member? i can't believe him. i thought he is the good guy.
YG_stanXX #5
Chapter 2: This is so damn good! Keep up the good work!!
annurthegreat #6
Chapter 2: Oh my god.. what is going on? Seunghyun.....
Lolza_77 #7
Chapter 2: Hey Authornim!!! New reader here!!! Can you please update?? I'm soooo looking forward to it!!!! COUGHpleasehaveinthenextchapterwithTOPCOUGH
Chapter 2: hey authornim BlueStarIX,

Your story and writing is just daebak!!!!!!!!!! Action- packed heartbreaking love story!!!!...... I just wanna cry for your herione! Oh man....why oh why cruel world!......sorry i am getting emotional here...hiihihi....Thanks a lot! Cant wait for the updates!!!! Fighting!
Chapter 2: Omg this is superb!!!!! *spazzing with happiness* thank you for the update author-nim!