Dream State

You met me at a very strange time in my life

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One week later~ 


The wind was blowing gently across the calm and empty street of Cheongdam at 4am. Myungsoo had escaped the confines of the dorm without making the members bat an eyelid while wearing a black cap, a black v-necked shirt, black adidas jacket, black sweats and a pair of New Balance.

 He did not know the purpose of him going out by himself as for the many other times he had done the same. He was not even sure of where he was headed except he was indulging on the silence and the occasional, satisfying crunch of the golden brown leaves. At the end of the long road, he took a left turn and after a few more metres reached the Hangang River. Holding up his new lightweight Canon, he started capturing the still dark blue waters at every angle possible. He did this for around 15 minutes and then looked through his captures, deleting photos that were unsatisfactory to him.

 Pretty soon it was 5am. Sitting on one of the benches, Myungsoo realised why he kept coming back out there doing the same routine. This was the last place he and his ex girlfriend, Suzy met before the media came in and forced them apart. He missed her like hell.

"I should probably go back before Sunggyu finds out."

 However, before he got up, he paused. Something told him he was not alone. Cautiously, he turned to his side and nearly jumped out of his seat at what he saw.

Son Naeun. Asleep. Right by his side on the bench while clutching a black moleskin like it was her life. She too was wearing all black. How could he have been so careless as to have not seen her? He closed his eyes tightly. When he opened them again, there she was again. He already found her the prettiest member of Apink but at that moment he could not help but admire the tranquility of her bare sleeping face. He grabbed his camera and took a picture of her sleeping figure. Suddenly, Naeun opened her eyes.

Myungsoo froze, hoping the earth would eat him up. She looked around her and pouted as if she did not know where she was. When her eyes panned to him, she stopped.




Myungsoo panicked and covered with his hand as Naeun continued screaming through his hand and kicking violently.

 "Shhhhhhhhhhhh! Calm down, its me Kim Myungsoo, your neighbour that you never talk to!" Myungsoo whispered furiously. 

After what felt like an hour, Naeun finally stopped screaming and just sat with her eyes opened wide. When it looked like she had her senses back Myungsoo tried starting a conversation.

 "Hello? Naeun-shii?" 

Naeun glanced at Myungsoo and blurted, "But how do I know you are really that Myungsoo and not some devil pretending to be him?" 

 Myungsoo chuckled nervously. "Don't I look like him?" 

 Naeun scanned his profile while Myungsoo waited. Then Naeun mumbled, “Wait... Have you come here to take pictures of me?" 

 Myungsoo's heart dropped. "Errr..." he started and looked away thinking of an excuse. 

"I came here to take pictures of the river! I had no idea you were here-"


"Can I see?"


Myungsoo was taken aback at her straightforwardness but complied. He was so used to the quiet and shy Naeun. He started out pausing at every shot he made for around 10 seconds before going to the next picture. However, feeling slightly dejected that there was no reaction whatsoever from Naeun, he started scrolling past the photos faster. Needless to say, he forgot about the secret picture he took a few minutes ago. When the camera finally went to the shot of Naeun sleeping, there was a pregnant pause.  

 "I-I didn't mean to take that.You were just sleeping there and-" 

Naeun got up, still clutching her moleskin and sighed, "It's okay.'' She looked paler than usual. 

Myungsoo was confused. There she was screaming her head off and now she looks like she wanted to run away any second.

 "I'm walking back-" 

"I'll walk with you then."


Myungsoo stood up and urged her forward. Naeun frowned but started walking. After she was 5 metres in front of him, Myungsoo started walking too. As they were walking, countless of questions crowded his mind.

"What was she doing alone out here? Did she meet someone? How long has she been sleeping?"


Myunsoo ensured Naeun never left his sight and just followed her like a stalker. However, something dawned on him when she walked through the alleyway instead of the usual path past the other apartments. This was not the first time she had snuck out alone like this. After several unnerving minutes walking through that alleyway, Naeun finally arrived at the Macenatpolis Apartment. She did not turn around to acknowledge him but he was kinda thankful for it. It was too dangerous to be seen together here. Instead of following her, Myungsoo lingered at the alleyway and counted to a hundred before he started typing:

Naeun-shii, I'm so sorry for just now. Have you reached your dorm yet?


He closed his eyes and heard a ping.

He gulped when he saw the reply:



 Myungsoo was about to type a reply when he heard a ping again. Holding his breath, he opened the message.

 But truly, thank you for waking me up just now. And about the picture, don’t worry about it.


Myungsoo smiled for the first time that morning. He was feeling slightly better now save for the uncontrollable urge to see her again.

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Amaliaxx #1
Chapter 13: Please update :')
elly20 #2
Chapter 12: Please update..
vanilla_twilight #3
Chapter 12: such a surprise to see you update after so long! the story is still so enjoyable as ever, so you don't have to worry about that ^__^ i especially enjoyed the latest chapter since it's so nice to see how much naeun wants to kiss myungsoo (which is, a lot) which i don't feel like you see in pfnt fanfics. hope you still continue updating this story! ( ̄▽ ̄)
koala_panda #4
Chapter 12: Woahhh..Finally u updated... Thank you.. Hope u will update soon
iamkheypop #5
Chapter 11: Omg. Seems like they're in relationship now!
i want them to date secretly tho. Haha!

Thanks for the update. ^^
rezurii16 #6
Chapter 11: Yay! An update! They're so sweet >_<
its-janice #7
Chapter 10: Hiii! New reader here~
I really enjoy this story so please don't abandon it and update soon T.T
koala_panda #8
Chapter 10: please update soon..i am curious
DW0512 #9
Chapter 9: hello nice fluffy story you have here :) may I request if you could include gayo daejun moments? ;)