
The Secrets They Keep


Thursday 6:30 PM

2:02 PM:                At SM already.

3:48 PM                 Me, too.

4:16 PM                 With Joon-myeon right now. I’m surprised the pulled pork here is delicious. Or maybe I’m just really hungry.

4:18 PM                 We should’ve eaten something earlier.

4:18 PM                 It’s okay. We were running late.

4:20 PM                 I’ll make you something next time.

4:20 PM                 Really? I hope it’s pork belly. Please say it’s pork belly. Spaghetti and pork belly.

4:21 PM                 You sound like Chanyeol. But what the lady wants, she gets.

4:22 PM                 I absolutely love the sound of that. Great potential to be a national motto or something.

4:22 PM                 But feminism is all about equal opportunity, not putting women’s needs above all.

4:22 PM                 Sometimes that doesn’t apply in the bedroom. ;)

4:24 PM                 Crazy girl. I have practice with Suho and the others around 7:30 PM. Might run late. I hope we don’t order chicken again. Four times in a row ...

4:26 PM                 Chicken mania ... it’s an epidemic. I’ll see you before I leave. Meet you at our spot in a couple of hours?

4:26 PM                 Our spot in an hour, got it.

4:27 PM                 Work hard.

4:27 PM                 Yes, ma’am.


Thursday 6:30 PM

6:30 PM                 Here already.

6:33 PM                 Turn around, beautiful.


Thursday 11:36 PM

11:36 PM               ing chicken.

11:45 PM               Haha! I’m going on Google to see if there are any illnesses related to excessive poultry consumption.

11:45 PM               You’ll see a lot of pictures of Kai.

11:47 PM               That’s not so bad then. Have another serving. Or two.

11:48 PM               Ah, so your ideal type is tall, dark, and handsome.

11:53 PM               I really dislike our ridiculous beauty standards. There are lots of beautiful skin tones. Mocha. Dark chocolate. Caramel. Golden chicken skin.

11:54 PM               I know. We’re in a cruel industry. I don’t think I should mirror your statements in public, though.

11:55 PM               It’s a good thing you’re the talent, and I’m in accounting. If I were the talent, SM would be losing so much money right now ...

11:55 PM               But management has never seen you slow dance in heels on a coffee table before ...


11:56 PM               Best private show I’ve been to. And the milk bath was ... interesting.

11:56 PM               The LJ lady made it so y. But remember: you already forgave for accidentally kicking that glass of milk at you.

11:57 PM               You were gorgeous. And my skin was very soft that day.

11:57 PM               You were a great audience. Very ... responsive. And grateful. I felt like I had a fan boy.

12:00 AM               The members are starting to ask questions about who I’m texting at this hour.

12:02 AM               Tell them it’s your girlfriend then take a photo of their reactions. Send them to me. Haha.

3:12 AM                 I’m really your boyfriend, right?


Friday 4:24 AM

4:24 AM                 Would you like me to bring you to the airport on Sunday?

7:36 AM                 Is Sunday a free day?

7:45 AM                 Not really, but I think I can make time. What time is your flight again?

7:50 AM                 9 PM.

7:51 AM                 Perfect. I can send you off.

7:53 AM                 You really don’t have to. Every day is a long day for you guys right now. Just use the evening to rest, watch a movie, go home to your dog.

7:54 AM                 And people go crazy over you at the airport. “EXO-K leader SuHo brings mystery woman to the airport! HIS SECRET GIRLFRIEND?!?!?!”

8:00 AM                 I feel sad when we can’t do the things we used to do now. Sometimes I find myself missing you so much people ask what’s wrong with me.

8:00 AM                 We knew this could happen. We just don't see each other as often as before, but you're still my best friend, Joon-myeon.

8:03 AM                 You’re right. And you're mine. So I’ll just see you when you get back?

8:03 AM                 Yes, the first thing when I get back. I’ll even call you before I get my bags. Who cares about my bags?

8:04 AM                 Promise?

8:04 AM                 I promise, Joon-myeon.

8:05 AM                 Be careful, okay? Don’t go anywhere alone. Always have your phone with you. Pack medicine in your bag. Did you get travel insurance?

8:06 AM                 I will, I will. Yes. Okay. I will. No, I didn’t, but don’t worry, big mama. I’ll call you when I get there, I’ll call when I get back. :)

8:06 AM                 Okay. Have a fun, safe trip! :)


Friday 2:30 PM

2:30 PM                 Are you around?

2:47 PM                 I’m at a shoot.

2:46 PM                 You haven’t answered my question.

2:50 PM                 It’s not a conversation we should have through text messages. We haven’t had a serious conversation about us, officially.

3:03 PM                 I’ll just see you when you get back.

3:10 PM                 I was hoping you would see me off at the airport. We could wrap a big scarf around your head again, sunglasses. Your thoughts on a wig? :)

3:11 PM                 Our schedule tomorrow is packed. Suho was even trying to get out of an interview. It’s unlike him. Sorry. I’ll call you before boarding.

3:20 PM                 Okay. Sounds good. See you.

3:22 PM                 Bye.


Sunday 3:45 PM

3:45 PM                 Sometimes he’s so sweet, but sometimes he’s not all of a sudden. He’s very moody in a manly, stubborn way. It drives me a little nuts.

3:45 PM                 I think all men might be like that when, you know, you don’t flat out admit they’re your boyfriend.

3:45 PM                 But I’m really not sure. He hasn’t told me I’m his girlfriend either so in my head I think we’re even.

3:45 PM                 How long have you been seeing each other?

3:46 PM                 Less than a year?

3:46 PM                 Almost a year, wow. And you’ve slept with him yet.

3:48 PM                 Time flies by fast. And I haven’t.

3:48 PM                 Why not?

3:50 PM                 I tried, but it didn’t feel right yet. And is that all that’s important to you? Sleeping with people?

3:51 PM                 Of course not, but you’re literally the only I know, so ...

3:53 PM                 Even if I wanted to, it’s too risky. He’s ... well-known.


3:54 PM                 No names, I told you. That was our deal. I tell you about my secret kind-of-love life, you don’t ask about identities.

3:55 PM                  Sleeping with a colleague at SM, I’m so jealous. The most thrilling thing about my life is my mother finally deleting my profile.

3:56 PM                 1) Not sleeping with anyone. 2) A normal relationship > a secret affair any day. 3) My mom doesn’t know what a PDF file is.

3:57 PM                 Then why are you seeing him? Isn’t he man enough to show you off like prized poodle, and pepper you with 500 heart emoticons?

4:05 PM                 I like him because he’s a little weird ... but forgivably weird. Quiet. Near-zero aegyo. When I see him in action, it’s like he switches a light on and everything becomes brighter. He’s y ... soft in his own way, hard in his own way. He looks like a lamb, but he’s ... intense.  


4:08 PM                 Park Eunji ... why are we friends again?

4:09 PM                 Because I’m the only one who’s crazy enough to smuggle in Doritos, Celeteque, and dandruff shampoo for you.

4:09 PM                 My miracle in cell no. 7!


Sunday 8:45 PM

8:45 PM                 Boarding in a few.

8:46 PM                 I know. You should wear pink more often.    

8:46 PM                 How did you know I was wearing pink?

8:46 PM                 Where are you?

8:47 PM                 2 o’ clock, beautiful.

8:50 PM                 You are the most handsome, recluse-looking fake traveller in the airport ... dressed in Kravitz and Converse.

8:51 PM                 Lover-approved disguise: achievement unlocked.

8:52 PM                 You’re really something, Do Kyung-soo.

8:52 PM                 Let’s talk when you return. Please come back safe to me.


Sunday 10:34 PM

10:34 PM               Hey, D.O, Are you feeling better?

10:40 PM               I am. Thanks, Suho.

10:41 PM               Are you still going to the bathroom often? Nausea?

10:42 PM               Still going, but I feel better now. It must have been something I ate earlier. I’m really sorry I missed the interview. I’ll make up for it any way I can.

10:43 PM               It’s okay. Sehun was more than willing to oblige. I think he really liked the DJ.

10:44 PM               Yeah, he spoke really well today. Haha. Yehet.

10:44 PM               I’ll buy Gatorade and tea for you. You should take warm showers, too.

10:45 PM               I will. Thank you, Suho. I’ll wait for you guys to get back.

10:45 PM               No, no. Get as much rest as you can tonight so you’ll feel better in the morning. Let’s have soup in the morning so you can regain your energy.

10:46 PM               That sounds good. I’ll look forward to it.

10:47 PM               Good. Get some rest now. See you in the morning.


Friday 6:24 PM

6:24 PM                 Landing.

6:52 PM                 I’m just outside the airport.

6:52 PM                 Okay. See you there in a while.


Friday 6:45 PM

6:45 PM                 Just landed.

6:50 PM                 Great! I’m just parked outside. I’ll take you home. :)

6:52 PM                 You’re here?!

6:52 PM                 I felt bad when I couldn’t bring you to the airport, so I thought I’d make it up. Let’s grab a bite to eat, okay?

“Kyung-soo ...”

“Are you outside already?”

“No. Joon-myeon is here.”

“What? Why?”

“He said he felt bad about not bringing me to the airport so he surprised me now by picking me up. What should I do?”

“You should go with me.”

“I don’t know what to tell him. Kyung-soo? Hello? Hello? Kyung-soo? Damn it.”

“Kyung-soo? What are you doing here?”

“Joon-myeon, please step out of the car.”

“What ... what’s going on?”

“Just please step out of the car.”

“What’s happening?”

“I need to tell you the truth. It’s too important to be delayed or kept a secret any longer.”

“What are you talking about?”

“We’re seeing each other.”



“Me and her. Us. I’m here because of her.”

“I don’t underst—”

“Kyung-soo, let me explain to him—”

“We’ve been seeing each other for ten months.”


“I think I’m technically her boyfriend.”

“Joon-myeon, I was going to tell you, but I ... I didn’t know how. I didn’t want to make things awkward. Of course, it’s awkward now, but that’s my fault.”

“And mine.”

“How can you be his ...? I thought you didn’t even like each other. Is he the guy you were talking about the other day?”

“He is.”

“Is this some sort of prank?”

“It isn’t.”

“But the other day you said you weren’t sure about him.”

“I did ... but I am now.”

“I didn’t even know you two were friends ...”

“It’s a long story. A really, really long story.”

“Well, I ... I guess ... congratulations.”

“Thank you, Suho.”

“I’m sorry I kept this from you.”

“No, no, it’s okay. I’m sure both of you had reasons to keep it secret. It’s hard to date in our line of work and harder to be in a relationship. I’m happy you found each other.”

“Thank you, Joon-myeon ...”

“Well, I ... I better go. You’ll take her home now?”

“Yes, I will.”

“Good. Stay safe, you two. Good night.”

“Good night, Joon-myeon.”

“Drive safe, Suho.”

“You, too, D.O.”

“Are you all right?”

“That was his acting face.”

“It was? He seemed sincere.”

“He’s angry.”


Friday 8:45 PM

8:45 PM                 Kris, are you free right now?

8:52 PM                 Yeah. Just with Kai at the dorm.

8:53 PM                 Good. Let’s get wasted.

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