He's Cheating

My Player

“Soori, please listen to me,” Mark said as he followed her around the theater classroom.

“Why should I?” Soori raised an eyebrow at him as she made her way up to the costume shop.

“Because I have something really important to tell you!”

“Oh? Is it really something important or are you wasting your time?”

“Jimin is cheating on you,” Mark went straight to the point.

This made Soori freeze for a moment as she was pulling out a few dresses that was needed for the play. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath before turning around to face Mark. “And what makes you say that?”

“I saw him! Jinyoung did too! After I left the café. He was making out with another girl!”

“That doesn’t sound like Jimin. Honestly, if he liked another girl, he wouldn’t have bothered to mess with me. It’s not like him to just cheat on someone,” Soori scoffed as she walked past Mark, grabbing a few suits that were needed as well.

Mark groaned and turned to her, “Why would I lie about this?”

“I don’t know, maybe you’re jealous or something. But honestly, this just does not sound like Jimin,” Soori shrugged before holding up the costumes, “Now. Are you going to help me bring these down?”

With a soft sigh and a shake of his head, Mark helped Soori take the costumes down to Ms. Henan.

You have no idea how jealous I am… But I’m still not lying.


“So?” Jinyoung raised an eyebrow.

“She still won’t listen to me, and their date is after school today,” Mark sighed.

“Well… She’ll find out sooner or later. In which case you can first look her in the eye and say, ‘I told you so’ and then proceed to comfort her.”

“I guess… But I just don’t want her hurt.”

“Whether she believes you right now or finds out on her own, she’ll be hurt. You heard the story behind why she’s been in love with Jimin this entire time, finding out that the love of her life is cheating on her is going to break her.”

“Don’t call him the love of her life that makes me sick,” Mark shuddered.

Jinyoung rolled his eyes and shook his head at Mark, “Seriously, you have grown sooo soft for her.”

“So what, I grew a crush on her. I’m over it now. Thus why I have the girlfriend.”

“Speaking of the girlfriend, didn’t you guys agree to ditch third period to meet up and do God knows what?” Jinyoung raised an eyebrow.

“Oh! Right, thanks for the reminder. See you later!” Mark said and immediately went off to sneak out of the classroom. It was easy enough, considering Ms. Henan was nowhere to be found.

Jinyoung just shook his head and was about to get back to work when suddenly Soori approached him. The boy looked up with surprised eyes as the girl crossed her arms in front of him. “Uh… What’s up?” he asked.

“Where’d Mark run off to?” she asked.

“Aww, you care,” Jinyoung teased.

“Okay, bye,” Soori was about to turn around, but Jinyoung quickly cut her off. This was a chance for him to get back on her good side, so he decided to take it.

“He snuck out.”

“Girlfriend matters, I assume?”

“Yeah, how’d you know?”

“Lucky guess,” Soori shrugged. “Anyway, shouldn’t you be working at the sound board?”

“Shouldn’t you be working lights?”

“Heesung Unnie won’t leave me alone about Mark, so I ditched,” Soori chuckled.

“Oh… I just don’t like working with Tiffany. She and I don’t get along too well.”

“Well… Tiffany is a little overbearing sometimes. Give her some time and I’m sure you guys could work well together. Or you can go help Daniel with cutting the wood,” she suggested.

“Is Daniel even any better?” he sighed.

“He’s tons better, trust me,” Soori laughed. “Come on, if you’re shy I’ll go along with you.”

Jinyoung immediately brightened up, Soori was starting to lighten up with him again.

“For the record I’m only being nice to you because you’re not Jaebum or Mark,” Soori said as they approached Daniel.

“Heeyyy little freshmen! What’s up short stuff?” Daniel grinned as he gave Soori a hi-five.

“Daniel if you call me that again I will beat your ,” Soori chuckled.

“Feisty. Be careful, us men here like that,” Daniel playfully winked.

Soori rolled her eyes and punched his shoulder, “Shut up. I’m here because Jinyoung didn’t want to work with Tiffany.”

Daniel immediately gave a knowing look towards Jinyoung, “She been bossing you around as well?”

“She’s not even teaching me how to use the soundboard!” Jinyoung groaned.

The senior just sighed and shook his head before making his way to Jinyoung and wrapping his arm around the younger one’s shoulder, “Well don’t worry. Over here where the men work, we will teach you everything without bossing you around.”

Soori snorted at that, “Right. Men. Sure. If that’s what you want to think Danny.”

“Danny? Now who said you could call me that little lady?” Daniel laughed and playfully ruffled the girl’s hair before starting to tickle her.

She immediately squealed and reached her hands out to make him stop, roughly hitting his arms, “Yah!! Someone help me!!”

Dave came over and immediately helped Soori get out of Daniel’s clutches. The girl took a second to catch her breath before roughly punching the man’s arm, “Whatever happened to you not wanting to get on my bad side???” she laughed playfully.

“That changed when you called me Danny and denied us of our manliness!” he stuck his tongue out at her and laughed.

“You’re such a child,” Soori shook her head and patted Jinyoung’s shoulder, “Have fun with them! I’m going to be walking around the costume shop and hiding from Heesung Unnie. If any of you guys tell her I’m hiding from her I’ll kill you.” She gave once last warning glance at everyone before leaving.

“For a freshman, she has a pretty big ,” one of the juniors commented.

“Trust me, her is bigger than you guys think,” Jinyoung chuckled before joining the rest of the boys, “So how exactly do I work these things?”


After school Soori immediately met up with Jinhee and Serah. The two girls would not stop gushing about Soori’s date with Jimin later and wanted to give her a bit of a makeover so she could look even more stunning than she already did.

Mark happened to overhear their conversation as he and Jinyoung were waiting for the other boys to arrive. Silently, he shook his head to himself and let out a quiet chuckle.

No amount of makeup could make her more stunning than she already is.

He perked up slightly when he saw Jimin making his way to Soori. They exchanged a few words and laughs but that quickly ended when Jimin made an excuse to hurry home so he could run errands before their date. Soori immediately bought it but Serah seemed a little more confused. She noted that Jimin almost never does any errands.

Mark glanced over at Jinyoung, who just casually shooed him off as if he already knew what the red haired boy wanted. Mark nodded then just made a small announcement of his leaving, loud enough for the girls to hear, just so they wouldn’t have any questions about his sudden leaving.

Immediately, Mark headed in the same direction as Jimin. If Mark was at least half the player Jimin was, he knew exactly where he was going.


Soori was sitting alone at her house, patiently waiting for Jimin to come pick her up. She glanced at the clock again and heaved a small sigh, it was well past 7:30 now. Serah and Jinhee had already left her house because they didn’t want to be intruding for too long, they also mentioned having other things that they had to do.

When the doorbell rang, it was already 7:45. Soori walked over and opened the door, revealing a very apologetic Jimin. He held up a bouquet of roses and gave her a small smile. “I’m sorry… My errands took up more time than I expected them to…”

Soori immediately bought the lie and took the bouquet from him, “It’s okay… Thank you for the roses. Will we still have time to catch our movie though?”

“I think we’ll have to change the movie date to something else… How about the mall? I need a little help getting an outfit ready for tomorrow,” Jimin chuckled.

“It’s a little late but… Sure! I’d be more than happy to help with that,” Soori grinned widely.

Jimin offered his arm to her and she gladly accepted it as they made their way out of Soori’s house.


“So why exactly did I get dragged out to this…?” Bambam asked while watching Serah picking between two different tops.

Serah just smiled at him and held up the two tops, “I need someone’s opinion. I figured you should be pro at this since I already made you go shopping with me before.”

The boy just chuckled lightly while shoving his hands into his pockets, “I like the blue one better.”

“Yah. It’s not about what you like. It’s about what looks better on me!” she scolded as she placed the blue top in front of her body, then switched to the other top which was the same design but it was black.

“…What exactly is the difference between the two shirts? That one is black, that one is blue, but otherwise they’re exactly the same.”

“Which color matches my skin tone?”

“Serah, I’m a dude. I don’t understand this things.”

Serah puffed out her cheeks then turned to face a mirror while changing between the two shirts, mumbling to herself, “I should have just made Jinhee come with me.”

“I still think the blue one looks better. But then again, you look stunning either way,” Bambam chuckled.

Serah faintly blushed and tried to focus on the mirror so she didn’t have to face him, but then her eyes caught onto something else that made her immediately turn around. Bambam followed her line of sight and raised an eyebrow. “We all knew they had a date tonight, why do you seem so shocked?”

“Let’s stalk them!” Serah immediately grabbed onto Bambam’s hand and pulled him over to hide behind a rack of clothes.

“Serah, are you crazy? Just let them be,” he chuckled lightly while trying to stand up, only to have Serah pull him back down.

“Bambam, I’m going to be honest with you. I don’t like the idea of Jimin dating Soori. Thus, we are going to stalk them until I see something that proves that he is worthy of her.”

“What about the whole life saving incident. Shouldn’t that be enough proof for you?” Bambam chuckled.

“Hmm… Nope! I mean, what if you were in Jimin’s position at the time? If you really think about it, anyone would have done what he did.”

Bambam blinked a few times as he thought about that. It was true. It would have only been humane of anyone to help Soori the way Jimin helped her that night, looking at it through that perspective made everything a little more different. Then, Bambam remembered what he heard Mark and Jinyoung talking about.

“I overheard a conversation between Mark and Jinyoung,” he suddenly said.

This got Serah’s interest and she looked over at him, “What did they say?”

“Well I’m not sure word for word but… I think they said they caught Jimin cheating on Soori.”

Serah stared at him before slowly standing up, pulling on Bambam’s arms so he would also stand with her. She very gently patted his arms and calmly looked into his eyes, “So… You heard that Jimin is cheating on Soori and decided to tell me about this just now?”

Bambam nodded slowly, “I forgot until now.”

“You need to get a better memory. Come on, buy the blue one real quick and we’re going to follow them!” Serah threw the shirt at him before fast-walking over to where Jimin and Soori were, making sure to keep a good distance so they wouldn’t notice her.

Bambam quickly bought the shirt then walked over to where Serah was, acting normally without trying to hide from Soori and Jimin. Serah looked at him and quickly beckoned him closer so that he wasn’t in the couple’s line of sight. With an eyebrow raised, Bambam did as he was told, standing closer to Serah while they spied on Jimin and Soori.

“I just don’t think we should spying on them,” he said after following the couple into three different stores.

“Why not?”

“Does it seem like Jimin has done anything to show that he’s not interested in her?”

“No. But it doesn’t seem like he’s done anything to show that he is interested in her.”

“And what about us?”

She froze a little at that question, “What about us?”

“You seem more interested in spying on them than you are in me,” he shrugged nonchalantly.

“I just care about Soori.”

“More than you care about me?”

“Honestly, I know what you’re trying to get at right now, but that should be a no brainer. Of course I care about Soori more than you. That’d be like me asking you if you cared about Yugyeom more than me. I know you care more for your friends.”

“…Fair enough. But still, what’s the real reason you invited me out here tonight?”

“Help me pick out my clothes?”

“And why me instead of Jinhee?”

“Because I wanted a boy's opinion."

"Do you not like Moonhyun or Woobin's opinions?"

"Their tastes in women's clothing is a little... Not what I want."

"And my taste in women's clothing is?"

"More like I'm testing the waters."

Bambam raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"I'm still seeing which kinds of clothes you like."

"Oh? And then after a few more dates you'll dump me if you don't like it?" he chuckled.

"Hmm... I don't think I'd dump you."

"I'm glad to hear that. Now, honestly, if I hadn't agreed to come, would you have called Jackson or someone else?"

"...No I don't think I would have."

"Now there's an answer I'm happy to hear."

"Oh? And why is that?" Serah chuckled.

"Because I'd prefer it if you spent more time with me than any of the other guys."

Serah blushed a little and smiled, "You won't have to worry about that. I also want you spending more time with me than anyone else."

Bambam just smiled widely at that reply.

"You're happy now, huh?" she chuckled slightly.

“Yes, yes I am,” Bambam smiled cheekily at her before wrapping his arm around her shoulder. “I know it’s a little last minute, but is it too late to ask you to be my date to homecoming?”

“You’re an ,” Serah shook her head and averted her gaze so he wouldn’t see her blushing. Then, she looked around the room before looking back up at the boy. “We lost Jimin and Soori.”


Serah and Bambam continued their date, every now and then keeping a lookout for the couple, just to make sure. However, now with their feelings out in the open, they paid a lot more attention to each other.

By the time they found Soori again, she was walking home alone. What was worse, when they saw Jimin again on their way home, he was with another girl.

Serah turned to Bambam and frowned, “He really is cheating on her…”

“First Jinhee and Jaebum now Jimin and Soori…”

Serah didn’t want to believe it, “Maybe they’re just fri-” She turned to clarify Jimin’s relationship with the girl, and found the two having a heated kiss in front of someone’s house. After a few more seconds, Jimin took the girl’s hand and went inside the house with her. His intentions were clear.

Bambam took Serah’s hand and they quickly ran back to Soori’s house. They ran the doorbell and waited impatiently.

“Oh. Serah, Bambam, what’s up?” Soori asked with a smile when she opened the door, “I wasn’t expecting you guys.”

“Jimin is cheating on you!” Serah immediately wiped the smile off of Soori’s face.

“S-Serah what are you-”

“We just caught him making out with another girl, Soori. He’s using you,” Bambam frowned.

Soori looked back and forth between the two, she felt conflicted deep inside. She was filled with betrayal and anger, but she didn’t want to believe it. She then remembered that Mark told her the same thing that morning and she shook her head.

“Are you doing this for Mark, Bambam? Did he ask you to convince me that Jimin is really cheating on me?” Soori snapped.

“What? No! Soori we’re telling you the truth!”

“Serah… You let him drag you into this?”

“Soori, listen to us.”

“I don’t want to. I don’t want to believe it. You’re lying.”

Serah sighed and grabbed Soori’s shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze, “Soori you know me better than I know myself. Why would I lie to you like this?”

Soori stayed silent at that.

Serah gave a small smile to her then stepped away, “Look, if you don’t want to believe us, then fine. Sorry for dropping the news on you, see you tomorrow at homecoming,” she said before turning away.

Bambam bit his lip and rubbed Soori’s arm, giving her a reassuring smile before turning to leave.

He’s… Cheating…



I am not even sorry right now c:

Okay no but I'm pretty sorry for not updating in forever.

I meant to update.

But school is so y.

Like what is this life.

I don't even know.

My school changed /SO/ many things and I just. Ugh. No. .

Next chapter I hope will be more exciting. This is more or less a little filler chapter c: Plus SerahxBambam because why the hell not.


Comment Replies~


Beauty28 - Everyone is a player-

thelillcat - Welp. Let's see what happens at homecoming next chapter c:

panda_19 - I'm sorry >,<

GzEXOluv - YOU'RE LUCKY YOU STARTED SCHOOL LATER. T_T But I'm sorry about the drama-

bloomst - I don't understand what you mean--

ChunJoeGirl3071 - I KNOOOOWWW

Waffle_Berry - Oh... I'm sorry about your friend :( I hope she's doing well.

Tigerlove - I'm happy to hear you love my story so much :3

MinRa14 - I have updated <3

BlueTeddy9 - Talk about the first time a player has been pitied XD Sorry for such a late update~

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Thank you!
Here's the thing. I want to update more than anything. However, I'm on vacation and no laptop. Also, I'm suffering writers block for this chapter. Sorry


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riefor3v3r #1
Chapter 30: It was getting so good too
thelillcat #2
Chapter 29: Please do finish it.
thelillcat #3
Chapter 29: Nooooooooooooo~~~~~~~~~~~~
Chapter 29: Chapter 29:Please finish it. I want to see them together and also i really love this story
Linebae_93 #5
Chapter 28: I finished it!!! God!! I started like7pm I guess?? and now it's 1:43am...I know this is crazy but hey this is me..I can't fall asleep when I'm dying to know what happened next..kekeke But too sad it's end here..update soon authornim~~~ and I actually didn't realize that I had left a lot of comments in here..that's creepy actually!! I didn't know why I did it but I'm not regretting either since the story is good!!! I finished this story in a day and now I had tired eyes..I need to sleep and when I did it this story will eventually appears in my dreams.. which I gladly want..I mean who doesn't want to dream about MARK??? hahaha...okay this is out of topic already.. seriously I'm crazy because I read this story in just a few hours.. I'm tired but somehow it's worth it... hahahaha...Update soon authornim~~~ I really really really love this story!!!!!
Linebae_93 #6
Chapter 27: Mark comforts her..poor Soori..his dad was a total jerk!!
Linebae_93 #7
Chapter 25: so that's why she hesitated with Mark ~~ poor soori~~
Linebae_93 #8
Chapter 24: I think Mark mistaken by saying that Soori is cute because from my perspective he is the cute one!!! oh my god!!