The Definition of Insanity



Lee Mae Woo, 18 years old, drove herself insane. All in the name of love.


For the past two years, she has etched tally marks into the wall, love quotes, paints onto her arm. Mae has not spoken in months, and only talks with her eyes, sending death glares towards the nurses who works at the hospital she lives in. For the past two years, she has been confined in her hospital room cell and does nothing but sleep, eat, and watch outside her window. For the past two years, she has ignored the fact that her parents hate her. For the past two years, Mae has ignored the stares that come through that small pane of glass on her door. For the past two years, Mae ignored the look of those vacant, brown eyes that she once loved.


Today, she decides to end it all.

This story is an entry in Give Me A Year writing contest.




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