Say Something

Cloud 9 Recommendations and Review Shop

Say Something (The Things He Wants to Hear)


“Jongdae?” He heard an angelic voice call out to him. He then turned around with a smile and asked, “What is it?” “Well, do you know what love is?” She asked, lips curving into a shy smile. “I honestly don’t know what love really means. Do you?” He asked, staring down at her brown orbs, and got captivated by them twinkling when sunlight shone on them. She shook her head and frowned, cutely, as he said it was. “We should learn its definition together, alright?” She grinned, and he told himself he is indeed lucky as heavens sent him an angel. “Yes, let’s learn together.” He stuttered out a reply and smiled, gathering all his power not to embarrass himself in front of her and blush.



This is one of the most beautiful one shots I've ever read and I can't believe it's gotten so little attention. It's also a light read for anyone with a bit of time on their hands. Please give it a chance. Plus, it's Chen-centric.

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I don't know what us happening with the links and all that. I'm trying to fix it, but its still not working. I am sincerely sorry. - Lovebisous


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yogurt96 #2
Chapter 3: I love fan-atic's stories <333
Chapter 15: WOWOWOWOW. I'm actually really surprised that your review was so positive ;-; I was expecting some negative comment about the story x3 I'm extremely relieved! My heart was almost beating out of my chest haha. Thank you for taking your time reading and reviewing the story :) I appreciate it so much! Thank you.
Hello :) I'd like to recommend my story. I'll always update. Please check it out and ENJOY :D Comments, suggestions and recommendations will be greatly appreciated. Thanks :)
You have the softies I have read, you have such good taste!
Panda_landa #7
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