Our little game

Our Maknae

A Month after Sehun and Kai decided that it's better for them to be just friends EXO was about to have their comeback. As the practices started Sehun and Jogin were trying to act as nothing happened but other members could feel the tension between these two. Suho was worried about maknaes, he knew about their relationship from Sehun. Yeah, he and Sehun were pretty close now, especially after their moved to new drom and him and Sehun became roommates. Suho didn't really wanted to fix things between younger but he was the leader after all and he couldn't let the situation affect on their upcomming performances. Once he was in his room with Sehun he decided to ask maknae if everything is ok.

"Hey, Sehun-ah.."

"Yes, hyung?"

"How are things between you and Kai?" Sehun looked at him with rised eyebrows

"Everything is fine. Why are you asking?"

"Sehun..." Suho sat on a bed, beside younger "Everyone can tell that something happend between you two."

"I know hyung... It's just that after that night... I can't really talk with Jogin without being ashemed."

"You have nothing to be ashamed with Hunnie." He hugged younger tightly "You're young so is he. And everybody makes mistakes when it comes to love" 

Sehun couldn't sleep this night. He kept thinking Was that a mistake? 


The firs one that get sick with Sehun's behavior was Luhan. He was irritated because younger totally ignored him. The same goes to Chanyeol, everytime he tried to make any contact with him, younger was ignoring him. Kai was in even worst position. Sehun pretended the he simply didn't exist (or this is how Kai interpreted him)

So in this situation Luhan told them to meet in his room.

"Remind me why are we all here?" Kai asked.

"We need to talk about Sehun..."

"So I'll leave now" Kai was opening the door when Suho grabbed him by his wrist

"Sit Jogin. We all know that you love him"

"We all love him" Chanyeol whispered 

"And that's the problem, he can't love all of us. That's why I asked you to come here. Let's play a little game." Everyone looked at Luhan with questioning look "Yeah, you heard me well. The winner will get Sehun's heart" Luhan smirked 

"Are you ing serious! He's not some kind of toy you can win!" Suho screamed. It wasn't right. They shouldn't fight over Sehun or playing a game.

"Are the're any rules?" Chanyeol asked. Suho couldn't belive his ears.

"Guys! Are you seriously gonna "play"!?"

"Why not? It may be the only chance to get him" Luhan said

"Get him? Have you any idea what are you saying? That's it. I'm out." and with that Suho left the room.

after a minute of silence Chanyeol finally spoke up:

"So what about the rules?"

Luhan smirked in victory Stupid idiots. 

"Let me explain you everything..."




I'm updating 'cause OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOGMOGM! OVERDOSE! I'm already feelin' it ;p 

It may be rushed but that's because I want to finish this fic and start another one ^^~ Thanks for reading and commenting. It really means a lot to me ;_; xoxo <3

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selu947 #1
Question: what's the main pairing/couple??
thyrami246 #2
Chapter 9: Why .. Taemin just ruined everything odg..
I hope it'll be chanhun, bcs hunhan's fics is already way too much, sekai too.. We need more chanhun fic~
xHurtless #3
I hope it's not a Hunhan ending, there's already too much fanfic of this pairing (I'm tired of it)...
Besides this pairing is dead. I would rather like Taohun (more real. Even if i'm a Chanhun shipper I can't deny the fact that they are really close in reality)
Chapter 9: Omg..........
Chapter 9: Omg! Update soon
ayanesakura #6
Chapter 9: Sehunnnn go to Tao Gege nowwww... he is better for u frome every way?/ *slapme
Chapter 9: This sounds so mean but I wanted Kai to go for Taemin because I'm a HUGE HunHan shipper XD I soooo hope Luhan gets Sehun kekekeke.I wonder if Chanyeol gets heartbroken and Beakhyun is the rebound guy-that would be awesome~ Anyway,I really enjoy reading this XD
Chapter 8: Why my baby taeminㅜㅜㅜㅜ
zaraaki #9
Chapter 8: my sekaiiiii is ruined~~!!!!! nooooooo~~!!!
Chapter 8: :O LuHan it's your chance!!
(HunHan shipper here)
I really want them to be together :/