Best Friends Forever 1/2 (preview)

Our Maknae

Kai came back at 4a.m. Everyone was sleeping expect Sehun. He was sitting on his bed staring at the wall. He inhalated deeply as dancer entered.the room.

"You're not sleeping Sehunnie?"

"Kai...." Sehun tried to sound normal bit his voice was shaking.

"Something's wrong?"

"Can you sit beside me please?" Kai started to worried about what will happened next. He expected that Sehun will tell him that he and Luhan are together now or maybe even getting married and he's gonna be Sehun's best-man. 

"Do you remember the first time we met? I think I'll never forget that moment. I know it's awkward but I fell for you. I thought that you are the only one for me. You were so nice to me but I realised that I'm only a friend to you. That your kisses and cute nicknames you gave me don't mean anything... I would never told you that but some things happened.... And I can't keep it any longer. I love you. I love you Kim Jogin."






It's just a preview. I'll update tonight to stay tuned. Xoxo (and omg 49 subs? Woah. Thank you guys <3)

Maybe some ??? (hyhyhy) 


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selu947 #1
Question: what's the main pairing/couple??
thyrami246 #2
Chapter 9: Why .. Taemin just ruined everything odg..
I hope it'll be chanhun, bcs hunhan's fics is already way too much, sekai too.. We need more chanhun fic~
xHurtless #3
I hope it's not a Hunhan ending, there's already too much fanfic of this pairing (I'm tired of it)...
Besides this pairing is dead. I would rather like Taohun (more real. Even if i'm a Chanhun shipper I can't deny the fact that they are really close in reality)
Chapter 9: Omg..........
Chapter 9: Omg! Update soon
ayanesakura #6
Chapter 9: Sehunnnn go to Tao Gege nowwww... he is better for u frome every way?/ *slapme
Chapter 9: This sounds so mean but I wanted Kai to go for Taemin because I'm a HUGE HunHan shipper XD I soooo hope Luhan gets Sehun kekekeke.I wonder if Chanyeol gets heartbroken and Beakhyun is the rebound guy-that would be awesome~ Anyway,I really enjoy reading this XD
Chapter 8: Why my baby taeminㅜㅜㅜㅜ
zaraaki #9
Chapter 8: my sekaiiiii is ruined~~!!!!! nooooooo~~!!!
Chapter 8: :O LuHan it's your chance!!
(HunHan shipper here)
I really want them to be together :/