


Interference (n.) the superposition of two waves. Such phenomena could lead to  a destructive or a constructive wave.


As the memories fleeted and were replaced by a new white slate, Junmyeon wakes up. He feels the cold metal pressed against his head and around his shoulders. He eyes his handler, Yifan, blankly. Yifan gives him a smile, one of the first one in hundreds that they’ll both share, since Junmyeon himself hasn’t learned how to do so.

But Junho knows.

But Joon knows.

But Sujoon knows.

They all know how to smile.

But Junmyeon doesn’t.

He learns everything, knows everything, through the Transfer of the memories from the Bank. Memories of hundreds and thousands of different people from the past decades before the Fall Out were stored there. Files and files, records upon records were kept religiously for the sake of people who long to feel again the love of those who left or never survived.

Everyday, Junmyeon takes on a new form. Sometimes he’s a doctor, last week a military, yesterday he was a stay-at-home dad. Everyday he takes on a new name. Everyday he takes care of different people. He offers them a smile, hugs of comfort, sometimes even kisses of forgotten desire. Everyday he falls in love with a different person.

But Junmyeon himself doesn’t know how.

Little do both Yifan and Junmyeon know that in a few weeks, Junmyeon would be Suho, the young man who taught Yifan that nothing will be alright, that forever is empty, and that eternity is frightening.

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2440 streak #1
Chapter 1: wish this was continued!
very intriguing prologue! and the terms!
Chapter 1: Oooh the plot seems promising. Do continue please.