Because you're a man

Because you're a man
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You look at the time, in a minute he will be home soon. A smile appears on your face as you look at the candle light dinner you prepare. You’ve been cooking all day. Today will be your 3rd year anniversary as a couple.

Jaejoong and You were been a couple for 3 years now. You two live together for almost 2 years now. But lately he seems a bit distance towards you. You don’t know why but you push those thoughts behind since it’s your anniversary. You want this to be a happy day just like before.

You sat down on the chair excited for him to see everything you make. You look at the front waiting for him to open the door and with his handsome smiles.

But hours already passed. You look at the wall clock to see that it’s already near might night. The candle in the middle of the table already melts down, the food that you cook for the both of you already cold as you patience already coming to the end. You had been calling him for so many times now but you always get into his answering machine.

Another disappointed sighs skip your lips as you look at the front door again. You want to think that he might stick in traffic that’s why he is late. But the tears of disappointment won’t stop rolling down from your cheeks, as you stare blankly at the table.

Losing all your patience after waiting for another 30 minutes for him to come. You stood up as you start cleaning everything. Throwing the food in the trash bin, since you don’t have an appetite to eat at all.

You walk to the bedroom, lying down on the bed as you stare at the ceiling. Many thoughts come to your mind that scares the hell out of you. ‘Does he forget about our anniversary? But that’s impossible since he is the one who always remind me about it or maybe his just busy on his work’ you tell yourself. But something inside you won’t believe that reason.

You knew that his being distance to you for couples of weeks now has something to do with this. ‘Does he found something new? Oh please god don’t let that be the reason for of this’ another set of tears rolled down on your cheek as you turn the light off and close your eyes with a heavy heart.


Meanwhile Jaejoong was right out the apart that you two staying. Holding his phone on his hand, today was your 3rd year anniversary together as couple, he want to walk inside and celebrate it with you, but something inside him stops him for taken a step towards you. He don’t know why his been acting like this, ever since the talk you two shared couple of weeks ago.

When the word marriage skips your mouth, Jaejoong froze on his position. Yes he loves you so much but marriage is a big commitment and he doesn’t know if he can make you happy, if he can support his future family. Ever since that talk with you Jaejoong become distance and avoid the topic about marriage.

As soon as the light from the window of your bedroom Jaejoong left as he went somewhere.

Jaejoong gulp his 6th glass of whisky, circling his finger tip on the mouth of the glass. The noise didn’t bother him at all as his mind where somewhere else.

Jaejoong come home around 3 o’clock in the morning, your eyes pop open when you heard a loud noise outside. You turn to your side still no Jaejoong. Biting your bottom lip you bravely walk to the living room to see none other than Jaejoong lying down on the floor.

You can smell the strong scent of alcohol in the air. You glared at him all this time his been drinking forgetting the special day for the both of you. Your hand turns into tight fist as you try to control your anger at him.

With all your might you take his heavy body to the bed, removing his shoes off and pull the cover over him. You caress his bangs away from his face as tears skip from your eyes. “Why are you doing this oppa?” You mumble under your breath. “Do you really don’t love me anymore” Those words hurt you a lot.

You love him so much more than anything in this world. Jaejoong was been your savior for all the things that happened to your life. You were thinking that god send him for you to love. But seeing in this kind of condition pains you so muc

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Chapter 1: Sweet

Now all i need is a boyfriend like Jaejoong

I'm so gonna die single
Andreaaa06 #2
Chapter 1: I loveeeee the story
Chapter 1: i luvvvvvvvvvv it!
moonjoy #4
Love it :)
aten_shaf #5
Chapter 1: Can u make a sequel,please??? It a have a nice storyline...
Chapter 1: i love it omg it brought tears to my eyes ;-; please continue it :D
meilianalim #7
Chapter 1: lovee it, continue pleaseee
Berlianvelia #8
Chapter 1: Loce it.., it would be awesome if there's next chapter;)
DeeDee_24 #9
Chapter 1: nice =) more please?
ayouth #10
hi..nice story..
but it will be nice if a bit longer ^^
anyway thanks for the story