Our Wedding Day

Our Wedding Day

Oh crap. It's raining today. Damn it. I need to go somewhere but it's raining. I hope it will end soon. I'm in my car on the way to the place to visit you. 'Aish. My make up will be ruined if I will go out from this car.' Oh. I forgot. My name is Kim Heechul the Great, fiancé of Hankyung or should I say Han Geng. It's our 8th Anniversary today. I'll tell you the story where me and Han Geng started.



   It was rainy day like today. I'm on my way home but I forgot my umbrella. 'Aish pabo me.' I ran to the nearest store to dry myself. I was drying myself until a man came. I stare at the man. 'Oh god. He's hot. He's really my type.' I offered a handkerchief to him. He accepted and he smiled at me. I blush and I looked away. "Hey. Thanks for the handkerchief. My name is Han Geng. But they called Hankyung." He spoke and he offered his hand. "My name is Kim Heechul. Nice to meet you, Hangeng." I spoke as I shake his hand and smiled at him. We've talked until the rain stopped. He told me that he'll walk me home. I gladly accepted it. After few minutes of walking, we've reached to my house. We exchanged numbers and I kissed him on his cheek. We've been seeing each other after that day. But then, I was almost kidnapped. He saved me. He protected me from the bad people. And one day, we've started dating. He courted me, ofcourse. I say yes. And after 4 years, we had an arguement. It's our first arguement since we've been dating. He was jealous. We've talked about it and after that day, he proposed to me. It was my one of the best day ever. I said yes. We've decided that after a year, we will get married. We need to save up and plan our wedding carefully. I want it to be perfect. After a year, it's already our wedding. Everything is perfect. I arrived early at the church. I found out that Han Geng was not yet arrived. We were waiting for him to come. Suddenly, he called me. Tears fell from my eyes and I rushed to the car. I drove to the hospital and I went to the emergency room. Yes, he was caught in an accident. Before he rushed into the operating room, he spoke. "I'm fine. Don't worry. I love you, My Rela." He smiled at me and he was sent to the operating room. 



I finally arrived at my destination. I get off from the car and start walking. I'm really thankful that the rain stopped. I've reached the place. I placed the flower above the gravestone.


Here lies Han Geng

February 9 1984 - November 6 2010

A Prince Charming that loves his Cinderella


Yes. He died that day. He died on the day of our wedding.

"Happy 8th Anniversary, My Prince. It's been 3 years since you've left. Are you happy there? Did you met my parents there? Watch over me, my love. Always remember that I love you. Eventhough you left me on the day of our wedding. I didn't even able to say "I do." You didn't even able to kiss your gorgeous wife. You've just wasted my beauty that day. I really miss you. I really am. I know we'll be meeting soon. I'll do my best here to make you proud, my husband. I love you." I spoke while my tears falling from my precious eyes. "If I can turn back the time, we will postponed the wedding so you will be here with me until now. I really miss you, my chinaman." I wipe my tears and there's a rainbow as I looked up. I smiled.


"My chinaman, do you hear me?"




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LunaVoid #1
Chapter 1: Oh dear, this is so sad. I really love your story, it's perfect.
Chapter 1: so sad but beautiful love