Chapter 9

I Thought Forever Was Real

The A Pink girls were busy practicing for their comeback when suddenly their practice room was ambushed by Infinite. Shocked, the six girls turned to the door to see the seven boys holding plastic bags in their hands, looking all happy and smug.

Sunggyu looked at them and held up the plastic bag he's holding before exclaiming, "Yah girls! Chicken!"

The girls squealed and immediately pulled the boys down to the floor so that they can all eat together. The two groups were happily eating and having a blast when Chorong's phone beeped, indicating a new text message. Still immersed in her chicken feet, Chorong told Woohyun to read the text and to show her if it's important. Cocking an eyebrow, Woohyun read the text and showed it to Chorong who nearly choked on her food. They looked at each other silently and Chorong just shrugged before eating again while Woohyun gripped her phone tightly as he couldn't believe the nerve of Suho to want to meet up with Chorong after what he had done. He looked at her again but she wasn't looking at her and her shoulders were tense, showing that she's indirectly worried about the issue.

Sighing, he put her phone down and whispered softly to her, "Rong-ah, don't worry okay? Just pretend that he didn't text you." 

They were too immersed in their mini conversation that they didn't realise that their members were looking slyly at them. Teases were then heard and Dongwoo was happily commenting, "Yah! Just date already!" Chorong ducked her head in embarassment while Woohyun glared at s before dismissing their teases.

After eating to their hearts' content, Infinite stayed and watched over A Pink's practice as they have nothing else to do. Chorong's phone was with Woohyun for safekeeping and during the practice, her phone vibrated - showing an incoming call from Joon Myeon. Looking at Chorong, Woohyun stealthily walked out of the dance room and answered it.

"Baby? Chorong-ah, is this you?!" Suho nearly shouted in glee, the moment the call was answered.

To his surprise, a man's voice answered. "Ah, Chorong is busy practicing. Who is this may I ask?"

Suho, who was with the other members of EXO, immediately stood up quickly as he heard the voice from the speakerphone. EXO looked at each other worriedly before keeping quiet, wanting to know who the man was.

"Ah, this is Woohyun. You are?"

Suho stuttered, "Ah.... Ah..... Her friend. C-c-can you please tell Chorong to call me back immediately once she's done with practice? It's quite important."

"Yes, sure," replied Woohyun curtly before hanging up immediately.

Suho looked at the other members in disbelief and asked confusedly, "Woohyun? Who?"

Kai wondered briefly and then shouted, "AH! INFINITE WOOHYUN-SUNBAENIM?"

Hearing that, Suho visibly deflated and looked utterly dejected. Chanyeol who was on his laptop quickly searched "Infinite Woohyun and A Pink Chorong". To his despair, tons of articles and pictures came up of the both of them. The group crowded around his laptop and started clicking on every article, reading them diligently. Titles such as, "Infinite Woohyun and A Pink Chorong dating?" "Infinite Woohyun meeting up with A Pink Chorong at a cafe late at night" "Infinite Woohyun and A Pink Chorong taking a stroll at Han River together" "Infinite Woohyun fetching A Pink Chorong from Cube Entertainment" "A Pink Chorong brought a puppy for Infinite Woohyun's birthday" "A Pink Chorong wearing Infinite Woohyun's jacket on the flight to Japan" were shown with pictures as well. Suho and the members read each of the article carefully and even looked at the accompanying pictures critically, wanting to see whether it was photoshopped by the fans. To their despair, the pictures were all legit, even the one where Chorong is wearing Woohyun's jacket as they zoomed in on the jacket which has his initials sewn on it on the left shoulder and the infinite symbol on the right shoulder. There were also many forums regarding the pair as to whether they're actually dating or whether they're just extremely close friends.

Suho gritted his teeth as every article said that they would look cute together and that the fans will always support their relationship. He was scrolling through the pictures when he suddenly stopped and clicked on a picture of Chorong and Woohyun, zooming it in.

The members looked at him weirdly and Sehun asked, "Hyung, why are you zooming in?"

He looked at the picture closely and immediately smiled in triumph. He pointed at a necklace on Chorong's neck and said, "That's mine. That was my present to her on our 5th month anniversary. She is still wearing it no matter how long it has been. I've not lost her yet."

Kris turned his head, looking at the picture again and asked, "How positive are you that it's your necklace? It could be a new one or an identical one."

Suho shook his head confidently and pointed again, "It's definitely mine. The one that I gave her. I know how it looks like and there will never be an identical one as the necklace is custom-made from her favourite jewel."

The members just nodded slowly and continued reading the articles interestedly while Suho just lie down on the couch again, not wanting to read any longer. "I will get you back, Park Chorong. You'll be mine because I am yours. Not even Woohyun-sunbaenim can take you away from me," he thought while clutching his phone tightly to his chest. Then, his phone started ringing, displaying an incoming call from Ronggie Baby 💗. Fumbling, he immediately answered it and put it on loudspeaker, gesturing to the other members to keep quiet.

A soft voice was heard saying softly, "Hello?" Suho wiped his hands on his pants, sweating before replying, "Ronggie?"

A sharp intake of breath could be heard before she said, "Ah, Kim Joon Myeon. You called for?"

Suho shut his eyes in pain as her tone went all curt and formal. He replied softly, "Ronggie, please don't be like this. Can we meet?"

Before she can reply, footsteps were heard and a melodious voice was heard. "Unnie! Look at this new group, EXO, isn't this guy your type?" asked the girl excitedly.

The EXO members looked at each other confused yet some were grinning as they realised that their sunbaes are interested in watching their performance. Chorong's voice was then heard replying, "Hayoungie, who? What do you mean my type?" EXO nodded their head as they realised that the unknown girl was A Pink's maknae, Oh Hayoung.

"Wait a minute, I go and find out his name," replied Hayoung while Chorong just replied, "Ne, maknae-ah! But you still have yet to tell me why he's my type!"

Hayoung's voice was then heard again and EXO went tense as they wanted to know who it was that was pointed out by her. "Unnie, his name is Xi Luhan!" she shouted before continuing, "He is definitely your type! Look at the performance and see why I said that!"

A sigh could be heard and Chorong's voice again crackled through the speakerphone, "Ne, Hayoungie. Later okay? I'm on the phone now."

Upon hearing Luhan's name, the members tensed and looked at the mentioned one to see him smirking at Suho. Sehun looked at his favourite hyung before looking at the leader and nearly winced at the look on his face. Luhan grinned happily and then continued to lie down on the floor, although he is still listening to the phone conversation.

Chorong then said softly again, "Sorry Joon Myeon but you were saying?"

Suho replied, "Can we meet?"

Chorong sighed before replying, "I'm sorry but we can't. You just debuted and if we get caught meeting, there will be a huge scandal and I don't think your company will like that."

Suho retorted childishly, "You can't meet me because of scandal scares, Rong-ah? But you can meet Woohyun-sunbaenim in public? How is that not scandalous?"

Icily, Chorong replied, "Everyone knows I'm close to Woohyun oppa. No one knows I'm close to you and I don't even want people to know that I was ever close to you, Kim Joon Myeon. Because then they will dig up the past and I don't think you want that to happen right? Besides, what I have between Woohyun oppa is none of your concern. Ask yourself, Kim Joon Myeon. Who are you to me?"

Woohyun's voice could then be heard, "Rong, you ready to go? Let me send you!" and Chorong replied, "Ne oppa! I'll be out soon!"

Suho clenched his fist tightly upon hearing that and was going to say something to Chorong when he was interrupted. "Well, Joon Myeon. I got to go. It was nice talking to you. From now on, don't contact me any longer," she said curtly and hung up.

Suho wanted to shout to her to not hang up on him and that he was sorry but the beeping of an ended call was heard. The members all looked at each other before slowly standing, walking out of the living room and back to their rooms, leaving their leader to his despair. Kris and Kyungsoo patted his shoulder before leaving. Luhan smirked at him and said, "Ah, so I'm her type eh? That's nice since she's my type too. And apparently, Woohyun-sunbaenim's type too," before exiting the place with a jaunty step. Suho grunted at Luhan's words and had to resist the urge of shouting and throwing the pillows in anger and frustration. He cradled his face in his hands and whispered, "I don't want to lose you, baby."

Wheeeeeee, an update! Yay me! And whooop how dramatic is this chapter?!?! Did you all like it though? If you do, please comment and subscribe and upvote! You know what to do! If you don't like it, well do comment on what you think can make my story better and etc too! Constructive criticism please! Thanks for reading and love all of you! (Also, welcome new subscribers!)

xoxo, fitriahz.

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Chapter 10: aaahhhh sooo good please update as soon as you can !!!! XD
82 streak #2
Chapter 10: Update more
Chapter 10: I like your story ! Plz update more
82 streak #4
Chapter 10: This is SURONG fanfic so it must be a SURONG ENDING
Chapter 9: woorong and lurong are cute, idk why hahahaa
Chapter 9: no no no not surong please woorong and maybe not lurong.
alicia5699 #7
Chapter 9: Surong please be together!
vale0994 #8
Chapter 9: I love this chapter, woorong is so cute, but I really love surong so much ^^ update soon <3
kyubigirls #9
new reader here, waiting for your update author-nim. really love your story ><
reenahenson #10
Chapter 8: wahh!! chohan feels~~~ fighting author-nim!!! i'm always waiting for ur update!!