
Guardian Angel

Here you were. Once again. Curled up in your bed, with tears falling down your cheeks. Your apartment felt cold, and the only light available was the light from the stars coming in through your window. Your phone was sitting on the drawer next to your bed with a visible blue light flashing, meaning that either, you had a missing call or someone had texted you. You already knew who it was and right now you weren't in the mood to talk to him. Chanyeol was your bestfriend and you couldn't have asked for such a great man as your friend, but tonight you were having one of your panic attacks, which often decided to visit your life and just take everything in the moment and make you feel miserable. He knew that this kind of things happened to you, and he made you promised that everytime it happened, you would call him or text him. But.. Why? Why would he want to come over and just look at you cry and cry, having to listen to your pathetic self-pity? 

Your phone suddenly light up, and you glanced at it. Suho Oppa. Oh no .. Suho was calling. Why did he have to call right now? Out of all the other days fn the week, why now? You decided to flip your phone over and ignore his call. As you reached for the phone, you started sobbing even harder. Why? Just why? Why couldn't you be happy like any other girl out there? Why couldn't you appreciate what life had given to you? Having Chanyeol as your bestfriend and Suho as your boyfriend was probably every living girl's dream, yet here you were, with the opportunity of a lifetime; but all you could think about was those sleeping pills sitting in the drawer next to you. Slowly you took your phone and hid it under your blankets, making the blue light disappear as you opened the drawer where your pills were waiting. 

This is the right thing to do, right? I mean, this would end my pain forever. I won't have to deal with any of this. But Suho, Chanyeol, the boys ... They'll understand. I bet they will. As you were thinking all of this, your chest felt heavier and you started crying like never before. You started sobbing so loud, you hoped the neighbors couldn't hear you. You put the bottle of pills down on your bed and held your face in your hands, letting every single emotion out with every cry you wept. You were so busy trying to talk to yourself out of this, that you didn't notice someone had come in to your apartment, until you felt arms tighten around your body. You got scared and tried to fight away this stranger holding you against him when he whispered, "Shhhh.. It's okay. It's okay. I'm here." One of his hands went to your hair and started it, while the other was rubbing your back. As you recognized his voice, you tried to fight him even harder to let you go, but his embrace got tighter and he then said, "Don't you think I'm leaving you alone. Don't you ever think that." You could feel the pain on his voice and you couldn't help but to sob against his chest. After what it seemed like hours, he slowly pulled away from the embrace and took your face on his hands. "Why? Why do you like to go through this alone? Don't you realize it hurts me a well to see in how much pain you are? To see that all I can do is leave you alone? Not tonight." You looked up at him and realized Suho was crying. He was crying because of you. Your eyes were filled with tears once again and the voices in your head started to go at it once again, when suddenly his lips met yours. You kissed him back, realizing he was all you needed right now. You could feel your tears running down your cheeks and with every tear, Suho would kiss them goodbye, leaving sweet little kisses on your cheeks, your chin, your eyes and lastly your lips. His kisses were always soft and sweet, but tonight they felt strong and you could tell he was also hurting. You broke away and brought your hands up to his face while you were looking down. "Mianhe .. I just .. Sometimes I just can't fight this and I'm afraid of what I'm actually capable of." You were caressing his face as you were talking, not being brave enough to meet his eyes. He took your hands in his and lifted your chin up, making you look at him in the eyes. "Jagiyah .. I love you. So much. You don't have to go through this alone okay?" He kissed your cheek, taking the bottle of pills back to where they belonged. He then made his way to the other side of the bed, taking you with him. 

Suho loved to lay down facing you, because he said he could never get tired of staring at the beautiful person he was so lucky to have. And tonight was no different; however, as tears were coming down your cheeks, he brought you closer to him. He kept your hair with one hand while the other was wrapped around our back so tight, you thought his arm would break. You looked up to him and said, "Thank you. For being My Suho. My Guardian Angel. I love you." To which his eyes filled with tears and made him hold you even tighter, as you both started to fall asleep. 


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Chapter 1: i don't usually comment on stories but i rlly understand the POV of the girl in this story and i rlly like this...upvoted!
InspiritHamster #2
Chapter 1: Awwww angel suho >~<? Thats sweet!