Chapter 3

Temporary Angel

Sleep that night was horrifying. Jieun constantly woke up. Why? Because of the bear sleeping on the floor beside her bed. His snores could be heard from the other side of the world. Jieun tried everything: music and earphones, sleeping under her pillow and blankets.. Nothing. 

That Saturday morning, Jieun woke up with dark circles around her eyes. Her eyes were droopy and swollen. She looked like she walked through hell then came back. On the other hand, Chanyeol looked normal. He had messy bed hair and morning glory. Chanyeol s his hand through his hair and let out the cutest yawn. His deep voice echoed throughout the room. 

🔸Jieun POV🔸 

My face felt stiff and ugly. I bet I look like a troll. I looked at the alien boy on the floor and he looked... good? How can someone look so damn handsome in the morning?? Wait- what am I thinking?! 

The boy turned his head and faced me. He flinched in shock when he saw me. Am I that ugly? Jeez... 

"Good morning." He said through a muffled yawn. He let out the cutest whine. I unknowingly smiled. But my smile was quickly replaced by my angry face. I grabbed my pillow and began to hit him repeatedly. 

"YAH!!!! You were so loud last night!!! You snore like a bear!!" I shouted, clearly angered because i didn't get enough of my required sleep. Chanyeol grabbed the pillow from her hands and shoved it away.

"Can you be nice to me for once? Jeez it's not my fault." He muttered with a pout. 

 "Yeah, well my dad could've heard you!" I snapped, crossing my arms. Seriously, my dad would've immediately looked for Chanyeol and who knows what will happen after that. 
"And what did you say about me sleeping? I sound like a bear? Don't hide it princess, I've seen you sleep before, and I can say, your donkey impersonations are very precise." He said in a chuckle. I gasped, covering my mouth with my hands. Do I really sound like that? And how does he know??

"H-How did--- w-what...??" I stuttered. He just left a smirk on his face. He stood up and stretched his arms. His long limbs extended while he let out a long yawn. 

The room fell silent. I was staring at him for the longest time, I couldn't take my eyes off him. Millions of thoughts were running through my head. 

"You're thinking..." He said, stepping closer to me. For some reason, I felt a bit insecure. I scooted farther from him. "I'm guessing you want to talk. Jieun?" 

I stiffly nodded. He slowly took a seat on the bed, not too close to me. Thank god. He cleared his throat.

"Um, first, I wanted to thank you for letting me stay here for the night. That was really kind of you." He said sweetly. 

I just nodded, "well, I don't think you had a place to stay, and fall is coming soon, so it's really cold outside. I couldn't send someone out on the streets at night. " I whispered.

He just chuckled, "Yeah. You're really kind. Thank you again." I just nodded. The room broke out into a dead silence, until he cleared his throat. "S-So, what do you want to know about me?" He asked unsurely.

"Everything. To be more exact, what are you?" I questioned. 

"Didn't i answer that question last night?" He answered back. "I'm Chanyeol and I'm your angel." 

I looked at him strangely, "What do you mean my angel?" He paused, as if he was trying to find the right answer for that. 

"I think I should answer that another time." He said calmly. I looked at him in disbelief. 

"Seriously?" I asked in an as-a-matter-of-fact tone. He nodded with a wide grin on his face. 

🔸 No one POV 🔸

Chanyeol stood up and stretched once again. Jieun starred at him. 

"What do humans do for fun?" He asked, randomly. Jieun was actually taken back by that question. What was going through that boy's head? She wondered. She scrunched her eyebrows together and he let out a groan.

"Do you do anything fun?" He whined. "I've seen people walk in the park. Can we do that?" He asked with a 1000 watt smile. Again, she was speechless. He was acting like a little kid. 

"Ok, if we go, I will answer any question you have for me." He persuaded. Jieun thought for a moment, then agreed. 


With fro-yo in their hands, they walked through a neighborhood park. Chanyeol had gone on and on about his excitement about talking to humans.

"Why do you have to bow when you meet someone?" He asked, stuffing a large amount of yogurt in his mouth.

"It's a sign of respect, especially to elders." Jieun answered. Chanyeol nodded and immediately stood up. "What are you doing?" Jieun asked, as Chanyeol stood before her. He bent down into a 90 degree formal bow in front of her. Jieun let out a small chuckle. Chanyeol stood straight then returned to his seat on the bench.

"I didn't get to do that when I met you, so I did it now" He said, flashing a huge smile. Ok, so he's kinda funny. Jieun thought. 

"Speaking of when we met..." Jieun muttered, throwing her cup of fro-yo in the trash bin. She heard Chanyeol mutter a small 'uh-oh' 

"Why don't we talk about you?" She suggested. It actually was a better idea. She deserved to know more about this mysterious boy. Chanyeol thought for a moment then nodded.

"Okay , what do you want to know?" 

"Let's start simple, where are you from? Is it like a heaven, of some sort?" She joked. The look on his face showed that he seemed to take it seriously. 

"Hmm, not really. It's hard to explain." He said , scratching his head. 

"Try to describe it." She suggested. He thought deeper.

"Well, any kid would want to be there. It's a place where you can feel safe. Like, everyone is family there. And it seems that the days here on earth are shorter than where I'm from." He said, looking into the fall sky. She thought and looked up to.

"I think I know what it's like." She said. He turned his gaze to her. "It's like Neverland." 

"Never what?" He chuckled.

"Neverland! Wait, don't tell me you don't know about that place.." She said, showing owl eyes. He just shrugged then shook his head. She let out a long disappointed sigh.

"Neverland is a place where everyone is family. You feel safe there because there's no evil there. And in Neverland, you don't grow up. That's why you think the days are shorter here on earth. They're just longer in Neverland. It takes a long time for you to grow up." She explained it all to Chanyeol, who was still eating his yogurt. He nodded, showing that he understood. 

"What else is there to know about Neverland?" He asked, dying to know more.

"Well, there's a boy and he's called Peter Pan. He's sort of the leader of the kids in neverland. And tinker bell, she's a fairy who watches over Peter Pan. Oh! And Wendy, the human that Peter Pan falls in love with." She explained with a smile. Chanyeol just looked at her weirdly. Jieun caught his stare.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" She asked him, eyeing his every move. 

"Why did you smile when you said he falls in love?" He asked. She let out a scoff. 

"Because, everyone wants to fall in love! Mostly girls. It's every girl's dream to find her Peter Pan who will love her forever." She unknowingly smiled as she explained that to the boy. She looked back at the boy and his face fell. He seemed.. empty.

"What's wrong?" She asked, poking his arm. 

"What is it like to fall in love?" He asked, looking into the cloudless sky once again. 



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Bree_ND #1
Chapter 4: Don't skip class~ hehehe! You're spoiling me with such quick updates~ thank you! XD it's a bit confusing but I'm sure the plot will unfold itself soon. Can't wait!
Bree_ND #2
Looks interesting. Hope to see an update soon~ hwaiting!