Chapter 1

Temporary Angel

*Jieun POV*

This story begins at the beach. Jae Young, aka the school's most popular () girl, invited the whole school to the beach for her 16th birthday party. She is a year younger than me, and she still had more friends than me. So, she's the popular girl, why did she invite me you ask? Well, everyone is here. Basketball and football teams, math geeks, even some celebrities and models. Literally everyone, she even invited the 'nobody's' meaning me and Minji, my best friend. We didn't mind though, she rented a private beach and a beach house. 

Jae Young was flirting in the hot tub, as usual, and everyone seemed to be minding their own business; talking with friends or going to the beach to surf. Sometime during the party, a group called SHINee performed. Yup, she's that rich. 

After a couple of hours, the sun began to set. Everyone was heading to the beach for a bonfire. Minji, some other 'uncool' kids, and I sat secluded from the other group. 

*No one POV*

Jieun was looking out on the horizon, she realized how calm the ocean became when no one was in it. She was staring along the horizon when something caught her attention. 

"Minji-ah, what is that?" Jieun asked, tapping her friend and pointing in the direction of the mysterious object. 

"Oh! I-I can't see it from here-- wait!! That's a person!!" Her voice suddenly became loud and it caught the attention of other students around the fire. "I think that person is drowning!!"

In an instant, Jieun sprinted into the ocean. You should know that she was a champion swimmer. She was a powerful swimmer and she was trained and taught what to do in this situation. 

On her way, by then, the whole party was staring at her. She picked up a life jacket and put it around her shoulder. She jumped in the water and began to maneuver her way to the person. By then, all that could be seen was a still, lifeless body.

She swam with all her might. With every passing second, she grew tired, until she finally reached the man. 

She turned his body over so that his back laid on the water, "Ahjussi!! Can you hear me?!" She shook him but no avail. With a few struggles, she got the life jacket around him. She silently cursed and put his arm around her. With one hand around his waist and the other paddling towards shore, she got there in twice the time. Male students and adults went to meet her and grabbed the unconscious man from the water. For a second she dropped on the hot sand, tired from that journey. When she heard the screams from her fellow students, she instantly shot up and rushed to the crowd. 

"Get him to the patio!" She ordered and the male students followed. They carried him to the patio and laid him down. She looked for a pulse on his neck-- nothing. She checked the other side and felt a soft steady beat. "He has a pulse!" She said relieved. She heard a few sighs of relief around her. By then, the whole school surrounded her and the unconscious man. 

She placed her hand on his chest and began CPR. Nothing... She checked his pulse and it was slowing down. 


She lowered her head and pressed her lips on his. She squeezed his nose and sharply exhaled into his mouth. Her head shot up, trying to catch her breath. This happened about 5 times until the man below her coughed. His eyes shot open and he began coughing out water. Jieun fell backwards, trying to catch her breath. 

I just saved someone's life. She thought. 

The adults brought the man into the beach house. Jaeyoung walked up to Jieun and Minji with a huge grin on her face. 

"OMG! That was so AMAZING!" Jaeyoung squealed. Minji stayed quiet and Jieun was too stunned to speak. "And BTW, you're so lucky you got a taste of those lips." She said seductively while smirking, referring to the black haired man. She flashed them a smile then walked away.

"Did she really just talk to us?" Jieun asked Minji. She heard a scoff.

"She was talking to you. She didn't even know I was standing here!" Minji complained. Jieun just chuckled. They linked arms and made their way back inside the beach house, when they were stopped by the black haired man. 

"Um, hi. You must be Jieun? The girl who saved me?" He asked, as if he was shy.

"Um... Yeah that's me. How are you feeling?" Jieun asked with concern. He lowered his head and scratched the back of his neck. 

"Ah, I'm feeling better, just a slight headache." He said. Jieun felt relieved. "And a little bit  embarrassed." He mumbled but Jieun still caught it.

She chuckled, "Why are you embarrassed?" 

"You shouldn't be proud if a girl saves you from drowning." He pouted. Jieun giggled. The black haired man looked up at her smiling face. 

"As long as you're safe, you shouldn't be embarrassed." She said with a smile on her face. The man returned a chuckle. Jieun thought that his smile was attractive. 

~fast forward~

Jieun trudged up her house steps. It was 8:00 pm, she had just come from the beach. She passed the front door and found her father passed out on the couch, with empty beer bottles all around him. Jieun looked at her phone to check the time. Mom won't be home soon, I should just sleep, she thought.

Jieun entered her bedroom door and tossed her bags on the floor. 

She sighed, "There it is again." Looking at the small light in the corner of the room. She slowly walked towards it, lifting her hand. She was about to graze it with her fingertips when her phone started ringing. She flinched at the loud sound. She turned around and walked to her bag on the floor and took out her phone. 

"Hello? Omma??" Jieun asked. 

"Oh, Jieun-ah. Omma won't be home tonight. I have to work late. Don't wait up for me, Arreso?" Her mother said with a sigh. Jieun already had tears forming in her eyes. She missed her mother. She missed her family. Jieun brought her hand to her face and wiped the fallen tear.

"Where are you? W-when will you come back?" Jieun asked through her sobs. There was a silence on the phone. 

"I am working overtime. I'll be there in the morning." She said in a whisper. In the background, Jieun heard the faint shouting voice of a male voice. It sounded a lot like her boss. I already knew that she was having an affair with her boss. Everyone knew it, including father. 


After that I hung up. This was my life, living in a broken family. My drunken father and my cheating mother was all I had. Thank God for Minji. 

I threw my phone on my desk and laid down on my bed. Slowly closing my eyes, trying hard to forget everything that happened today. 


It was almost midnight. Jieun felt her bed shaking. She rubbed her eyes and sat up. By then, her entire room was shaking. She jumped off her bed and scurried under her bed. She clenched her fists until her knuckles turned white. After a few seconds, the shaking stopped. There were things scattered all over her bedroom floor. Then she heard a loud thump on her wooden, bedroom floor. Thinking it was only a picture frame or a lamp, she crawled out from under her bed. 

Jieun dusted her knees and straightened up, meeting the eyes of a tall, brown haired boy. The boy was sitting in the corner of the room, scratching his head. That was the corner where the light was.

"W-who are y-you?! H-how did you get in here?!" Jieun shouted, frightening the boy. The boy met her eyes and began to freak out. His breathing sped up. Before they knew it, there was a bright light emitting from him. Taking a step back, Jieun covered her eyes until the light dimmed down. She looked at the boy. The only difference was that he had wings stretched out on his back. 

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Bree_ND #1
Chapter 4: Don't skip class~ hehehe! You're spoiling me with such quick updates~ thank you! XD it's a bit confusing but I'm sure the plot will unfold itself soon. Can't wait!
Bree_ND #2
Looks interesting. Hope to see an update soon~ hwaiting!