exoshika } lullabies

euforia: f(exo)pinkshidae one-shot request shop } c l o s e d > finishing requests; 4 slots left for reservation. [hiring]
“Although you weren't mine, you were my first love.”
Luhan takes a good look out of the window, the raindrops tattering it. His eyes wanders around, seeing the blinking lights of cars, the switching lights of the traffic light and the skyscrapers glowing. His mind is travelling far from where he is, he contemplates on his decision of returning back to Beijing. He is unsure if it was a good decision of his. The slow hum of a song resonate at the back of his mind, turning back time dated a couple of years ago.

He was a student in one of Seoul's prestigious university, being a transfer student was hard work but the course he attended was something he is able to pass with flying colours. Though, on his final year, a slip up had happened and he changed his mind of staying, leaving everything behind, including a girl whom he loved with all his heart.

Her name is Jung Sooyeon, famous with the nickname of Jessica, a brilliant singer. She is labelled as the Ice Princess of the campus, Luhan never quite understand why. To him, she is an angel. The most graceful, her golden hair shining whenever the sun glows, her round orbs that pierce through you with sharp stares and not to mention her cherry like lips. Luhan wonders what it tasted like. He never got the chance.

That day, when he decided leaving the city of Seoul, he made sure she had received a letter. Each word in the letter is carved at the back of his head, he probably shouldn't have sent it. He probably should've just left without a clue, he wouldn't be this way if he had done so. She wouldn't chase him, telling him to stay. He should've known.

"Hey Jongin," Luhan said. Jongin looked at him and nodded, he continued, "Could you do me a favor?"

"Anything for you," Jongin replied. Luhan took out a white envelope out of his sling bag and placed it in Jongin's hands.

Jongin looked at it with confusion, "What's this for, hyung?"

"Pass it to Jessica for me," was all he said before leaving abruptly, leaving a clueless Jongin in a daze.

Nonetheless, Jongin did pass the letter, Jessica did have the letter however Luhan saw the incident of her throwing the letter away. Even before she read it. It didn't matter to her, of course. She already had a boyfriend, one Luhan could probably never beat.

The contents of the letter is still fresh in his head, Luhan mumbles, "Although you weren't mine, you were my first love."

He snorts as the sentence rings in his head for almost the nth time, "What an idiot. ing stupid." Luhan got up from the nook by the window as he hears a voice calling for him. He runs downstairs, an exact replicant of Jessica is standing right in front of him but she is not her, he thought.

He flashes a smile, the girl standing in front of him asks, "What were you doing? I called you a few times."

"I'm sorry," he replies, "I was just clearing my mind. What's wrong?"

She turns her head to the door, "Somebody's here. She says she's your friend."

Luhan raises a brow, "She?"

The lassie nods, "She says her name is Jessica."

Luhan gulps, did he hear right? Did his wife really mentioned her name? Is she really here? Or is it someone else?

His thoughts get cuts by his wife's chatter, "You know what scared me? We look-alike, I was afraid she was your first love you never got over."

Guilt rushes in his veins, breathing becomes a sudden difficulty as he takes baby steps to the door. Luhan exhales a sigh of relief as he sees the brunette hair, thanking God it is not her however the resemblance is quite arguable. He asks, "May I help you?"

The girl turns, facing Luhan and for a moment the world seems to stop. Luhan barely breathes, her words cut him deep, "I see you found a replacement. I'm shocked to see the resemblance. I could've question if she was a long-lost twin."

"Why are you here?"

Jessica shakes her head, "I wanted to start again with you, but I guess, I didn't get the memo. Luhan is married to a girl who resembles me."

"How did you find me?"

"It doesn't matter anymore," she replies, "I am just another piece in your life. Goodbye, Luhan." Her back retreating away and into the rain makes Luhan want to chase her but his feet does not budge and he thanks them for not doing so. Although you weren't mine, you were my first love. He chuckles to himself as the sentence repeats itself.


OMG. This is soooo lame ;-; I don't know. I . /sobs. I'm really reconsidering of my thoughts on hiring someone or whatever. I think I might. I don't know. Have I failed you? I think I did. OMG. /buries self. I am so sorry. You may kill me, yes. Please, if this is not what you wanted, you can ask for a re-do. Andand I just wanna thank you for upvoting. Oh god. I feel so bad ;-; It hard. /throws at self. I AM SO SORRY. /ugly sobs. /kneels for forgiveness.
Layout by voiceless @ Daydreamer; lg. 2014.
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Hi! Are you still reserving slots?
Chapter 1: Thank you so much for writing this for me! I've had this song stuck in my head for a while now and I really, really appreciate you accepting my request. asdfghjkl it's not lame, I totally adore it. Again, thank you!
i have sent my request~
i've requested
I've requested! :-)
I sent in my request, I hope it's not too confusing!
--smiley #7
Why can't i submit the form ? The down of the form page will always be empty .. is my phone that bad or what ?