DAYDREAMER; layout gallery


hello everyone
i've been thinking about this for weeks now and i've decided to close daydreamer. mostly because i really don't feel like coding anymore. it kind of tires me out and i can't really come up with new layouts. and i'm just really not feeling it anymore. i'm not sure if i will continue to come on aff but probably not much, and with the people i'm closest with, well we have other ways to communicate, so i guess this is goodbye for me. 

so that's it really, thank you to everyone who's been with me up until now, to every subscriber and for all your upvotes. it has been almost two beautiful years with all of you and honestly i had a lot of fun but that kind of excitement is kind of gone. 

i may connect from time to time, so if anyone needs anything, you can talk to me on my wall/pm. 

goodbye everyone!
New layout, as i said is up. sorry for all the lately updates OTL but this is it for a while.


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Chapter 1: Aw it was really nice having you around :(
You'll always be my favorite coder
Good luck dear! ;;
I understand, but it's sad to see you go. Good luck in your future endeavors.
I'm really sad about you leaving, even still.
(I've been planning on using the Instagram updates, by the way. <33 Just wanted to let you know I have one in draft for one of my stories and forgot to ask until now.)
It was nice having you around here ;u;

I feel ya with the whole losing the spark thing- when I get tired I take monthly breaks from graphics, too. :c
I hope you rest lots and can one day get back to coding for fun. You're really good at it! <3
:'c i'll miss you!
i feel the same way about coding too - it gets old.
:( you can't leaveeee. fine talk to me on line casss !!! :P
using lovely thank you <3