Chap 1



A kid collapsed to the floor due to the hard smack.

-Why are u always so helpless dude? Hah, on the streets all day and cant steal even ONE dollar? How many times have i tell u not to come here unless u get money, huh?

That sentence began a rain of punches, kicks, stabs...down to the kid. The fierce gangster seemed to use all power on beatening the child, while other guys around were cruelly laughing like crazy. The miserable kid can do nothing but to hide his head. His cute and innocent face was covered with blood. His pure eyes were darkened in pains and hurts.

Suddenly a crowd rushed into the pottage.

-Hands up, gangsters! You can keep silent, but what you said could be evidences against yourselves before court!

The crimes were quickly arrested. Jonghyun was gonna faint...he didnt want to continue this harsh life anymore. But a police came towards him, gently picked him in bridal style. Jonghyun fainted in his lap. And when he opened his eyes, a new life was opened...

He- not Kim Jonghyun, but Liu Jonghyun (it's weird XD).

He-not an orphan, but a happy kid with mom and dad are Mr and Mrs. Liu who saved his life.

He-not a pickpocket, but a normal child can go to school everyday.

At that time he was only 5 yearsold.



Jonghyun woke up from a nightmare, sweating like crazy. That nightmare...those fierce guys...5 years darkest in his life...they are all along with him, appear in every dream, obsess his mind every night. 17 years have passed, but that injury is still hurting.

Everything has changed.

He has a family, and he finds the one he loves more than his life.

Amber Josephine Liu-the daughter of Liu family, but not his sister. In his heart, she is his BELOVED, authough she doesnt know Jonghyun isnt her brother.

With Jonghyun 3 years passed without her are as long as 3 centuries. But tomorrow that horrible time will STOP.

She is back from USA. YEAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!

The fear in Jonghyun is fading when he thinks about her. Smiling, he is deep into the dream. He dreams about her. ^^



-Mom, dad, ppali ppali!!!!

-aish Jonghyun ah, need u be so excited??? Hahaha, this kid, who knows this is the y and manly shining star of SHINee?

Mr and Mrs. Liu smiling, happily seeing his son acting like a little kid. For a long time they havent seen a happy Jonghyun. Together they drove to the airport, waiting for their precious daughter.

- OMMA, APPA, OPPA!!!!!!!!!!

Amber rushed to them like a storm, hugging them tightly made them breathless. They all laghed like hell.

-Hahaha. Amb, idk how much u learn when studying abroad but u r much stronger. See, u r even stronger than me now. 

Jonghyun pouted, bend down so that he is shorter than Amber, which made Amber  suddenly lofty. Keeping her head up, she said proudly:

-Of course oppa. I did treat myself very very well. So im better than when im at home eating ur horrible foods. AAAAH OPPA WHAT ARE YOU DOING????

_ YAH, u said u r better n stronger. BUT IS IT REAL?????

He lifted her up to the air, twindle her, made her scream like hell.

-AAAAAAAA, oppa im sorry!!!!!!!! Forgive me please!!!

Jonghyun cant resist her puppy dog eyes. So he let her on the ground,patted slightly to her head.

-Never be lofty to ur oppa, arraso??

Amber pretended to frown as if it hurts very much. Jonghyun smiled. bend down to kiss her hair where he already patted. Amber suddenly blush:

-Yah oppa i dont wanna die with ur crazy fan girls!! Arraso? Arraso? Arraso?

With every "arraso" she smacked his back violently. They continued their violent "game" until reaching home, ignore their parents shrugs fedly with their childish children.


Hello hello!! First chap! How is it? Tell me pleeeaasee!!!! BTW, Key will appear in the next chap!! ^^ <3 <3


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Akime136 #1
Chapter 8: update soon~~
YEOBO FIGHTING! <3 :3 great update!
Why did Amber and Key go to L.A.!??
UUwaahhh! :'((
I think Amber will come back....
YAH! Jjongie.... ;__; no no no no......
awwwwwh... Jonghyunnie!!! i love him so much..... nice fic!!
Nicole? Get her out!<br />
Only KeyBer...<br />
Nice Story...<br />
GET.NICOLE.OUT. ㅠㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅠ
foreva_SMTOWNbias #9
awwwwwwwwwwwwww......i feel so bad for jjiong TT.TT he is so sweet....n nicole? lol...a ? im aniscipating~