friday mornings

friday mornings

Friday mornings are spent with him sliding out of bed, at 7am and making breakfast for them in bed (usually toast with apricot jam and butter). She’ll realise he’s gone and she’ll brush her teeth, wash her face and return to bed. 

He returns with the plate, she’ll scoot over for him on the single bed (they still needed to get a double). 


Hmm she’ll beam up at him as he sits down. Sometimes he makes her sit in his lap or between his legs, and sometimes he forgets there’s breakfast waiting for them. 

You’re still wearing this cardigan? he’ll ask as he tugs it down so he can kiss her shoulders.

Yeah… his lips tickle her skin so early in the morning. His arms’ll hug her midriff and push her s up slightly. If Hana’s enjoying the early morning litter of kisses on her shoulders, she’ll tell him to play with them. If not they usually get back to breakfast.


Breadcrumbs get everywhere and they get up to frisk them off each other and off the bed; the sunlight peaks weakly through their curtains, and they don’t have to start their day yet. 

Sometimes Chanyeol’ll lay her down  and take the cardigan off her, and pamper her back with kisses, holding her hips at all times, giving her small squeezes. And sometimes he even hovers his hands over the curve of her bum, caressing them.

Sometimes, Hana is spoilt on friday mornings.

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