~ 7

Decisions ~

Hi guys, its Jen here!

Chapter 7 is written by me and I hope you enjoy. I would greatly appreciate your support.

Don't forget to leave a comment and we will greatly thank you for it~



Jongin walked into the ‘La Maison Blue’  but in not such a good mood which puzzled me. I was sitting on the couch of the cafe with my new classmate and friend named Jaehwan.

“Jen, we need to talk.” Jongin raised his voice.

“Hey, don’t raise your voice at me Jongin.” I hissed. “At least not here where people are looking, you are embarrassing me.”

To make the matters worse, Jaehwan was right there listening to the conversation, as Jongin and I were raising our voices to each other, then Jongdae  came to where we were sitting at.

“Here are your drinks. One cup of cappuccino for the pretty young lady and hot chocolate for the gentleman, enjoy.” Jongdae took off after he brought us the drinks. Jongin kept on looking at me and Jaehwan felt a little awkward by it.

Jaehwan asked quietly, “Jen, do you want me to leave you guys be? I can take my drink and just go. We can always chat up tomorrow.” I smiled at Ken, “Oh no you... don’t have to do that.” Jaehwan insisted that it would be better for him to leave because he felt really weird being around me while I was getting yelled at.

“I will go Jen, I’ll see you in class okay?” Jaehwan left the cafe quickly because he just wanted to respect me and let us work out our little problem. I thought to myself that there will be other days for me to help Jaehwan out, which was to get him acquainted with his crush. That was the none other than Taekwoon; also known as the manager of this cafe.

Jongin looked at me with those eyes that I couldn’t read but his voice sounded angry. “Why are you doing this? And what’s your problem?” I raised my voice in frustration. Not knowing why he was behaving this way made me feel angry. What happened to our friendship?

We used to laugh and joke around a lot, on top of that he was my gaming buddy. He really thought I was cool for a girl since I loved gaming just as much as him.

But, now we were always arguing and giving each other looks. I really didn’t like this at all and sometimes I didn’t even want to go home because I really didn’t want to deal with feeling awkward around my best friend. I sometimes wished to turn back the hands of time, go back to the time when Jongin and I were so happy as friends.

Jongin said, “Let’s talk at home. I don’t think this is a good place to have a private chat. I came here because you weren’t home and I knew you’d be here.”

I couldn’t even drink my cappucino that Jongdae made especially for me. My drink was getting cold and I was too into having this somewhat serious conversation with Jongin and all of a sudden Jongdae came from the bar.

“You guys, don’t have your arguments here. This is a business, you are gonna scare the customers away.”

As Jongdae said that, Taekwoon was at the counter just observing the situation. He didn’t like what he was seeing and felt the same way as his employee did, as a manager it was bad seeing two people argue at his business.

I agreed with both Jongin and Jongdae. “Okay, let’s go home and have a chat then, I want to know why you been acting like this towards me anyways.” I rolled my eyes at Jongin, grabbed my bags, and ready to leave the cafe.  “Jongdae oppa, Taekwoon oppa, I am so sorry for the commotion.” I told them in a guilty voice and Jongin also felt embarrassed to cause them trouble too and he bowed to the both of them, without saying a word then we both left ‘La Maison Blue’.

We were finally home. It didn’t take long to get home from the cafe, it was pretty much about 2 blocks away from our flat. As soon as we entered our place it was only Chanyeol home, he was just sitting on the couch lazily. He was just eating his popcorn and playing Grand Theft Auto. He looked at us, full of popcorn in his mouth and pressing buttons on the game controller, “You guys are home together? That’s what I like to see!”

I rolled my eyes at this dorky older boy, “Look bro,we didn’t come back from a nice date, if thats what you are thinking. We just argued at Jongdae oppa’s work, in front of all kinds of people and it was pretty embarrassing.” Jongin glared at me and I gave him the same look back.

“Hey you two,if you are gonna fight go in the room and do it,I am playing my game.” Chanyeol said while shoving more popcorn into his mouth. I told the tall boy, “Look Oppa all you do is play games in the house, you don’t even help with the chores nor you pay most of the rent. You really can’t tell me what do! I shouted at Chanyeol.  “What have you done to contribute in any kind of way around here?” I added in frustration.

Jongin gave me that dirty look again, “Why are you yelling at Chanyeol hyung? Okay, let’s just go to your room!” Jongin grabbed me by the arm and took me to the room and sat me on my own bed. Once he sat me on my cushy mattress he sat on my desk chair. He crossed his legs and put his two fingers on his chin then he took a deep breath.

“You know, I don’t really like you hanging around that Hakyeon guy or whatever. I told you before, he is bad news. Why are you so stubborn hm?” Jongin uncrossed his legs and he dragged the chair closer towards me. Out of nervousness he put his hands on his knees and started biting his nails.  “Can’t explain to you why I think he is a bad guy but just know this, if he hurts you in anyway don’t come crying to me, because I will have no sympathy. I warned you already.”

I just couldn’t believe what he was saying, “I demand an explanation! How do you expect me to listen to you if you can’t even give me a reason?” I practically shouted at Jongin.

Jongin was beginning to be a little antsy, he stood up and raised his voice. “Look, I just don’t like you hanging around him and why does he always drag you to clubs? That’s not a place for you to be. A girl like you don’t belong there.”

I was furious because Jongin wouldn’t tell me the reason why he didn’t like Hakyeon or didn’t like me near him, but he was right about one thing, I really didn’t like the club atmosphere, but he just loved taking me to those kinds of places. Jongin continued while getting even more frustrated, “Also, I feel weirded out by you dressing that way, a short skirt and a revealing blouse? That is so not you! Why are you trying to even please that jerk argh!?”

After he said that his face turned totally red and he just couldn’t take it so he slammed my bedroom door and stormed out. I was so confused to his behavior, although it almost felt like something a jealous boyfriend would do and he wasn’t even my boyfriend.


As soon as Jongin left the room I got a call from Hakyeon. I was pissed off because of Jongin but now I felt all smiley.

I answered the phone joyfully, “Oppa!” The older and darker boy said in his y voice, “Can you come out now?” “Um, oppa I can’t. I have to study since I have a huge exam coming up for my human anatomy class.” I said in a sudden but firm voice.

Hakeyon said, “Wae? You don’t miss me?” He was trying to use his signature whiney aegyo voice on me. “I miss you a lot oppa but my studies are important too. If I don’t get at least a B plus, my mother will kill me. Besides, whenever we meet you only take me to clubs and when we are there, you don’t even pay attention to me. So, I will pass for today.”

I was being firm but Hakyeon, this older boy, wouldn’t take a no for an answer. He kept on using his aegyo on me,it was so cute that I fell for it. “Okay, fine! I give up, I will meet you, but only for a couple of hours and no clubs!” I had to show him that I was in control of this. “Okay baby, I will meet you at ‘La Maison Blue’. Hakyeon  gave me a kiss over the phone and hung up.

I was happy to see him but I was worried too. I just finished arguing with Jongin and now I was going out again, with him. I shook my head and grabbed half of my hair in frustration. I wanted to scream but didn’t want to scare Jongin and Chanyeol. I tried to look for some decent clothes to wear and I was in a dilemma. I didn’t want to wear y clothes but yet I wanted to, so I can please him. I looked at my black mini skirt in a mess. It took me awhile but I decided to go with it, after a few moments of pondering along with the short skirt I chose, I thought a cute red blouse would be fitting, red was Hakyeon oppa’s favorite color. This wouldn’t be too bad I thought, the skirt might be y but the blouse was just so adorable.

I went down stairs somewhat dressed nicely and the boys looked at me funny. Jongin and Chanyeol were sitting at the kitchen table,staring at me. Jongin wasn’t very happy. He just told me not to meet this man, Hakyeon. We just had an argument not too long ago and me dressed this way? He was bound to get suspicious. Chanyeol said in a loud voice,  “You are not going out with him again are you? We can’t bail you out of the club every time? You know, I don’t even have a job and Jongin is just a student. Girl, if you know what’s good for ya ,I would just stop now.”

Jongin was quiet and I tapped him on the shoulder. “Sorry buddy, I got somewhere to go. You know... my classmate Jaehwan? I gotta go to his house to study for our next exam that’s coming up soon.” Jongin rolled his eyes and ignored me because he knew that I was being untruthful to him. Jongin noticed that I wouldn’t be going to a friend’s house to study with the kind of outfit I was wearing and he also realized that I was trying to come up with a quick excuse,so I could go out to meet with him.



N.B from Sophie ~ sorry the chapter was a little late ... my laptop broke last week and it took forever to be able to fix it :(

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Chapter 18: I don't know what to think of this story anymore... I mean it's getting REALLY good! I wonder if N really loves Jen -_- idek~
Chapter 17: Hmm... that was *ahem* hot? Before this I really shipped Jongin and Jen, although Hakyeon is from my bias group. I still ship them thou.
luluhunnie #3
Chapter 10: Awh Hyukkie TT^TT The cuteness of Jaehwan is unbearable! Yey, can't wait to see how Ravi is~ I'm keeping an eye out for that N >_>
Chapter 9: You two write so well that whenever I see N, I see a jerk! ... Which is both weird and amazing (because you guys are so awesome) at the same time
luluhunnie #5
Chapter 8: Such a good chapter! I want to know the reason why she's with Hakyeon than Jongin :o and also about how the new girl really is! The way Hakyoen acts bothers me so I'm curious as to why he's being like that .-.
luluhunnie #6
Chapter 7: Awh I feel so bad for Jongin! T^T I want him to win Jen over!!
luluhunnie #7
Chapter 6: Jaehwan is so adorable! >w< Lol poor Jen just can't get away from Jongin xD I laughed so hard at the end! keke~ Update soon~ ^^
luluhunnie #8
Chapter 5: Another great update! ^^ Omg, I'm curious as to why Hakyeon is acting like that and just... everything >< I love this story!
luluhunnie #9
Chapter 4: I wonder why Jongin says Hakyeon isn't a good guy o.o or is he just jealous? Poor Jongin not wanting her to go :c But I guess I'll have to stick around and find out everything! Ready for the next update ^^
luluhunnie #10
Chapter 3: Aww Jongin ;-; I love all the detail in this chapter and the characters are hysterical! xD