Chapter 2: The Apocalypse

Blood Moon

Author's Note

Finally on to chapter 2... School has kept me far from my computer for a while, but I'm hoping to accomplish a lot this weekend. ^-^*


   At first, only a few people would go missing. A sad story told on the news of more runaways or kidnaps. Sometimes bodies were found; the mauled remains summed up as animal attacks. 

   After a few weeks, the death toll was in the thousands. This wasn't even including the people who were still missing. Police were on high alert, but for what? serial killers, cult groups... they had no idea.

   After a few months, whole families would be found dead in their homes. Every country was reporting the same thing, stories of these mass murders. The UN held a conference, issuing statewide curfews. Military patrolled the streets, but everything was quiet. Even with the extra weapons and security, people were still dying; still no one had caught a suspect.

   Once the fairies knew what had happened; after months without contact of their vampire comrads, they knew they had to do something. They knew the humans could never win against the vampires. But they also knew, that to help the humans, they too would have to make a sacrifice.

   The fairies who decided to help left; while the others fairies remained with the strain of the planet. Because of the shortage of fairies, those who were left were getting weaker. More violent storms raked the world. Tsunami's swallowed up islands of Japan and Hawaii. Droughts dried up parts of Australia and South America. Many rivers in America flowed backwards, and many states were destroyed by tornadoes and Hurricanes.

   The fairies who left had finally convinced the humans that the supernatural was real. So soon humans would fight alongside fairies.

   Many fairies were deeply saddened by the war. They would have to lead military into the clans of vampires, their once forgotten friends. 

   After the vampires descovered that the fairies were on the humans side, they started attacking in groups, Killing small groups of fairies and humans.

   After a full year, the vampires were on the winning side. Only a few dozen humans remained, and the same for the fairies. As a final effort, the fairies fled with the humans to the eastern part of China, the only land that the vampires hadn't taken over, or wasn't damaged by the war.

   The remaining fairies combined their powers to make a border around their lands, something that was deemed impossible with their small numbers. The border acted as a portal, any vampire that dared to cross it was transported to an alternate reality called The Game. Any vampire who could pass The Game without dying would be the saviour to the entire race, because to win would be to find their humanity, which would end the curse.

Though no one has ever won.

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Lol i forgot what the promt was for the poster :P you should PM me again. Btw dont be sad if not a lot of people comment. This site is known for its silent readers >_>
iam_cmgr #2
Chapter 3: Update please!! Its really interesting!!
Totally07Asian13 #3
Even as a Co-author I'm still excited to see where this story will go! Carebear HWAITING!!!~
Chapter 3: So exo are the bad guys :( why?
anyways im so intrigued with this story!
ill be waiting anxiously the next update!
Good luck and keep it up!
dayan_m #5
Chapter 2: Please update soon!! Q A Q I love the story so far! :D
Chapter 2: Seems good!! I like it! I'll be waiting the next chap!
Good luck! n_n)/