Waiting For You



Loving someone is a pain. A pain that cannot be cure. He who gave her a lot of memories to remember and the chance to fall in love. She missed his look, his smile and his scent. She missed everything about him. But for everyone around her, she sacrificed her own happiness for them. She'll do anything to tell herself that she's not selfish. But still... Those words that she can't say to him that SHE LOVES HIM. 

She missed her chance to confess to him and that led her to another side of the world. She had a drastic change to herself. She changed herself.


Main : 

2012 - 



2020 -

Seul Han Mi/Seoul/Seul Mi



-revealed in the last chapter-



Minor :

Min Ahn Young/Anne/Ahn
-Seoul's bestie


Na Yun Jeong/Yun
-Seoul's bestie


Ha Seol Ri/HaRi
-Seoul's bestie


Song Mi Yeon/Yeon
-Seoul's bestie


Kim Min Kyung/Kyung
-Seoul's bestie


Park Tae Jun
-His friend
-Seoul's classmate
-Kyung's boyfie


Nam Woong
-his bestie
-his old classmate
-Seoul's fake boyfie
-Seoul's childhood friend


(a drastic change happened to Seul Mi after the year 2012, from the kind, innocent Seul Mi to a tomboy Seul Mi in 2020. her friends were still the same but she, is not the same person anymore. what happened to her until it gave her a drastic change? let find out.)


Title : Waiting For You.
Date began : 27 February 2014
Date ended : -unknown-
Genre : romance, angst, sad

this story contained most of my experiences and i re-write my experience to share how hard love is and how a normal teenage girl feels. please, if you believed in one sided love and never happy ending, come and experiece it with me - through this story, you know how i feel. i write this with all my emotions - hope you love it. 


poster and trailer by shiningangelmel @ invisible crown


on a week hiatus! (camping and test)


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Kpopper1998 #1
Chapter 10: Deeern!! the clue was Australia... baka!baka! *mentally hitting my head* oh Goooood!! Rome<3<3
KK-Chang #2
Chapter 4: update soon ;) i want them rite now, cuz it's so excited. will anywaz keep up the good work... (...i loveeeeeeeee it,really good]
JungRisna #3
Chapter 2: Oh im curious about ' her friend ' that come to her house...
It's Him???