Death on Stage

EXO Scary Story One Shots!

Kim Joonmyun, or Suho walked up the stairs to the old he was raised in to greet his aging parents and treat them to a movie. 

"Joonmyun. My darling" Suho's mother smiled and pinched his cheeks. "Eomma. Please stop" Suho sighed. He was genuinely unamused. "Sorry. You've just grown so nicely" she giggled. Suho's father came into the doorway and swung his arm around his mother and smiled. "My son is so handsome" 

Suho rolled his eyes and let out a small chuckle. "It's nice to see you to, appa"


After his family visit, Suho got a call from two of his friends, asking him to come with them to get some ice cream.

"Cut' em some slack.. Parents do those things" Jongdae tilted his head. Suho rolled his eyes and took another bite of his ice cream. "My mom is twice as worse as yours, I can guarantee you that.. Maybe not my dad. But definitely my mom" Chanyeol informed his friends. Jongdae nodded and pointed to Chanyeol, "See? it's not the end of the world.. Some people's parents are far more worse than yours" 

"Jeez, no need to embellish it" Chanyeol glared at his friend. "I'm not embellishing it!"

"ANYWAY! Thanks for trying to make me feel better guys.. We better go soon, Chanyeol" Suho said. Chanyeol and Suho had to go to Chanyeol's house to babysit his little cousins.

"Let me come" Jongdae smiled

"For the last time, no" Chanyeol pointed his finger in Jongdae's face. "Waaah, why not?" Suho asked. 

"You weren't there when I had to babysit last time. I brought this one along and he broke my mom's favorite vase of medicinal wine" Chanyeol explained. 

"Well..." Jongdae laughed nervously

"And then you made me lie about it and say that I did it. She worked so hard on it, too!" Chanyeol added.

"Ooooh. That's baaad" Suho cringed

Jongdae looked down in defeat. "Fine. Leave me here..." he sighed. Suho felt guilt and turned to Chanyeol. "Please! Let's take him with. I can trust him" Suho nodded. "But I don't!" Chanyeol's eyes windened. 

"How about this? We take him with, and if your mom kicks him out. Then that'll be it" Suho proposed. Chanyeol glared at the sulking Jongdae from across the table. 

"... Okay. But you gotta promise me that you won't break anything!" Chanyeol sneered. Jongdae looked up and clapped like a 5-year-old


The next day, after a long night of babysitting, Suho went to work as a costume designer for theater arts. His new project was designing costumes for a cast reinacting a story from Ancient Greece. The cast was foreign so it was going to be hard to communicate. "I hear this theater is amazing" Suho giggled in the car on the way to work with one of his coworkers, Kyungsoo

"It is. It's freaking huge" Kyungsoo beamed and made gestures with his hands..

Suho clasped his hands together. "Did you read anything good?" Suho asked.

"Well.. There were a few things that stood out.. Compared to the other theaters we've collaborated with.." Kyungsoo said hesitantly. Suho listened intently. "Like what?"

"Uuuh.. Nothing really important" he responded..

"It's important to me"

"How do you know?"

"I just have a feeling.. Tell me"

"Later, hyung"

Kyungsoo's behavior about what he read about the theater caught Suho by surprise. "What on earth did he read that has him like this?" 

When they made it to the theater, Suho looked up and his passion for theater overwhelmed him. "This is gunna be awesome" he said feeling Kyungsoo standing next to him. Kyungsoo only smiled and nodded

After the group of designers were given a tour, Suho, Kyungsoo, and the others went to work and searched up images of Ancient Greek clothing for enlightenment. Suho was the first to have ideas and started looking through the materials they had. He was comparing cloth when he looked out of the corner of his eye and saw a woman standing way back stage. She was foreign, so Suho smiled and waved, thinking it was a member of the cast. "Hi!" he yelled in English. 

"Kyungsoo-sshi! You didn't tell me the cast made it already" Suho called out to Kyungsoo, who was on the other side of the stage texting someone on his phone. 

"They aren't here yet, but they're on their way" Kyungsoo smiled and looked back down at his phone. Suho tilted his head. But the whole designing team and escorts were Korean and some Chinese, not one of them looked like the woman back stage, who looked European. "But that wom-" Suho mumbled and looked back stage and saw that the woman had disappeared.. Kyungsoo looked up from his phone and saw that Suho was running back stage. "Hyung! Where are you going??" he yelled out

Suho stopped where he saw the woman standing and felt like he was standing underneath the AC, because it got ridiculously cold in under three seconds. Suho looked up at the ceiling and down at his feet for a vent. But nothing. 

He shivered and continued looking for the woman. "Hyung!" he heard Kyungsoo behind him, but he ignored it. After looking around for another three minutes, with Kyungsoo at his heels, he realized that there was so woman back stage and gave up searching. Kyungsoo finally caught up with him. "Hyung.. What is your problem??" he panted. "I saw someone.. A woman. She looked foreign.." Suho said staring down at the ground.

"Well.. I'm probably wrong. The cast is probably here.. Let's go ask" Kyungsoo proposed. After Suho and Kyungsoo went to the director and asked, they found out that the cast still wasn't there. "Then who was that woman I saw?" Suho thought..

The night grew closer and Suho was cutting cloth back stage for people to put under the sewing machine when he felt his eyes droop. "I need to close my eyes for a little bit" he thought and sat down in a near chair and leaned his head on the wall. He was out like a light..

Later, Suho was woken up by a loud thud. He shot up by the noise and realized that all the lights were out and it was totally quiet. All Suho could hear was the sound of his own breathing. "Guys??!?!?!" he yelled out.

His crew had left him there..

Suho checked his watch. 10:18pm. "Jeez, I've been sleeping for two hours" he thought wandering around back stage in the dark. Soon, after walking around aimlessly, the stage lights , making Suho jump. "Guys! Come on! Stop playing" Suho hissed and heading for the stage. When he made it to the stage, the bright lights blinded him and he squinted.

When his eyes adjusted, he saw, in the audience, people looking at him. Every spot was taken. 

They sat and watched Suho as he gasped at the sight of them all. "Hello.. Can anyone tell me what's going on??" Suho asked the crowd.

But nobody answered .. They all just stared down at the stage at Suho. Everything was silent and Suho waited for an answer when a gunshot was heard. The gun shot a member of the audience right in the middle of the forehead. Suho screamed and fell to his knees, grabbing his chest, feeling his heart stop. He looked up to see if he could see where the bullet came from, but he saw nothing.

Then another bullet went flying into the crowd, hitting another audience member in the eye. After that, rounds upon rounds of gunshots went off rapidly. Suho watched in horror and screamed as every audience member was taken out by a bullet.. When there was about 50 out of 200 still sitting, Suho had had enough and ran for the door. He limped for the door, trying had to breathe, but his heart faded. He barely had enough breath to grab for the doorknob

But it wouldn't open.

"No, no no no" Suho cried and just listened to the gunshots go off. He felt like he was in the battlefield. After two loud, breathless minutes passed, the gunshots stopped and Suho opened his eyes, He heard the lock to the door click and his weight against the door made it swing open. He didn't think and just ran out as fast as he could. When he made it out to the empty parking lot, he stopped and collapsed on the ground. His vision started to blur and it became harder and harder to breathe. It took about five minutes for Suho to come back to his senses. Once he did, he called Chanyeol to pick him up.


The next morning, after a sleepless night, Suho drove himself to the theater hesitantly. He didn't want to go to the theater after what he saw last night. 

But what choice did have? He has to go back to work.. It's his job..

When Suho made it there, rehearsal had already begun and Suho trudged through the theater. Once he realized that the seats were clean, no dead bodies and no blood, Suho sat down and watched rehearsal, even though he didn't understand Latin.

After taking a breather and letting his eyes droop, Suho felt a sudden feeling that he was being watched. He looked down and saw Kyungsoo looking up at him. "YOU!" Suho pointed and chased down to meet him. "Hyung!" Kyungsoo smiled. 

"I want you to tell me everything about what you read about the theater online. Now" Suho demanded while Kyungsoo's face grew pale, but pulled himself together shortly after. "Why do you want to know?" he asked calmly. After that, Suho talked to Kyungsoo about his experience last night. 

"Were you drinking?" Kyungsoo asked honestly

"NO! You know I wasn't. I didn't leave the theater and I fell asleep back stage"

"Are you sure it just wasn't your fatigue playing tricks on you?"

"No.. I felt blood splatter on my arms and face. It was real" Suho shivered while he remembered the gruesome encounter.

"Now.. Tell me what you read" Suho demanded once again. Kyungsoo took a deep breath. "I didn't want to tell you cause I know you're afraid of ghosts.. This theater is haunted, hyung. There is countless evidence that proves it. And every opening night, someone comes and murders one member of the cast. That's why they can never finish plays here" Kyungsoo explained. Suho's eyes widened and he sat back in the seat he was sitting in

"That's why I hesitated on coming here. But when I knew you were coming, I wanted to make sure you were going to be okay" he added.

Suho looked down and sighed. "So what do we do now? What if a member of the cast really does get murdered on opening night?"

"Well first off, I'm not gunna let you get left behind anymore. Yesterday, I thought you had left early and that's why I didn't think anything of it. If you see anything while we're working, don't flip out. I told the director of the play and he said it was just a load of BS. I really hope it is" Kyungsoo rambled on. Suho puffed out his cheeks


After the conversation was over between the two designers, they got to work and made new cloth for potential costumes. Suho got into his work that he forgot about the problems with the theater. He had totally forgotten, and it made him feel better. 

Kyungsoo, however, couldn't get the situation, or Suho, out of his mind. Suho had a weak heart and has had heart attacks when he was younger. Kyungsoo was afriad that something might happen and Suho's poor little heart won't be able to take it.

Suho had left the costume room and walked backstage to put a blouse he made on the table he fell asleep next to last night. When he was in the dark since there were no lights back stage, he felt himself shiver. When he turned around to return to the costume room, Suho found himself face to face with the woman who he saw yesterday. He took a sharp intake of breath, clutched his chest, and collapsed on the ground. He couldn't take his eyes off of the woman who watched him suffocate on the ground.

Kyungsoo left the costume room to look for Suho when he realized that he hadn't come back for ten minutes. Since he left with a blouse in his hands, he checked the table backstage first. When he turned the corner, Kyungsoo found Suho on the ground choking, and looking up at the ceiling. Kyungsoo gasped and ran to his side. "Hyung! Hyung! It's okay" he held Suho in his arms

"HELP!! SOMEBODY HELP!" Kyungsoo screamed. In about ten seconds, members of the staff came to take Suho to the nearest hospital.


After a couple hours in the hospital, Kyungsoo took Suho to Chanyeol's house. 

"HYUNG! You're okay now, right?" Chanyeol asked. Suho just nodded. "I need a nap" 

Chanyeol and Kyungsoo put him to bed and talked, getting to know each other better. The next day, Suho and Kyungsoo returned to work. "I still think you should take a couple days off.. If this happens again, you could be in trouble" Kyungsoo looked at his hyung as they walked into the theater. "I feel fine. Why don't you believe me?" Suho laughed awkwardly. Kyungsoo sighed and looked at Suho worriedly. "I don't know what I'd do if you had another heart attack that killed you" he thought


Weeks passed with no problems and opening night drew near. Kyungsoo and Suho both felt worried for the cast members, not knowing which one would be killed if the rumor was true. The rumor spread throughout the cast, but none of them seemed to worry except for the two designers.

Out of worry, Kyungsoo and Suho talked and made themselves more familiar with the cast. Kyungsoo and Suho decided to go to opening night, hoping they may be able to stop the murder if it were to happen. "We're gunna be under cover cops for the night" Suho laughed while he put his tie on. "If something happens, just let me handle it" Kyungsoo rolled his eyes. "What? Why?"

"I don't want you to get hurt"

"Why do you treat me like I'm made of glass? You're not my mom! We can take care of it together" Suho argued.. Just then, Chanyeol walked in wearing a purple dress shirt and a tie. "You look nice, hyung" Kyungsoo smiled. Suho gave him a fake smile. Chanyeol thanked him and grabbed his phone off the counter. "Whenever you guys are ready, I'll be in my car" he beamed and walked out.

Kyungsoo snapped back into his mother mode and walked up to Suho. "Do you realize how terrible it was for me to watch you dying in my arms? You may not remember it, but I do. I don't want to have us go through that again.." Kyungsoo said sternly. Suho just glared at him and shook Kyungsoo's grasp off of his arm. "Don't treat my like a baby. I am your hyung. Do you know how much I'd like to switch rolls and actually get a chance to protect someone instead of having someone protect me?" Suho asked sincerely. Kyungsoo never thought of it and looked down away from his stare. 


When the three made it to the theater, they all sat up far away from the stage and looked around for anything suspicious. 

As they play went on, nothing happened that was out of the ordinary. Suho started to loosen up and began to fall asleep. But Kyungsoo refused to let his guard down. As the play came to an end, Suho stood up after hearing noises like clanking up in the ceiling. He opened the door that needed the password and walked up to the ceiling rails where people fix the lights. 

When he looked through the door into the light rails, he saw a man hold a sniper rifle, aimed at the stage. 

He gasped and felt his heart beating faster. He sat down and took a deep breath, hoping his lungs won't collapse again. He took out his phone and called Chanyeol.

"What's up?" he asked. When he realized that Suho had left, "Where did you go?"

"I need you to come up to the light rails with Kyungsoo. There's someone up here with a gun aimed at the stage and I think he's gunna make a scene soon" Suho whispered and wheezed. Just as Chanyeol was going to stand up, a small noise was heard from the ceiling and the lead actress was shot in the eye. 

Blood spurted on the audience members in front as they screamed. 

Suho look down at the stage and felt like crying. "No!" he shouted. The murderer stood up and started to walk out with his gun without a care in the world. He walked past Suho as if he wasn't even there. Suho felt rage build up inside of him and he followed the murderer. "YOU EVIL BASTARD! I'M CALLING THE POLICE" he yelled while the killer walked out. 

Suho couldn't help but find it weird that the killer was about able to walk through the choas which was the audience and still make it out of the building. He wasn't confronted by anybody, but Suho.

Chanyeol and Kyungsoo finally found Suho, who looked like he was screaming.. But..

Suho shouted at the killer as he walked out. He watched in horror as he walked towards a woman....

.....The ghost woman from backstage. The killer stopped next to her and held her hand, and they walked out together. Suho couldn't believe his eyes. 

He fell to his knees as the auditorium cleared up. Chanyeol and Kyungsoo finally found him on the ground and shook him. "Suho hyung! What happened?" Chanyeol yelled in his ear. "That man..." Suho said "What man?" Kyungsoo asked and looked around.. Suho stood up and looked at his friends. "You didn't see him? He walked out with a huge sniper rifle in his arms!" he yelled. Chanyeol looked at Kyungsoo with worry. They both looked back at Suho. 

"Hyung.. We didn't see anyone like that.."

Suho heaved and looked around. Soon, the paramedics came and took care of the scene. 


Then Suho realized why the killer was able to walk through the crowd. Because nobody could see him.. Not even Chanyeol and Kyungsoo. 

"How come.. I was the only one who could see him?" he said

That person that killed the actress

The person that just walked out hand in hand with a ghost.

Wasn't even a person

It was death...


I really didn't like this chapter.. But I had to write a Joonmyun one ^^ I really hope I have better ideas soon

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Lilianlimi #2
Chapter 16: omg that's creppy >___<
Chapter 15: So your no longer continuing this??
But I like it~~~
LongLiveTheBeast #4
Chapter 15: Goddamit i love this but it almost made me crap my pants. I liked the lighthouse chap the best.
mahava #5
Chapter 4: ugh, i only read this chapter in the begining and got scared already...and the facts that i'm home alone, and my house just happend built right beside the cemetry didn't help it all..

i think i'll read these in the afternoon only, which mean tomorrow... yeah, good story anyway ^^
hanate #6
Chapter 13: im curious about this other kris from this parallel universe.....very intriguing.....
Chapter 13: Yes! Definitely HunHan part 2. !!
Lilianlimi #8
Chapter 13: Uuugghhh...i became a little bit afraid to see my reflection on mirror >__< and i would love to read the part 2 of hunhan chapter! XDDD
Chapter 13: Good luck, fighting !