
Once Upon a Fairytale
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Message for my Sehun: 

Ah, ah. Testing. Can you hear me clearly? Silly me, of course you can hear me…

Sehun-ah! How should I start this? Hmm… I will try my best not to let you discover this video in my laptop, but if you’re watching now, I guess that means I am no longer by your side to stop you. Before you start feeling sad, I want to tell you this is not intended to be a depressing video so hold your tears back! I just figured a video that talks would be much better than you staring at my photo whenever you miss me… right? Because I know if I’m in your position I would miss you like crazy. But that doesn’t mean you should be watching this all the time! Maybe just once a month? Hook my pinky here and promise!

Well… the first time I saw you, you had this stoic expression that was really unfriendly and charming at the same time. But the first time you smiled at me, your smile was sweeter than candy and brighter than the stars. I’m not even exaggerating here. Your smiles still send my heart constricting in happiness.

You’ve a cute lisp that pops up occasionally and it’s so adorable that I never told you because I was afraid you would stop with the lisp. Every time you lisped with a serious face on, it makes the pain in my body go away…

Saying that I’m satisfied with the few months we had would be a lie, because I would want to spend all of my lifetime with you. But if this is all that’s left to me life, it was the most well spent time. I won’t cry because we’re parting, but smile because we met and fell in love. Isn’t love such a magical thing? In Chinese, they say 有缘千里来相会. It means if two people are fated, they will meet even if they are really far away. Although there are so many people on earth, somehow two people will meet. And even then, meeting doesn’t guarantee falling in love. Some people meet and forget each other, some experience love at first sight that quietly gets buried in their hearts. But we’re lucky because we fell in love, and we became bound to each other. Sehun-ah, our meeting became meaningful. Who said happily ever after was the only ending? I think a significant, firsthand experience with love beats any fairytale ever written.

You always say I’m an angel who has mistakenly walked into hell, but you shine so much brighter than me, anywhere feels like heaven as long as you’re with me. Even after I leave, I want to become your guardian angel, watching over you and shielding you from any harm. Thank you for enteri

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darkangel15 #2
Chapter 5: I did cry. You're damn good at writing.
Thank you for sharing!
Chapter 4: God, so damn sad!
And Sehun was hurt twice. He lost his parents and he lost his love.
Hard. Very hard. And at a so young age...
Chapter 3: Shock! Sehun had the shock of his life. But what could he do if not to lighten Luhan's last days?
Chapter 2: Did Sehun do a great mistake? Well, it depends on how one sees things. But for Luhan, the illness and Sehun's rejection hurt like hell.
What Sehun feels? Guilt? Hurt? Both?
Chapter 1: Oh, boy! Sad fate! Twice. Ill and rejected.
foryourxoul #8
Chapter 5: And yes, you did make me cry you horrible~~~ TTTTT Nonetheless, this is so beautiful. Indeed Luhan is an angel and you can understand why Sehun just feels like he brought the downfall of someone so pure and beautiful like Luhan? And the not worthy part. I guess if you see it from both sides, you actually understand why both feel what they feel. IDK if I should continue the next part or....