
Once Upon a Fairytale
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The first time I laid eyes on him, I felt a force compelling me, drawing me to him. He was really quite a character. The way his sharp yet weary eyes glazed over everyone as though he had seen enough of the world to understand the order of all beings. His walk, with both hands stuffed in his pockets as he took unhesitant, long extended strides. There was no joy expressed on his face, no bounce in his steps, and definitely nothing that would attract a normal human being. But somehow I wanted to knock down those walls that he put up around him. I wanted to see how it would be like if he smiled, how it would be like if he were to express excitement. He was Oh Sehun.

I still recall vividly the first day he came. We heard some rumours about a trouble kid who has been transferring schools and how he likely wouldn’t be accepted into another school if he doesn’t graduate from here. Knowing how the gang enjoyed messing up people’s lives, I much preferred keeping away from them for the time being. My only wish was for the poor transfer student to be strong enough to withstand the bullying we were notorious for. Don’t get me wrong, I might be part of the clique, but that doesn’t make me an equivalent. Just like how there was Rui Hanazawa in Hana Yori Dango, my existence in the group was similar to his. Although I wouldn’t label myself as soft-spoken, I was surely the kind one out of the lot. That’s why, transfer student, I really hope you’ll pull through enough for us to become friends.

Hiding behind a textbook, I tuned out the excited murmurs about the transfer student setting foot into the office to register himself. I shook my head to turn down the offer to ambush him and propped my chin on my palm as I gazed out of the window. It didn’t take long for the transfer student to come into view as he stands face to face with the rest of our class. He remained expressionless – in fact, he didn’t even flinch! Standing still with his hands calmly tucked in his pockets, he attempted to walk straight through them and of course, it wouldn’t come without some struggle. They shoved him mercilessly from person to person, but his hands remained firmly in his pockets. Perhaps he wouldn’t be enough to stand up for himself and he might withdraw from the school although the day barely started? And then it happened. He shot a single gaze that was so cold and unfeeling that everyone stopped in their tracks, as though he managed to freeze time. I truly thank the teacher for arranging a window seat for me. It was that first sight that had me deciding we could be more than mere acquaintances.

I figured he didn’t like me much from the dirty look he threw me when he entered the class. I mean, I was the only one in class and surely he couldn’t be annoyed at a spiritual being behind me or something? He dumped his bag onto an empty desk with a loud thud before dropping into the seat. Glancing out the window, the class was barely gathering their senses from what had happened and turning back his way, I realized the transfer student had lain back in his seat with his eyes closed. His long leg was swung over the other and he had crossed his arms too, in a protective stance despite him appearing so relaxed. “Do you mind? I’m trying to get some sleep here.” The abrupt emergence of his voice shocked me and I hurriedly turned my attention back to the textbook in my ha
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darkangel15 #2
Chapter 5: I did cry. You're damn good at writing.
Thank you for sharing!
Chapter 4: God, so damn sad!
And Sehun was hurt twice. He lost his parents and he lost his love.
Hard. Very hard. And at a so young age...
Chapter 3: Shock! Sehun had the shock of his life. But what could he do if not to lighten Luhan's last days?
Chapter 2: Did Sehun do a great mistake? Well, it depends on how one sees things. But for Luhan, the illness and Sehun's rejection hurt like hell.
What Sehun feels? Guilt? Hurt? Both?
Chapter 1: Oh, boy! Sad fate! Twice. Ill and rejected.
foryourxoul #8
Chapter 5: And yes, you did make me cry you horrible~~~ TTTTT Nonetheless, this is so beautiful. Indeed Luhan is an angel and you can understand why Sehun just feels like he brought the downfall of someone so pure and beautiful like Luhan? And the not worthy part. I guess if you see it from both sides, you actually understand why both feel what they feel. IDK if I should continue the next part or....