
Definitely Crazy

She wasn’t sure when this happened, but to call it love already, wasn’t her brain taking this a little too far. Her stomach twisted in knots uncomfortably, wasn’t love supposed to feel like butterflies? Not this unbearable sensation in her abdomen like her insides were being torn apart.

Sadly she had nothing to cross reference with because she’s never really been in love. Crushes, infatuation, and obsession are all feelings that she has experienced, but love, real love? No.

Was she love sick? Is that why she feels like instead of the butterflies that are over advertised in this world as the first sign of love? She sighed, and almost instantly her eyes watered up with the thought of his face. Oh God no, she was crying again.

“What is wrong with me?” She wiped a stray tear from cheek staring at it wondering why it felt the need to escape now. His face brings her to tears now, what has she become? She can’t live like this, but for some reason these “feelings” have completely intrigued her. She almost can’t get enough this feeling, like a glutton for punishment. Yup, she was definitely losing it.

Sniffles and the restlessness of her legs grazing back and forth against her crisp sheets was the soundtrack to her misery. Her glossy eyes stared at her ceiling fan watching it never stray from its track and she asked herself again for the thousand time,

“Are you sure you love him?”

She closed her eyes thinking hard about it this time, her stomach twisted as his perfect face entered her mind. She nodded her head without a second thought, now wanting to see him painfully bad.

Rolling over in distress she reached for her phone putting in the password lethargically. Contacts, favorites, right under her annoying sister were his name and number. She stared at small picture of him derping in the corner and smiled. Even his ugly faces were beautiful right now.  Her thumb hovered over his name and she wasn’t sure what she was going to say to him but-

“Oh my God.” She gasped, her phone wasn’t waiting for her anymore and its hypersensitive screen did the honor of calling him its self. His contorted face took over the whole screen as the dial tone echoed in her still room.

“.” She quickly hit end and dropped back onto her bed kicking her legs making noises of regret.

“I’m supposed to be studying.” She whined into her pillow and new wave of un-comfort washed threw her remembering she had a midterm on Tuesday. Tuesday was the day after tomorrow and here she was crying and trying to convince herself that she was in love with her friend.

“I’m crazy.” Her voice came out like a crazy person as her head popped up from her overstuffed pillow and her hair flying in different directions.

She nearly crawled up the wall at the feeling of her phone vibrating against her thigh. Hands frantically searched through the bundle of covers and tissues dispersed among the bed before she held her phone in front of her face like a goblin would to its “precious”.

It was him. He was calling her back and all she could do was stare at his picture remembering when she slyly took it and he begged her to delete it. To answer it or not? To tell him to come over or not? Heck, why not just tell him how she been in bed for the past two days crying at the drop of a hat because she is almost positive she’s in love with him, or that she’s just crazy.

Shaking and unsure her thumb slid across the screen to answer before slowly pressing it to her ear.

“What?” He sounded bored, like he might have been staring at his computer re reading the last chapter of Naruto for the third time. She didn’t reply for a moment but just listened to him breathing, she heard him sigh before he called her name.

“Jongin…” Her voice came out like whisper.


“What are you doing?” Her heart raced and she almost choked on her words.

Jongin huffed, “Reading Naruto, why do you sound like that?”

“Like what?” She asked quickly. Thinking he had already caught on to her and her heart was ready to burst because she wasn’t ready yet. This was happening too fast,   Oh God no, what was she going to sa-

“Like crazy” Jongin cut her thoughts off stating the obvious.

“I don’t know, maybe cause I am…” she mumbled.

“True,” he concluded. “What do you want?”

“I don’t know…” she sighed.

Jongin sighed shortly after, “They’re taking way too long to kill Madara’s …”

“He’s still alive?” she asked going along with his nerd talk.

“Umm-hmm, you home?”

“Um… yeah” Panic was rising in her voice and she almost wished she told him no because she knew what was coming next.

Jongin stayed quiet for a moment glancing at his phone making sure he knew who he was talking too, “What is wrong with you?” he sounded annoyed.

“Nothing.” She rushed trying desperately to get her together.

“I’m coming over then.” He said it like he didn’t want to come, but she knows that’s just Jongin’s usual natural pissy tone in his voice.

He didn’t give her moment to reject because Jongin was remarkably fast when it came to hanging up on people. A dramatic long sigh that turned into a growl at the end left her chest, she was doing everything but studying.

Jongin gets there in a flash considering he literally lives down the hall, and she’s pacing in her kitchen trying to calm her nerves when he knocks at the door. She stares at the door feeling queasy, her stomach doing things that could make her hunch over in pain.

She opens the door avoiding his eyes because she’s not quite sure what her reaction will be. At this point it could vary from slapping him, to kissing him, and of course the obvious crying and running back into her room.

Jongin chewed on his lip walking past her, “You got food?”

“Umm, I don’t know…” She scratched her head looking at the floor and Jongin stared at her before walking up to face her. She avoided his stare but she could tell he checking to see if she was really herself.

“Back up Jongin, damn!” She stepped back, he was ing intoxicating but as good he smelt her stomach reacted in a way that made feel that she should probably go to the bathroom.

“Ah there you are, I was starting to think I came in the wrong apartment” He was still examining her waiting for her to meet his eyes. She glanced up to glare at him but got stuck upon seeing just how handsome he was.

Her eyes widened taking in the perfection before her- Oh God, no… the waterworks started.

“What the hell, why are you crying?” Jongin stared at her alarmed, thinking he did something wrong but reminded himself that he just got there.

She threw he arms up in air letting the tears falls, why was she so full of tears today, .

“I don’t know~” she whined before turning and heading into her room.

Jongin stayed in the kitchen completely lost as to what just happened.

With blurry vision she flopped onto her bed burying her face, what did Jongin do to her? Her chest hurt and stomach continued to churn, he broke her, she was sure of it. This why people aren’t supposed to have beyond attractive friends like Kim Jongin, gosh she didn’t see this coming and she ran into the brick wall hard.

Jongin came into her room tip toeing toward her bed like he was approaching a dangerous hurt animal.

“Hey… what’s going on?” he coaxed the best way he could.

She heard the concern in his voice and her stomach flipped again, “What the Jongin,” she groaned into the pillow why was he talking to her all sweet and .

Jongin’s eyebrows rose in surprise, “What? What did I do?” his voice was frantic but also annoyed because he hadn’t even touched her yet.

What did he do? What did he do? She repeated in her head. He single handedly ruined her life with his gorgeous face, and the way he clings to her when he’s bored. He has turned her into a train wreck over his chocolate voice and the way he moves. He has made her helpless to his touch and addicted to his laugh. He made her fall in love with him and she wasn’t ready for this!

Jongin stared her completely freaked out but still getting close enough to sit on the edge of the bed and her back. “What happened?” his voice was gentle.

“Jongin” she whined his name, her mind turning to mush.

“Yeah,” he answered pulling some of her hair from her face, “Are you sick?”

She sat up abruptly turning to face him, he looked so cute and worried she could have kissed him. “No, Jongin! I’m not sick, you can’t just come over like, like this!” she gestured to his whole body thinking why the hell did he look so y at 12am in the first place, her hormones were on edge with him this close.

Jongin grabbed her arm that was pointing at him like he committed a crime, “What the , are you on your period?”

“No, Jongin! I’m in lov-“ she stopped short and the room fell to silence. Jongin stared at her concerned still but more than anything annoyed because she was acting extremely bio polar and this wasn’t what he came here for. All Jongin wanted was her company and her food.

“You’re what?” he questioned though he was sure she was about to say ‘love’.

“Oh my God.” She whispered before scurrying out of her bed into her bathroom.

Jongin sighed, “What the …”

She hurriedly pulled down her pants and underwear eager to see if she had started, and sure enough, she did. She sighed dramatically running her fingers through her hair, realizing that she was indeed crazy.

Jongin knocked on the door, “You alright in there?”

“Yeah, I just… Oh my God, I’m so sorry, I’m trippin for reals… oh my gosh, I’m crazy”

Jongin heard her mumbling and it sounded like she was looking for something,  “What’s going on?” he sounded tired and she knew this was all too much for Jongin’s easily overworked brain and body.

“I started,” she explained.

Jongin huffed, “Figured, I’m going home.”

“No wait! Jongin wait please!”

“What? You get crazy when you’re like this, I’m tired now, I’m leaving.” Jongin adjusted his cap on his head sighing and wondering why girls are so ing strange.

The bathroom door cracked open and she peeked her head through, “Jongin…” She was wearing her ‘I’m really sorry but I have a favor to ask’ face. Jongin knew exactly what she was about to ask him.

“No.” he shook his head turning to leave but she grabbed his arm.

“Please, I’m all out… and the cramps are getting worse by the minute.” Her puppy dog eyes were effective and Jongin glared at her before snatching his arm away.

“Tampax Pearl please, take my card its in my purse.”

“You owe me.” He said bitterly.

“Whatever you want.” She agreed.

Jongin left to the store and she sat on the toilet completely amazed with herself. Did she really just trick herself into thinking she was in love with Jongin because her period makes her slightly delirious? She felt like whatever spell she had casted upon herself was slowly coming undone. She still felt queasy and needy but those so-called butterflies were definitely becoming the devil’s work aka cramps.

She sighed, it all made sense and maybe she really bought into it because honestly who wouldn’t be in love with Kim Jongin? Maybe she was in love with Kim Jongin? She shook her head now knowing that her judgment isn’t the best to trust at this time. Thinking back over her day and all the love movies she watched and the waterwork show she just performed in front of Jongin was all embarrassing yet funny. She covered and laughed so hard she almost fell off the toilet.

“I’m ing crazy.” She giggled.





 A few weeks later


She sat in bed next to Jongin fighting over the last of the cookies,

“Kai bai bo! Jongin, let’s be fair!” she complained.

Jongin laughed before stuffing the last cookie in his mouth, “I hope you choke.” She said coldly. She stared at his face, his cheeks full and eyes tight and her glare faltered seeing how ridiculous he looked.

“Jongin,” she snorted pushing him away from her, he laughed mouth full like the cookie monster.

 A thought crossed her mind as she thought about how this would probably be funny now. “Hey,” she started, Jongin looked over toward her still smiling with crumbs on his face.

“You know how I get all crazy when I’m on my period?” she chuckled at what she about to say, and Jongin’s eyebrows furrowed wondering why she was talking about that.

“Well last time, you know when you bought me tampons,” She covered because for some reason this was funniest in the world now. “I was all emotional and stuff and I had convinced myself that I was in love with you.”

She fell over laughing telling Jongin in between breaths just how real it was and how she even almost told him. When she looked over to him and he was choking on his cookie desperately gasping for air hitting his chest before finally swallowing it down.

“…Wh-what?” he croaked.

“I thought I was in love with you!” She held her stomach laughing again after seeing Jongin’s dumbfound face. Jongin did an instant replay of the night and stared at her in disbelief before his crooked smile tugged at his lips.

“You love me?” he teased, grabbing her by her waist and she screamed no.

“You do, wow, that’s actually not that crazy though, I mean look at me” he grinned like the handsome devil he is and she shoved him away from her.

“Stop Jongin, I was crazy”

“Yeah about me!” he laughed

She rolled her eyes, Jongin was the fun outta this.  “Go get some more cookies ” she demanded.

Jongin rolled out the bed, “Okay honey” he said smoothly while winking.

She threw a pillow at him on his way out but missed and his laugh echoed in her kitchen.

“I should have never told him.” She sighed.  

A/N: Yeah, so I haven't wrote anything in like AGES. && tbh Idek what this is? lol I literally wrote it on whim because it I was listening to "It was You" by Daeho and Jongin came to mind and I got all mushy and I swear this was supposed to be cute but idk she started her period and she was just crazy to begin with (or IS SHE???)? I got really off track writing this haha. BUT what's really funny about this, to me at least. Is that I wrote this the night before I started (tmi, sorry) but the next day I just laughed because I was being so gushy over Jongin and and then I write and then I start the next day omg. 

p.s- I'm getting back to writing and currently working on a quality Taekai fic atm but I guess its safe to say that I'll probably be posting really random short things like this more often. Thank you for reading and subing~ 


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Chapter 1: hahahahahaha...LOL!!!!!
Chapter 1: This is freaking hilarious. Thought it's crazy to cry when seeing his face. Indeed she is
Loved this!
Lovetootie2x #4
Chapter 1: this was super cute. but i could see this having another chapter!maybe...