Oppa Notice Me

Girl in Luv

Mihyun's POV

We have math together and before I admit I H-A-T-E-D HIM so bad! When I first saw him I thought HE was pretty cool and wanted to say "Hi", so I did. I said, "Hi" to HIM and immediately, HE just nodded and walked away. I thought that HE was the shy type so I shrugged it off, later on I found out that I had math with HIM and I guess I was a little happy. But every time I would try to at least greet him, HE would treat me like I'm invisble, something insignificant in HIS life. rUDE. But we're of different ages and classes so what was I suppose to know about upperclassmen. A month has passed since I met HIM and eventually I just gave up in greeting HIM, or even looking at HIM now. I'm sick of it, ugh life just hates me.

A month or two has passed and man, I never knew man can be this confusing! Sheesh our teacher bricks, even though days have passed HE and I never exchanged a word to each other, just quick glances and then we go back to our studies. Although HE usually sleeps in class but oh what do I care, HE's an impolite jerk anyway... After in just that much time, I ended up hating him for God knows what.

Another month has passed and it was now Christmas, my Senpai bought me a BigBang poster and I was squealing and loving her till death do us part~ When I walked into math class, I had a huge smile plastered on my face. 

"What happened to you Mihyun?" she asked in a curious yet amused tone.

I jumped up and down and twirled as words could not express how happy I was feeling, "I'm feeling Fantastic bABY~!!!"

The Kpoppers in our class were laughing but then I noticed that HE just gave me a poker face and in my mind, I knew that I just wanted to rage at HIM and rant at HIM over nothing at all! HIM face just brought my who jolly mood down to what is now a crumpled piece of wrapping paper. I let out a huff and walked to my seat with the amount of dignity I had left. 

'Ugh, what did I see in him anyway...? I hope I don't make any stupid choices.'

Another month has passed and now, HE has somehow found his way to be socialable but HE talks to the guy who sits behind me. Every time HE comes, HE pulls up a chair and sits next to him. Not that I mind about that part, but after that, yet again HE ignores my existence! What am I to HIM? A dead M/V?! Well excuse me Mr. Snapback but at least I know how to respond! The thought of HIM always gets me irritated now and I just despise it but I knew that after this, Korean Club's meeting was going to happen during lunch. I won't see HIM at all, nothing but good supportive people and a bunch of M/V's played before and after the meeting. I just can't wait. 

As I was walking into the classroom where Korean club usually had its meeting, I saw HIM. My jaws dropped and my fists clenched together. I glared at HIM intently and he immediately noticed my death glare and changed from a smiling face to a poker face once again. I began to rub my temples as I took a sit beside my friend, "Could this year get any worst?"


We were now doing dance practices so we could perform at our school's upcoming rally and man was it hard on us. I was struggling but with our Korean club's members and dance teachers, I finally had more confidence in my steps and my body was more controlled. I was truly happy to be a part of the Korean club family and HE never came into my mind ever until...

"Hey guys!"

I turned my head and saw HIM walking right into the middle of our practice with a milk tea in his hands. Immediately I was filled with anger but I kept my cool and looked at HIM blankly while everyone smiled brightly at HIM and welcomed him. It's already half the school year and HE still won't even say, "Hello." Ugh, dammit now what does this guy want..

"Hey are you guys doing WOW by BTOB? Hey I learned some of the choreo already so mind if I join?"

'Of course you can't you idiot, there are no more spots left-'

"Of course you can! Jerry just quit recently and we were going to look for one more guy to take his place," our dance instructor gleamed as she pointed to a spot next to me. I felt disgusted and I ignored him completely when he walked over to the spot next to me. I never looked at him and focused solely on my dancing.


It's already 4 months until summer vacation comes and I was feeling as happy as ever. Four more months of not seeing HIM ever again, ah what a life~

"Hey Mihyun."

I snapped out of my daydream and looked up at the person who I least thought that I would be talking to.


'Why is HE talking to me?'

HE gave me a small smile, "I don't get number 11, can you please show me how to do it?"

I raised a brow and nodded slowly, I then leaned in and showed him the steps on how to solve the equation and how to make a quick graph for it. By the time I was done, HE smiled brightly and thanked me. HE walked back to HIS seat and left me wondering aimlessly on why HE just spoke to me. Usually HE would ask the guy that sits behind me for help, did I do something??

After that strange day, HE and I were talking every day now. Exchanging greetings and giving each others smiles now instead of poker faces and cold shoulders. At first I found it strange but now, this guy was beginning to grow on me. HE's making me smile now and now were so nice to each other that I began to share my Toffee-cream filled French Cookies with him, and I L-O-V-E my cookies. Every day HE was say, "Hi" to me and talk to me at least once a day. Then when we get to Korean club, we tease each other around, have fun, and enjoy each other's company. 

Now it was Valentine's Day and I asked my long time crush if HE wanted to me mine, but he rejected me hard and I guess my heart was shattered. I came into class quiet, glum, puffy-eyed, and had some dried tears stained on my cheeks. Immediately, people looked at me with a sympathetic expression because I was basically the maknea to everyone in this class. A junior ran up to me and hugged me, giving me comforting words and she requested that she and I go outside to talk things out until I feel better. I agreed and left the classroom with her walking behind me. I didn't notice HIS eyes looking at my smaller body making my way outside of the classroom.

After class, I packed up my things, as usual I was the last to leave and made my way towards the door. Right when I was outside, I felt two arms pull me into a strong but gentle embrace. I gasped at the feeling and noticed HIM holding me in his strong arms.

"J-Jimin, what are you-"

"Mihyun, why have you not noticed me...?"


HE looked at me sadly and let out a sigh, "It's just...I never knew that you were such a unique girl until I saw how amazing you were with your dancing. You seem like a totally different person in Korean club compared to when you see me. I mean, I'm sorry for ignoring you but I just thought that you were like all the other freshman. But you're not, you're amazing, talented, funny, sweet, passionate aobut your dancing, and gosh...you're so amazing that I lost count of all the good things that describe you."

I looked at HIM with shocked eyes as HIS words slowly sunk into my soul, I felt my heart beginning to tighten and my breathing becoming unstable. HE looked away in slight embarrassment and for some reason I found it extremely cute! I smiled softly and put a hand on HIS cheek, HE looked at me with a confused face.

"Jimin..I've always wanted you to notice me because I really did notice you. But I guess at one point you died in my heart when you neglected me, but now that you have said those things to me... it made me so happy. Thank you," I smiled again and pecked HIM on HIS cute cheek. 

HIS eyes widened and I giggled, "Happy Valentine's Day Park Jimin."


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Chapter 3: Hahahaha! BTS is just so cute! Rapmon is a true man! He has no shame! Jin and his s! Kekeke! Jimin and Mihyun are cute together!
Chapter 2: Wait! I don't get it...she asked out Jimin and got rejected?
elifboz2 #3
Wow this already sounds great im looking forward to reading this, how often will you update ..??? ^^ =D