

After hours of grueling lessons, Oh Sehun was finally done with his classes for the day. Skipping happily down the halls, he caught sight of his friends Tao and Kris whispering conspicuously to each other. With his curiosity peeked, he sneaked behind the two, making sure to keep a safe distance to go unnoticed but still be able to hear their conversation.


"So, is it true?" Tao asked.


"What is?" Kris answered.


"You know that thing about Lu Han?"


`Lu Han? ‘ Sehun thought to himself, leaning in closer so he could hear more clearly.


"What thing?" Kris replied, a slight hint of annoyance in his voice.


“You know THE thing?” Tao emphasized.


“What thing?”


"Dude, come on just tell me the thing?!"


"WHAT THE IS THE THING?!?!" Kris yelled.


"SHH! Keep it down stupid!" Tao said, momentarily forgetting that he was talking to his hyung.


"What did you ju-"


"Anyway, so just tell me already, who's Lu Han crushing on?" Tao demanded, completely ignoring the fact that he called his hyung stupid.


'What?! Lu Han's crushing on someone?! WHO?!' Sehun thought, surprised, he leaned in once more, this time much closer.


"I know you know who it is, hyung! TELL MEEEEEEE~!" In Kris' mind Tao was starting to look like some kind of madman and he feared for his life. "TELL ME! TELL ME! TELL ME! I swear, you better tell me or I'm going to wushu your !" Tao said, shaking Kris by the collar of his jacket.


"ALRIGHT! ALRIGHT! Just let go of me already! You're ruining my style." Kris said, straightening his jacket.


With a deep sigh, Kris carefully prepared the words in his head. Tao and Sehun braced themselves for the information that was about to come to light.


"Okay, promise me this will stay between us."


"Yes, I promise!"


"I'm serious Tao, not one word to anyone else. Or else I'm never standing by the door whenever you shower!" Kris threatened.


"You don't mean that." Tao said, scared of the idea of having to bathe without anyone protecting him from ghosts and monsters.


"I'm serious, bro! One word and you are on your own."




With a smug look, Kris proudly blurted out the words that had been bothering both Tao...and Sehun for the past few minutes since the topic of Lu Han's love life started.


"Lu Han likes..."




Surprised Kris, Tao, and Sehun turned to the direction of the newcomer.


"Ch-Chanyeol!" Sehun replied, stunned.


"What are you doing hiding in the corner acting like some stalker? You checking out some hot chick or something?" Chanyeol said, peeping behind Sehun.  "Oh, it's Kris and Tao! Hey guys, what's up?" Chanyeol said, waving at the two approaching figures.


"Hey Chanyeol. Sehun." Kris said, with a nod. Kris eyed Sehun suspiciously. "You've been here this whole time?" Kris asked, his intent gaze fixed on Sehun.


"Uhm~ no. I, uhh- just got here." Sehun said, hoping that they'd fall for his lie.


"Really? I swear I saw you-" Chanyeol rebutted.


"Ookay! Chanyeol, don't you have someplace to go?" Sehun said, trying to push Chanyeol away from the other two.


"Huh? No, I don-"


"Yes, weren't you supposed to meet up with Baekhyun? See ya in the dorms Tao, Kris!" Sehun pulled Chanyeol by the hand as they walked towards the opposite direction. Leaving Tao and Kris wondering what just happened.


Moving as far away from the other two, Sehun just kept walking and walking until Chanyeol finally decided to pull his hand away.


"What the hell is going on, Sehun?" Chanyeol asked, rubbing his wrist from where Sehun had held him.


"You just had to ruin the moment!" Sehun said, frustrated.


"What?" Chanyeol was utterly clueless.


"He was about to say it!"


"Say what?"


"Lu Han's crush!"




"I said, Kris was about to tell Tao who Lu Han's crush is!"


Upon hearing this, Chanyeol just couldn't help but laugh.


"Why are you laughing? This is serious!" Sehun said, incredulously.


I'm sorry *laugh*. It's just *laugh*...are you freaking serious?" Chanyeol asked, unable to control his laughter.


Sehun stared at Chanyeol as if he had grown two heads.


"Dude, come on. You really don't know?" Chanyeol said, still in between laughs.


"I wouldn't be asking if I knew, would I?" Sehun said with piercing eyes.


"No way, you're serious? You two are together every day and you honestly have no clue who it is?" Chanyeol finally stopped laughing. The air was all of a sudden dead serious. Clearing his throat, he said "Okay, before I tell you, answer me this one question."


"O-kay?" Sehun answered.


"Why are you so desperate to know who it is?"


"What does that have to do with anything?" Sehun asked, confused.


"Just answer the question, Sehun."


The two of them just stared at each other for a moment, complete silence filling the space between them.


"I-I don't know." He said in a whisper. "It's just when I heard Kris and Tao mention that Lu Han liked someone I felt something twist inside of me. I know that it might be some silly crush but knowing the fact that Lu Han sees someone in that way, I just-...I just don't like it. I know it's none of my business but I just have to know who it is, okay? I just have to."


"Why? Are you hoping it's you?"


Chanyeol said it in such a straightforward manner that Sehun didn't know how to answer him.


"I..." Sehun tried to form words but nothing came out.


"Look bro, if you really want to know. Just go ahead and ask him."


"What? But you said you'd tell me!" Sehun complained.


"Yeah, well I changed my mind." Chanyeol said with a shrug.


"That's not-HEY! Where do you think you're going! Come back here!" Sehun shouted, as Chanyeol swiftly walked away, skipping happily as if just to tease his younger friend.


"Sorry bro! You said it yourself I got to go meet up with Baekhyun remember?" Chanyeol said, turning to face Sehun as he walked backwards "By the way, if you're going to look for Lu Han, I saw him walking towards the dorm! Good luck bro!" Chanyeol finished, throwing a playful wink at Sehun before he turned around and left.


"AHHHHH~ stupid Chanyeol!" Sehun said, as he walked towards the opposite direction. As he allowed his feet to lead wherever, his mind wandered once more to what Chanyeol had asked him. ‘Why am I so bothered? What answer am I expecting? Do I want it to be me?’ He thought ‘Nah, no way, I’m 100% sure it’s not me. It’s just completely impossible. Yeap! That’s right. There’s no way his answer would be me.’ Despite his efforts to convince himself that Lu Han would never see him in such a way, he still felt that pang in his heart but decided to just ignore it, thinking that he was just probably tired from the day’s activities. ‘I should just probably sleep this off.’


‘And I thought I had decided to just ignore this…WHY THE I’M I IN FRONT OF LU HAN’S DORM ROOM!'  As Sehun battled with his inner thoughts, he didn’t notice the door open.


"OH! Sehunnie!” Lu Han greeted, happily.


“LU HAN! What are you doing here?” Sehun asked, inwardly realizing how stupid his question was.


“Uhm, this is my dorm room?” Lu Han answered, a bit confused but just shrugged it off. “Whatever, anyway, I haven’t seen you all day! Come in, Xiumin’s out with Chen and Lay, so we’ve got the PS3 all to ourselves, this is so awesome! Let’s play FIFA!” Lu Han continued, excitedly pulling Sehun into his room.


Everything happened so quickly that Sehun just found himself seated on Lu Han and Xiumin’s couch, a PS3 remote in his hand. While Lu Han was busy looking for the FIFA game, Sehun was acting all fidgety and nervous, as if he didn't know what to do with himself, and this didn't go unnoticed by the other.


"Sehun, you okay?" Lu Han asked, his head turned towards Sehun, concern in his voice.


"Wh-what? Yeah, I'm fine." Sehun said, looking everywhere except the boy in front of him.


"Are you sure? You look...troubled. Is anything bothering you?"


"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. Let’s just play already." Sehun insisted.


"Okay then, if you say so." Lu Han didn't want to force it out of him, so he just dropped the issue, and went back to preparing the game. But he still wasn't convinced that Sehun was being honest with him.


"On second thought," Sehun blurted out "No, I'm not okay."


"What? Why? Did something happen?" Lu Han said his voice filled with worry, as he once again turned towards Sehun, an open CD case lying open on the floor.


"No, nothing happened. It's just I heard Kris and Tao talking about something...rather some…one."


"Really? Who?" Lu Han asked.


"Uhhhhm~ you?"


"Me? What about me?"


"Well, they kind of mentioned that uhhhh- you like…someone?" Sehun asked, nervously.


"REALLY? And what did they say?" Lu Han said, amused that his friends were making a big fuss over his love life.


"Actually, that's why I came here. To ask you"


"Oooh~ and that`s what`s been bothering you?"


"Yeah. But I won't force it out of you...if-if you don't want to tell me." Sehun said, not too convincingly.


Lu Han couldn't help but think that Sehun was cute being bothered by such a petty thing such as who he liked. Lu Han sat back down on the couch beside Sehun with a bounce, completely forgetting the fact that they were supposed to play an intense game of FIFA.


"Nah, it’s alright. You don’t have to force it out of me. I don't know how Kris and Tao found out though but I swear I haven't told a soul about this and there is a big chance that at least a few have an idea as to who it is since I haven't really been trying to hide it. Anyway, I won't tell you straight out who it is but I'm going to give you a few hints."


"What? Come on, just tell me already, please" Sehun whined, a cute puppy dog pout on his face.


"No. Telling you would make it boring. It’s much more fun this way. Anyway, here goes. First clue is that he…has blonde hair."


"Blonde hair?...Tao?" Sehun guessed.


"No. Second clue, he's a good dancer."




"Nope. Third clue, he raps well."


"Oh! I know this! Chanyeol?" Sehun answered, slowly getting his mood into the game.


"Na-ah!" Lu Han said.


"Those clues are hard, they’re too general." Sehun complained.


"Okay, let’s get into specifics then. He likes drinking CHOCOLATE Bubble Tea."


“Oooh~ I like Chocolate Bubble Tea.” Sehun said happily as he turned to face Lu Han, a cheeky smile on his face. “WAIT A MINUTE!...Does that mean you like…”


“That’s right! It’s YO-“ Lu Han was about to answer but Sehun was obviously too lost in his own thoughts.


“Nah, never mind, I can’t think of anyone. Next clue.”


Lu Han stared at the boy beside him in disbelief, as he gave himself an inner face smack. He was starting to regret not telling Sehun straight out, suddenly remembering how slow Sehun can be at times. With an exasperated sigh, he tried to think of another and apparently more obvious clue.


“He’s four years younger than me.”


"NO WAY!" Sehun said, confidently. "You like Kai?"


"REALLY!?" Lu Han said, utterly bewildered on how this person beside him could be so completely clueless.


"Dude, you have to help me out here."


Lu Han wanted to just smack Sehun in the face but restrained himself from doing so.


“Okay, this one’s a total give away. His birthday falls on the same month as mine.”


"Hmmmm~ "


"Dude, who among the other members celebrates his birthday on April?" Lu Han was slowly starting to lose his patience.


"Uhhhhhh~ "


"I GIVE UP!” Lu Han yelled, sighing in defeat. “Sometimes I don't know why I love you." Lu Han added, as he stood up and walked out of the room.


It took a few seconds before Lu Han's words registered in Sehun's head.



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hunhanoid #1
Chapter 1: SEQUEL. PLEASE :3
Chapter 1: OMG!!! This is too cute! I would really want a sequel for this :) Jebal authornim^^
Chapter 1: cute sehunnie >_<
Hahaha Sehun

This was cute :3
JinWoo #5
Chapter 1: LOL i laughing very hard right now
fragment_ #6
Chapter 1: LOLOLOLOLOLOL i don't know exactly how or why but this totally cracked me up. it's 1130PM, my neighbours are asleep but i'm pretty sure that by now they would have been woken up but my deafening guffaws.

Chapter 1: lol clueless Sehun is clueless XD
exo_luv #8
Chapter 1: Really, sehun?!!!! So slow...
Chapter 1: I demand sequel~~ TT-TT