Chapter Two: An Awkward Start

Bonded by the Heart

Chapter Two

Baekhyun adjusted his glasses before grabbing his books out of his locker and heading gown to his next class. Like always, he kept his head down to avoid the curious stares, and sometimes glares, of the other students.

There was quite a big contrast between Baekhyun and the other students at Seoul High, which probably was the reason why they hated his guts.

They were everything Baekhyun was not – rich, popular, attractive, tall.


“Whoa there. Someone’s in a rush.” Baekhyun had accidentally hit someone while he was looking down.

“Oh ,I’m sorry…”Baekhyun looked slightly embarrassed as he apologized to the taller male whom he had hit. Baekhyun proceeded to walk forward, but the student grabbed his arm and pulled him back.

“Hey, what’s your name? I haven’t seen you around before. Are you one of the scholarship students?” The student had a grin on his face, and Baekhyun found it weird that he wasn’t in a clique, and wasn’t ignoring him like the other students were.

“I’m Baekhyun…” Baekhyun nodded, still facing down.

“I’m Chanyeol.” Chanyeol smiled slightly at Baekhyun’s awkwardness.

After hearing that this taller male was apparently called “Chanyeol”, Baekhyun shuffled his feet and contemplated walking away there and then.

 “How about we to go lunch together?” Chanyeol seemed a little desperate to Baekhyun. They had just met and this guy who was so much taller than him was already asking him to lunch?

“Sure...” Baekhyun didn’t have anyone to go to lunch with, so he immediately accepted Chanyeol’s offer.


Whoa, that Chanyeol guy was weird, Baekhyun thought to himself as he brisk walked to the classroom.

He definitely had the looks – Chanyeol’s face looked like a picture that had been cut out of a fashion magazine.

He had the height too – he towered over Baekhyun by at least ten centimetres, Baekhyun had estimated.

The wealth and popularity didn’t show, though.

Chanyeol seemed a little lonerish – maybe even a hint of desperation.

He didn’t know if Chanyeol was rich, he would try to find out during lunch.


All too quickly, the bell had rung for lunch.

Baekhyun kept an eye out for Chanyeol as he was pushed into the canteen by the throngs of students entering at the same time. He nearly tripped over his own feet and struggled to free himself from the crowd, which was rushing to the food and not caring about the others. It was like a war zone.

Baekhyun spotted Chanyeol using his handphone at the corner. He walked over to Chanyeol, feeling awkward around him. Seeing the smaller male nearing him, Chanyeol hastily looked up from his phone screen. They exchanged glances before Chanyeol gestured for Baekhyun to sit down. Baekhyun looked unsure of himself – he looked up and down a few times before actually registering what Chanyeol gestured for him to do. “Oh…uh, hi.” Baekhyun mumbled, but Chanyeol seemed to be able to hear it. Though he didn’t give a reply, Baekhyun could have sworn he saw the corner of Chanyeol’s mouth turn up.

Most of the time, it was Chanyeol doing the talking and asking questions. Baekhyun often gave a yes or no answer, but Chanyeol didn’t seem to be frustrated. Instead, he continued asking Baekhyun numerous questions. Baekhyun couldn’t wait for lunch to be over. He wanted to be free from the awkward tension between himself and Chanyeol which was growing steadily with every word.

Chanyeol didn’t seem to be feeling the same way.


Baekhyun glanced at his watch from the corner of his eye.

12.24pm. Just six minutes more to the end of lunch.

Baekhyun shifted in his seat uncomfortably before looking up at Chanyeol. Chanyeol was staring at him. Staring. Baekhyun felt goosebumps on his hand before looking down at his plate of food. Now also known as, the empty plate of food with no food on it.

Baekhyun wasn’t much of a big eater, but he wished he had some food on his plate to ease the awkwardness.


Chanyeol broke the silence.

“So, what’s your favourite food?”

Baekhyun looked up at Chanyeol, thinking for a moment before answering.

“Um…I don’t really have favourites, but I like Korean food. Kimchi, mostly.”

“So do I.”

Baekhyun raised an eyebrow at Chanyeol’s reply. He began to question himself. Was Chanyeol really a rich kid or he was like Baekhyun, a scholar?

“Don’t rich kids like you like to eat, you know, western high-class food? French food?”

“I’m not your typical rich kid, Byun Baekhyun.”

It suddenly occurred to Baekhyun that he hadn’t told Chanyeol his surname.

“How do you know my surname?”

As usual, Chanyeol replied confidently. “Ah, you see, it’s written there on your nametag, over there.” Chanyeol stood up in one swift move, bent over and tapped Baekhyun’s name tag, which was pinned on the left side of his uniform. He spilled the drink on the table in the process.

“Ah, I’m so sorry, Baekhyun! I’ll clean it up now, just wait a moment for me to get some tissue…” Chanyeol’s hand flew to his mouth as he rushed to get serviettes.

Baekhyun stared dumbly at the fizzy mess of Coke on his shirt which was dripping onto his pants slowly. Baekhyun mumbled something as the Coke seeped into the white shirt, staining it.


“Chanyeol, don’t worry too much, I can clean it myself.”

“No, no, I spilled the drink so I should clean it up for you!”

“Chanyeol, seriously, there isn’t much time before lunch ends, this stain’s not going to come off with just some tissues, never mind about it, really!”
“Well, at least I should try to fix the mess I made! Goddamn it Baekhyun, stop moving!”

Baekhyun stopped moving at Chanyeol’s use of profanities. He sighed in defeat before relaxing his shoulders. Just then, the lunch bell rang for the second time, this time signaling the end of lunch period and for all students to return to class.

“Chanyeol, I’ve got to go. I have music next and there’s a briefing today on the upcoming piano test.” Baekhyun tried standing up, but ultimately failed as the taller and stronger male pinned him down.

“Come on Baekhyun, it doesn’t hurt to skip a class! You can just get the information from the teacher later on, geez.” Chanyeol argued with him. “Just skip class this once, I’ll bring you on a tour of this school. Kind of like your buddy, I suppose, but not really.”

For the second time that day, Baekhyun obeyed Chanyeol like a slave obeying his master. Like Chanyeol said, it wouldn’t hurt to skip a class, right?


Chanyeol grabbed Baekhyun by the wrist, and dragged him forcefully down the corridor. Baekhyun ahd to admit, he was kind of enjoying this. He supposed it was because he had always been a diligent student, always being punctual to class and definitely never skipping a class.

First experiences are always enjoyable, in some way or another.


Author’s Note

I’m so so sorry! I haven’t updated for half a year and honestly, things have just been so busy for me and school is just a huge burden and with a fate-deciding (?) examination this year I haven’t found the time and motivation to write recently. I promise I’ll update Chapter 3 soon, maybe sometime after my exams in November. Until then, enjoy these two pitiful chapters hehehe

(side note: I'm totally not used to this new AFF okay wow it's blue whaddup with all the social media being blue themed)

((sorry if this chapter otl))

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Chapter 1: Great! I hope you update soon!
Chapter 1: Poor Baek. I hope he'll be welcome soon. Poor baby
OnWooNielSeob #3
Chapter 1: Yesss! The 1st chapter is good :)
Thanks for the update ^o^
Chapter 1: Please update soon~!
Hihihihi cant wait :D ♥