Second Surprise: Welcome

Weird Guys + Weird Girls + Weird Sisters = ????

VIXX had been woken up early due to an extremely early schedule.  But instead of whining, their adorable maknae, Hyuk, and their almost maknae-like main vocal, Ken, ran to their monitors and see how the sisters were, even though "it's too early and they are more than likely still asleep, you creeps" like HongBin said.


Hyuk POV~

The girls were still asleep, just like Hyung had said.  I looked back at Ken-Hyung and wondered aloud,

"Does this count as creeping?"

"Yes!!  It does!!" HongBin-Hyung's voice comes from the bathroom.

I shrug, oh well.

The sisters had fallen asleep on the living room floor, covers and blankets and pillows were everywhere.  I couldn't tell which one was which, they all looked the same to me.  They were just lumps on the floor covered up to their necks with wild black hair on their pillows with arms and legs spread randomly, peeking out of the blankets.

The house looked better than before, they had really cleaned well, at least of what I could see.

"Aww... How cute!!"

Ow, my ear!  N-Hyung had screached in my ear as he came close to see the monitor as well.

"Look!" he drags Ravi and Ken-Hyungs closer.  "Look, that one is hugging a unicorn!!  And that other one has a big ladybug!!  Oh!  The one over there has a bear, and the one at the end has a... What is that?  Is that a person?"

What?  A person?  And I inch closer to the monitor.  Well, I'll be damned.  Its someone's face on a pillow.  Someone's very familiar face on a pillow.

"Hyung, that's KyuHyun-sunbae-nim's face," I tell N.  "She's hugging KyuHyun."

Then out of the corner of my eye I see that girl shift in her sleep, tightly hugging KyuHyun.

"SHHHHH!!!!!" Ken-Hyung shushes us when he saw that she moved too.

Ravi-Hyung and I smack him on the head.

"They can't hear us," I tell him.

Rubbing his head he points at her on the screen, "Then why is she looking around the house?"

The girl has crazy brown hair everywhere, a legit bedhead, and she looks around, still holding on to KyuHyun.  Once she sees that there is nothing, she plops down again, falling asleep within seconds.  Until in the middle of her turning she kicks and punches the girl next to her, the one holding the bear.

"Ouch, looks like that hurt," says Ravi.

"And that one is dead," Ken joins in.

KyuHyun-girl had kicked her sister on the leg and punched her on her shoulder, but Bear-girl hadn't reacted, just pulled the blanket around her tightly.

"Ok, I'm going to get my stuff ready," I told them as I let the rest of the members watch the screen and get ready for today.

Leo-Hyung appears from the bathroom, hair in a mess and pulling on a hoodie.  "Morning, Hyung.  The others are watching the sisters sleep," I inform him.

He nods.

I think that the sisters are a good distraction for us.

"Oh!  Unicorn-girl kicked Bear-girl, too!!" Ken's voice reaches me in the room.

"And Ladybug-girl is so dead."


"Dude, Unicorn-girl just woke up to kick Bear-girl again." 

Ravi, this time.

My backpack full with my things I go back to the livingroom area with my Hyungs when I hear them scream.

"Finally!" N and Ken high-five.

"Huh?  What did I miss?" I ask them as I see that Bear-girl was making her way to the bathroom on the other side of the living room, taking her bear with her.

HongBin comes from behind me and starts to walk me to the door, "C'mon, we're leaving already," he tells me laughing a little.

"But!  What happened?  What did I miss?" I keep asking them as we are outside the apartment and going down the elevator to the van.

The rest are laughing and talking about KyuHyun-girl and Unicorn-girl and hitting and how Ladybug-girl is like Ravi and they won't tell me what happened!!



On the way to the salon, Hyukkie is still asking what happened and why nobody is answering him.

"Well, the sisters kept hitting and punching Bear-girl, but she didn't wake up or anything, until both of the girls put their legs over Bear-girl and she got angry, I think.  So KyuHyun-girl and Unicorn-girl started to laugh and fell asleep again.  So Bear-girl got mad again and got up, kicking both of the girls and took thier blankets away," N told him.

"It's funnier if you had seen Bear-girl's face when she got up," HongBin says next to Hyuk.


Getting to the salon, the boys relaxed and had their hair and make-up done for an interview about the new show they were gonna do.

"Remember not to say the names of the girls," their manager told them.  "Or that you have seen them already, well, monitored them, okay?  And anything besides anything too personal is fine, got it?"

"Ne, manager-nim!"

"Ok, you are going to officially meet all of them in a week, so this is just to let your fans know and later you will have another interview with the girls.  Good luck."


After getting  back from the interview, the boys decided to run through all their choreographies as a warm-up and then start practicing their current song, since their last stage would be in a week and a half.

Two hours had passed, practicing, dancing, and monitoring as their leader had called for a break.

"Oh, let's check what the girls are up to."  Saying this, Ken grabbed the iPad next to the him and logged in to the live feed from the sisters' house.



"Sol, bring the brooms and lots of trash bags!" a voice says from the second floor.

The girl folding a blanket, Sol, looks up and starts draggin her feet towards the closet door, getting ready for another day of cleaning.

Then the door bell rings.

"GOT IT!!" Sol screams as she makes her way to the front door.

"Hi!  I'm Beth and this is Alex, and we are your new housemates!!" says an excited blonde-haired girl as soon as Sol opens the door.

("Oh!!  The other girls are here!!" screams N.)

Sol stands at the door until somebody else comes to the door and immediately rushes back up the stairs screaming for Sara.

"Hi!!" says Beth again at the new girl standing in front of the first girl.

As soon as Beth was about to do her little introduction again, Sara cuts in.

"Annabeth and Alexis, right?"  The girls outside nod thier heads eargerly.  "Well, nice to meet you, come on in.  I've been expecting you," Sara says lightly.

"Chicas!!" Sara screams once she sees that nobody was in the first floor.  When the other girls are together she starts.  "Girls, these are Annabeth and Alexis.  They are sharing this house with us and they are also going to the university with you guys."


N's POV~

I thought there might have been a fight, honestly.  Specially Unicorn-girl screaming at the fact that they don't have the house all to themselves like she had thought at first.  But they were just surprised, except Sara, since she was waiting for them to get there.  It seems like they are going to get along just fine.

Now everything was set up.  All that is needed is for us to go and play with them!!!  Yay for the CEO to let us do this!!  Finally some fun after so many promotions and busy schedules!!!  This is the best!! 

I hope we get to show them around.  We can go to the beach!  We can go camping!!  And we can go into haunted houses and scare Ken and Ravi, because I'm not going in there.  But we are gonna have so much fun!!

After this week we will be free!!  We are gonna play, we are gonna play!


HongBin's POV~

"N-Hyung, I can tell what is going through your head right now."

Hyung had been smiling from ear to ear and there was no way that anyone could mistake ther thoughts going through his head.

"You are thinking that we're going to play.  A lot.  Right?"

He turns around with a fake shocked face and then lets his happy nature take over.

"Oh my god, yes!!  We are going to have so much fun.  So much fun in fact, that Leo will have a smile on his face every day!!"

And with that absurd declaration, Leo-Hyung smacked N-Hyung's head.

"I hope so for your sake, Hyung," I mutter as I walk to get some water.

Before we know it, we are practicing once again.


Ravi's POV~

The girls had been cleaning the house and fighting for rooms as the week went by.  I swear, those sisters resolved almost everything by fighting.  If I had known how fun that was I wish that Eomma had had more kids, well, more sons, so I can play with them like the sisters did.  Not only that, but the other girls fit so well with them that they also joined in the fights and had fights of their own.

What a nice group of people.

Through what we had heard in the house, the oldest sister, Sara, had already lived in Korea and was showing the girls around HongDae and DongDaeMun.  She had wanted to show them the palaces, but apparently it got late and they all needed to wake up early to take a tour of their university.

It was at this point that the hyungs, minus Leo-Hyung, thought that it would be a good idea to follow them and see them outside the house.  Don't get me wrong, it'd be cool to be out and about, but it would be too much work following them around without them noticing us.  Just too much work.

"And because it would be so fun, we are going to follow the girls to school!!" N-Hyung screamed at us one early, schedule-free Saturday.

HakYeon and JaeHwan for their damn high energies.

So much for sleeping in.


Leo's POV~

HakYeon had had the great idea of following the their univeristy and now we were at the front gates, waiting for the girls to get there.

The older sister had told them that they needed to learn the way by themselves because she wasn't going to drop them off and pick them up everyday.  So they had taken the subway and we were waiting on the call of one of the managers to let us know when they got off.  Which was 15 minutes ago.

"Look!!" Hyuk and Ken started screaming as they see the group of girls approaching the school.  Finally.  The faster we do this, the faster we go to the dorms and sleep.


Sara had left the girls with a resident student to show them around, a handsome guy that Alexis was flirting with as he took them to see one of the buildings.

"And if you would like to take a break from classes, I recommend you guys to stop by the science building.  There is a nice cafe on the west side that is really relaxing," the guy, Won, had said.

"Awesome, it's close to my main building," Lucero had finally said something.

"Maybe we can have coffee there sometime," Alexis told Won, batting her eyes at her.

God, aegyo is even popular with foreigners.

In the back Lucero and Estrella were making gagging motions, Marisol holding her laugh as best she could.

HakYeon, JaeHwan, and WonShik looked at them like they were crazy.

"What is wrong with them?" HakYeon shook his head.

"Her aegyo was great!  Alex is so cute," WonShik said.

"Even Beth is showing him aegyo.  Why don't the sisters do it too?" JaeHwan asked HakYeon, who just shrugged.

"I don't think they like aegyo," HongBin joined them.

"They're throwing up again," Hyuk pointed out.

Lucero started gagging behind Annabeth's back once she and Alexis started squealing at how cute Won's embarrassed face was.  Estrella was holding her hand at her head, fingers in shape of a gun ready to shoot herself from the squealing.  Marisol's only reaction was flinching when they squealing got louder.

Oh boy, meeting them officially was going to be annoying.


Ken's POV~

Today is the day.  D-Day.  It's today.  We are finally going to greet he girls and we are gonna have so much fun and it's gonna be great!!

We woke up early so that we could visit them before they went to school, maybe even give them a ride!!

Maybe we could eat breakfast with them!!  That is great bonding time!

But now that we are outside the house, I'm nervous.  What if the sisters don't like me because I'm so cute?!  They don't like aegyo, they might like me.  Ottokhaji?!

N-Hyung had already opened the door and we were greeted by the smell of something delicious.  Perfect timing!  Breakfast!

But there was no noise coming from the kitchen or the living room.

I don't even know what exactly happened after that.  All I remember was screaming. Lots of screaming.  N-Hyung screaming right in front of me with Ravi in a tight hug.  Hyuk and Binnie grabbing each other's shoulders and screaming as well.  Cushions being thrown at our faces and me hugging Leo for safety.

And the worst, KyuHyun-girl's deadly stare as she stood in the middle of the living room with a broom in her hand. 

Oh, God.

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Chapter 2: .....lmao hahahhaha ohmygod I hope the problem will be solved soon!
Chapter 1: I LOVE THIS funny I laughed alot God I wish this happened in real life! I would love to be tete haha she sounds nice lol
chunjoe1004 #3
nice story!