The Questioning

I Want My Life Back!

Chapter 7: The Questioning

Before I could turn around the corner to get to my locker a hand tightly wraps around my wrist lashing me backwards. 

“YAH! WHAT’S WITH THE GRABBING?! I TOLD YOU TO LE-” Before I could kick “Sehun” I fully turn around to see Kris.

 “What do you want?” I ask as Kris continues to hold onto my wrist completely ignoring the fact that he knows I don’t like being grabbed. His gaze gets more intense by the minute as he leans down closer to me to be at eyelevel.

“If you don’t tell Luhan I will,” he says with as much intimidation as he could to threaten me.

“T-tell him what?!” I try to hide the sound of any weakness in my voice.

“Don’t act stupid Saeyoung. You know what I’m talking about,” He scoffs. His face is so close to mine that our foreheads are almost touching. 

“I said I don’t know what! Let go of me you jerk!” I try to squirm out of his confindment but he just wont let me slip away.

“Alright then I’ll just have to tell Luhan myself,” He says as he moves away from me. Picking up his bag he heads off towards the opposite direction, ready to tell Luhan.

“WAIT! No don’t do that! I’ll tell him myself!” I call out for Kris hoping he would stop. And so he does as he stands still in his position his back facing me. 

“I thought you didn’t know what I’m talking about,” He says as he turns around slowly walking towards me.

“I-I do,” I look down to the floor trying to avoid eye contact.

“Okay. What are you going to tell him?” He stands before me, arms crossed over his chest.

Slowly I look up to look at him too ashamed to look into his eyes though. “I’ll tell him I’m not Saeyoung,” I quietly say but loud enough for him to hear. Too embarrassed I look off into the hallway as I await for Kris’s comment though one hasn’t come. I look at him when I waited long enough. Instead of having his normal calm cool expression he looks at me cluelessly.

“What?” I ask.

“What do you mean you’ll tell him that your not Saeyoung?” He asks after a moment of silence as he recollects his thoughts.

“I’ll tell him I’m not Saeyoung that he knew before that went to America but Saeyoung who’s from Busan,” I explain as I realize he doesn’t fully know that whole story.

“What? So your not the Queenka Saeyoung?” He asks with furrowed eyebrows.

“Ye-wait!” Before I could agree with him I realize what happened. “Why are you asking me that?” I question him. If he wanted me to tell Luhan that I’m not actually his old girlfriend why is he asking me if I’m actually not her?

“I don’t know! I’m confused!” He exclaims grabbing his head to express his confusion.

“Okay okay. Let’s stop for a second,” I put both of my hands up to signal a break.

“Alright. What did you think I was going to say? Cause that’s what I thought you wanted me to say.” 

“I thought you were going to finally say that you are cheating on Luhan with Sehun!” Kris says innocently.

“The old Saeyoung was cheating on Luhan! Not me!” I try to explain to Kris who just stands there with a whimpering expression.

“I’m so confused! My head hurts” He begins to massage his head to lesson the headache.

I sigh. “I’ll tell you the whole story…” I say as I lead Kris out of the school.


In the school greenhouse, I tell Kris the whole long story about who I actually am and that I don't intend on hurting Luhan.

"So yeah that's who I am," I say a matter of factly as I watch Kris deeply soak in the whole story.

"How long were you intending to pretend as the Queenka Saeyoung?" He asks me.

"I don't know. I wasn't even going to pretend to be her, remember? It's just that when Luhan came into my life it all started," I softly say.

"You know in the end he's going to find out. Maybe its when Saeyoung comes back or it'll just slip out," He says truthfully.

"I know...but maybe you...can help me keep it a secret?" I ask him as sweetly as I can.

"Okay okay hold up," He puts his hands up as he gets up from the bench.

"What?" I pout.

"Your not me into this," He says.

"Why not?" I stomp my foot lightly.

"Cause Luhan's my best freind and I don't want to hurt him."

"Please Kris. I understand, but if you help me keep it a secret then I can tell him sometime myself without him finding it out from someone else," I plead for him to agree to help.

After a moment of him thinking it out he agrees breathlessly. "...Alright..." He moaps.

"Thank you thank you thank you!!!" I exclaim and hug him in the process of my gratitude.

"But what are we going to do about Sehun?" Kris asks quietly after the hug ends.


There might be two hearts broken because of this whole lie.......

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stephani_bap #1
Chapter 7: all heart will be broken
Chapter 6: ooooooohhhh. so exciting.
Chapter 5: I'm reallyyy anticipating your updates! They're great! Who's that boy gonna be? >.< Cant wait!
Update some more please! But you don't have to rush... ^^
potato12345 #4
Chapter 3: HEY awesome job on this story so far^^I would LOVE Luhan as my bf especially w/that last scene^^^ Update more often though!!>U<
kimirina #5
Chapter 2: Whos that guy?
kimirina #6
Chapter 1: Imsooo waiting for your update!