Cheater Cheater Pumpkin Eater

I Want My Life Back!

Chapter 5: Cheater Cheater Pumpkin Eater

“Hey Saeyoung.”

I hear the voice of the boy somewhere near me say in the dark janitors closet.

“Uh hey…can you uh turn on the lights?…please” I say awkwardly as I squirm in my position being stuck between a mop and a broom.

“Why it’s more romantic this way,” the boy says and I can feel him leaning in towards me. Panicking I dodge him to the left and dive for where I guessed was the light switch. Just as I turn on the light I see the boy lean into the mop and trip over it landing on his face on the floor.

“Aish Saeyoung!” The boy says as he rubs his throbbing nose from the fall.

Just before I was about to open the door to get sway from this weirdo, he stands up and closes the door with his hand. Putting both if his hands on each side of my head, he has me trapped.

“Yah, why are you resisting me?” The boy says obviously annoyed.

“Let me go,” I say as I try to push me away from me. He’s too strong. He just continues to look at me waiting for an answer.

“I have a boyfriend!” I answer him. He moves his hands away and crosses them and smirks.

“Duh, I remember that,” He says.

“You do?”

“Yeah, that’s why we’re keeping us a secret,” He says before he leans in and kisses me.


“Hi Dad,” I say as I enter the living room and find him on the couch reading the daily newspaper. That’s all he ever does nowadays.

“Hey, how’s school been? Make any new friends today?” He asks without taking his eyes off the paper.

“Oh I sure frickin did…” I quietly mutter to me self before replying to my father, “No.”

I make my way to my bedroom and shut the door shut.

‘She’s cheating on him?! And with that stupid jerk?!’ I think to myself. The sound of an email arriving interrupts my thoughts. I sit down at my desk before my computer and click on an email from the boy from my English class.

From: [email protected]

To: [email protected]

Subject: It’s Been A Long Time

Hi Saeyoung! It’s Xiumin, Luhan gave me your new email. It’s been a while since we’ve actually talked. A year! We’ve been talking to each other ever since we were five and then all of a sudden you move. It was really hard on me, I mean we’re best friends no brother and sister! But your back now so I’m so excited! We can go eat junk food at three in the morning like we always did and watch horror movies. Just like old times. I’ve really missed you. Write back soon!

A smile forms on my face as I can tell Xiumin is a good friend.

From: [email protected]

To: [email protected]

Subject re: It’s Been A Long Time

Hi! I know right! It’s been foreeeevvvveeeeerrrr. We should hang out like we used to sometime this week. I would love that. :) You can tell me what I missed when I was gone!

I send the email and decide to “do” my homework when I’m actually thinking about what happened today.


Sorry for the short update!

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stephani_bap #1
Chapter 7: all heart will be broken
Chapter 6: ooooooohhhh. so exciting.
Chapter 5: I'm reallyyy anticipating your updates! They're great! Who's that boy gonna be? >.< Cant wait!
Update some more please! But you don't have to rush... ^^
potato12345 #4
Chapter 3: HEY awesome job on this story so far^^I would LOVE Luhan as my bf especially w/that last scene^^^ Update more often though!!>U<
kimirina #5
Chapter 2: Whos that guy?
kimirina #6
Chapter 1: Imsooo waiting for your update!