Time to leave?

Will you ever love me?
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날 사랑, 날 상처.

"Love me, Hurt me"

HaeJin's POV.

Luhan helped me back home. We took a cab since the ambulance took us here. Sigh his done so much for me. How do you repay someone whose done so much for you? 
We reached in front of the house. This house full of troubles. Pain. Suffering. 
LuHan's voice snapped me back to reality.
"Let's get you inside shall we?"
He smiled and so did I.
"We shall"
We both made our way into the house. Luhan closing the door behind him. 
"Ah why is it so dark?"
Luhan walked over towards the curtain and pulled them open. The house becoming bright and not so gloomy anymore.
"There we go"
Luhan walked back over and sighed. 
"Well I should get going. Mum needs me home"
I smiled. 
"Sure. Just get home safely"
Please don't go. I don't want to be alone with him. I mentally said. 
"Hey this man takes care of himself. Jokes I'll text you when I reach home. Just if there is anything call me. Okay?"
I nodded my head and luhan waved goodbye. The door closed shut and I was all alone. 
"Maybe I'll take a shower. I smell like hospital. Ew"
I made my way upstairs.
I wonder where he is? Wait you don't care anymore HaeJin. You don't.

After my long shower I made my way downstairs. Checking the clock it read: 12:30am
"It's already past midnight"
I whispered to myself. I went to the kitchen to make myself a nice cup of tea.
Standing there I drifted off.
Tomorrow is the party. The party where me and him have to act close. In love. When in reality were not. Nothing that's real. Fake. That's all that it is. Built up on lies. Jus-
"His back" I mumbled.
Is he drunk or something.
I stopped the kettle and made my way towards the door.
As I stood there was a drunk Kai leaning against the wall. 
"Oh there she is! The renowned of the century"
Oh that hurt. That really hurt. Me a . Your the liar. 
"Ahaahaha the stupid haasss nothing to sayy"
His began to laugh. Loudly and more mockingly.
"Why don't you go and find your luhan oppa and him eh?"
His laugh grew louder and more annoying.
I placed my hands over my eyes to stop his laughter. 
It's okay HaeJin. Calm down. Just don't listen to him. 
Just ignore it. Just ignore it.
Kai stood up and started to walk closer to me. 
He soon stopped in front of me. With a smirk on his face. 
He pulled me closer to him. 
"Aww is someone wanting there oppa to come and save them. Ahaha please what do a guy like luhan see in a girl like you"
That's it. He can say all he wants about me but not about LuHan. 
I moved my hands away from My ears and used them to ouch away him. 
"Oh someone has power"
He laughed.
"Why are you like this Jongin?"
I yelped.
"Why? Why? Ahaha shouldn't you know why"
He laughed.
What does he mean? Me know why.
"What are you talking about? I've done nothing wrong"
"Ahaha you've done nothing. You've done nothing. Biggest lie I've ever heard"
I walked closer to Kai.
"Me lie? Please Jongin your the one whose lying. Your the one whose been cheating. Your the one whose been ing some other . I'm so over you Kai. Your such a basta-"
Before I knew it I felt a stingy sensation wash over me. My ears ringing loudly. I placed my hand over my right cheek.
He slapped me. Kai slapped me. Tears were beginning to fall. I looked up at Kai. He seemed somewhat shocked. 
"You, you slapped me"
I started to cry harder. It wasn't the slap that hurt me. It was the fact he could do something like that. It was the face he blamed me. 
"HaeJin I-"
"Go away Kai. Don't touch me"
"HaeJin I'm sorry"
All I could do was cry.
I didn't want to hear him say sorry anymore. I didn't want his pity. That's all it was pity. Pity for me. Gosh I must be so pathetic.
"I love you. I didn't mean too!"
Lies. Just all lies.
"I'm Tired Jongin, I can't do this anymore! I just can't!"
I yelled. It was just time to let go. 
"HaeJin..." He murmured faintly.
I yelled. I didn't want him near me at all.
"I'm sorry" he mumbled.
"I don't want your sorries anymore. I don't want your pity. Just Leave K.A.I"
I heard his footsteps. He walked away. 
I collapsed into the wooden floor. Tears that wouldn't stop falling. I have to leave. I can't do this anymore.
I got myself back onto my feet and made my way upstairs. Grabbing my suitcase at the back of the closet I placed all my clothes inside. It's not like I had much anyway. I grabbed my uniform and placed it inside. Zipping up the suitcase I grabbed my phone. 
"Where do you go now HaeJin? You can't go home. You can't go LuHan's. I guess a hotel is the best option"
I grabbed my bag and my suitcase leaving. I closed the door and sighed. 
"I guess it's the end.."
With that I began to walk. I walked to the closes hotel and got a room.
It's the best option HaeJin. It's the best option.

Kai's POV. 

"I love you. I didn't mean too!"
I begged her. 
"I'm Tired Jongin, I can't do this anymore! I just can't!"
It's like the guilt grew bigger and bigger.
I didn't mean too... I didn't want too. I'm a coward.
My feet started to walk close to her crying figure.
"HaeJin..." i mumured.
I reached my hand out.
My hand dropped and so did my heart. 
"I'm sorry"
"I don't want your sorries anymore. I don't want your pity. Just Leave K.A.I"
Kai... Kai...
I left. I turned my back and left.

Closing the door behind me, was like destroying my heart. Why was I so stupid? Why the did I slap her? Jeez Jongin you really know how to ruin something that good don't you. You stupid idiot.
I didn't know where to go, but I decided to go and see kyungsoo hyung. Maybe he could help me.
I pulled out my keys and hopped in the car. I know I shouldn't be drink driving but I don't really give a right now. 

As I was driving I couldn't really concentrate. Her face kept on popping up. Her shocked, year stained face. 
"You really did it this time Kai... You really destroyed it..."
Little did I know tears began to stream down. I was afraid to lose her. I didn't want to lose her. 
I pushed hard on the brakes. The big white truck passed by, shining it bright lights. 

"I love you HaeJin"
I stood there. Waiting for her to tell me the same.
"Please forgive me"
I walked closer to her.
"I'm sorry Kai I can't forgive you"
Those words hit me so hard. Breaking pieces of my heart. So this is what heartbreak feels like. Huh I didn't know it hurt this bad.
"I was afraid you would say that. But I just wanted to tell you. I finally figured it out. I'm sorry and I love you. I'll leave but I'll wait for you" 
I spoke. I did mean it. I didn't want her to leave my side. I know I did wrong and I understand now. I know what I want and that was her. My wife.
"Bye HaeJin"
With that said I turned and walked away. Hoping she would stop me. Hoping she would call my name. There was nothing and the hope stopped. 

I stood at the light waiting for it to change. Way to go Jongin you really ed up this time. You really did. 
Beep. Beep.
I started to cross the road when I heard my name.
I stopped and turned around. A smile grew. She came. She came to me. I felt happy. I felt relieved. 
"Jongin! Move!"
I was confused. 
Move? Why? Why sh-
Honk. Honk!
I turned my head around and found bright lights coming towards me. I couldn't move. My feet would work. 
I turned back to HaeJin. 
I love you HaeJin. Your the best thing that has ever happe

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14 streak #1
Chapter 44: I feel sorry for luhan. But at least he have his own sequel xD
jessicabyun #2
Chapter 44: Great story..
Sehunsss #3
Chapter 44: Great story authornim !!
eermaa #4
A real good piece!!! I like this!!
Chapter 42: I dont think kAi really deserve her at all i wish she was with luhan.... T-T
Chapter 43: Oooowhhhhh author nim! ! Why u do this too mmmeee! ?? ! T^T omg *exited* *feels* *tears*
carmenm_012 #7
Chapter 42: OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love this fic so much!!!!! I couldn't believe it is over!!! T.T
Chapter 41: Awww...so good...hope you make an epilogue..kekeke....
Chapter 42: OMG it didnt finish yet!!!! *O* youuhoooo !!! luv ya author nim ! ! you're the best ! and your other story is as amzing as this !!! you're always working hard ! *O* FIGHTING !
Chapter 42: i hope you can do fanfic with luhan as the main character!!!