
Will you ever love me?
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Sehun's POV.
I watched as kai played with kiyoung in front of HaeJin noona. He shouldn't be doing that! This is his wife here. I wanted to punch kai right there. How can he cause her this much pain. I may be the youngest but I do know how much noona is suffering. How you may ask, because of luhan hyung. He tells me everything. I didn't want to believe kai would do anything like that but as hyung told me my disbelief became a fact. 

"Come on babe let's just leave, this trash is giving me a migraine" 
I wanted to yell at him. Tell him off. Punch him. How can he easily humiliate her. How can fate pull such a terrible trick on her. 
"Your right babe let's just leave" 
They both finally left and anger was building up in me. I hated how he treated her like this. A person who was always so giving. I turned towards HaeJin.
"Noona I'm so- NOONA!" 
She was heavily breathing. Looking for something. I grabbed her bag and found a box of pills. I quickly opened it and she took some out and swallowed it. Her heavy breathing stopped and became normal. 
I was worried. What just happened.
"T....thank you" 
She said slowly. 
"Noona what was that? Tell me!" I was scared, worried, angry. 
She didn't speak. She stayed silent. Thinking. She sighed and began too talk. 
"Sehun I... I have a heart condition... And what you saw now is what happens when my heart has too much stress on it" 
She has a heart condition. How did this happen. Why is life being so unfair on her. 
"Did kai cause this?" 
I asked. I wanted to know. I wanted her too say yes. I wanted him too know how much pain she was suffering.
"No he didn't, it just happened. Its nothing to do with him, come on now let's get too school otherwise were late" 
She was lying. I knew she was lying. She tried to cover up her sadness with a smile but I knew it was just an act. How can she put up with all of this.
I faced her, smiling waiting for my response. I just nodded and began walking. 

It was silent. She asked questions trying to make me forget what happened but I wasn't going too. 
Fate was so cruel. 
Why did he have too lose his memory?
Why couldn't kai and noona be together. 
Why is everything so unfair for her? 
All these questions were running through my head. I didn't even realise we reached the gates of the school.
"Okay sehun I'll see you soon" 
She waved, smiling.
I pulled the best smile I could as she left. But it went back too a frown. 
Why did she have too pretend everything was okay. 
I sighed and began walking when I ran into someone. 
"Hey sehun!" 
It was luhan hyung. I had too tell him. He had the right too know. 
"Hyung can I tell you something?" 
"Whoa what is it sehun you look sad" 
"Just come hyung" I started to walk towards EXO's private room.

As we reached the room I collapsed on

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14 streak #1
Chapter 44: I feel sorry for luhan. But at least he have his own sequel xD
jessicabyun #2
Chapter 44: Great story..
Sehunsss #3
Chapter 44: Great story authornim !!
eermaa #4
A real good piece!!! I like this!!
Chapter 42: I dont think kAi really deserve her at all i wish she was with luhan.... T-T
Chapter 43: Oooowhhhhh author nim! ! Why u do this too mmmeee! ?? ! T^T omg *exited* *feels* *tears*
carmenm_012 #7
Chapter 42: OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love this fic so much!!!!! I couldn't believe it is over!!! T.T
Chapter 41: Awww...so good...hope you make an epilogue..kekeke....
Chapter 42: OMG it didnt finish yet!!!! *O* youuhoooo !!! luv ya author nim ! ! you're the best ! and your other story is as amzing as this !!! you're always working hard ! *O* FIGHTING !
Chapter 42: i hope you can do fanfic with luhan as the main character!!!