

You are not stupid or oblivious to the things happening around you, but admittedly, you were a little slow in catching on things like that. But at least, you have watched more than enough dramas as well as movies to know better than to be like those oblivious female lead actresses. 

You didn’t know when it started but you’ve only started to gradually notice the littlest things Kris does to impress you ever since the day you decided to force Kris to watch an episode of “The Heirs” with you.

Just like most girls, you find guys with the bad boy traits attractive as well, which explains why you were so smitten by Choi Youngdo — one of the main characters in the drama.

“Isn’t he attractive?” You sighed dreamily at the scene where Youngdo dumped the shoes belonging to those girls badmouthing Eunsang as revenge, while Kris just gave you a look.

“Who is attractive? Me?” asked Kris, with a smug smile on his face.

You rolled your eyes, knowing that Kris wasn’t paying attention to the drama—because he was watching you instead of the drama the whole time. But you didn’t need to know.

“Obviously not you, dummy. I’m talking about Choi Youngdo.” You pointed to your television.

“Girls dig guys like that?” He raised an eyebrow and continued, “He’s not even that handsome.”

You stared at him with eyes widened in an expression of disbelief, “Are you kidding me? Of course girls dig those bad-boy-on-the-outside-but-softie-on-the-inside kind of guy!”

Nodding thoughtfully, he secretly made a mental note to watch Choi Youngdo’s scenes in the drama when he gets back home.


Making your way towards where Kris was waiting outside your lecture room, you looked at him weirdly, scrutinizing his outfit from head to toe.

Being Kris’s best friend, you certainly know how he has a thing for fashion but what he wore today was a little too over the top since you both are just going to lounge around in your house so you’ve expected him to dress casually.

“Are we going somewhere? Because you’re wearing your favorite leather jacket.” Furrowing your eyebrows, you asked in confusion because you were told many a time that you can be rather forgetful at times.

He shrugged, “Nah, I just felt like wearing it today.”

Quirking an eyebrow upwards at his explanation, you didn’t really believe him but nodded anyway. “Whatever,” you shrugged it off, “Let’s go! I’m so famished I just want to quickly get home and eat everything edible in sight.”

Either you were too hungry and just wanted to get your dinner as soon as you can or excited by the fact that it’s finally the weekend that you didn’t notice one of Kris’s long legs were sprawled out in front of you on purpose, thus tripping over it. Fortunately, Kris held onto you before you manage to fall flat on your face.

You turned around and looked at him as if he isn’t in his right mind. “What’s wrong with you today?”

“Are you okay?”

“Dummy Wu, you were the one who tripped me!” You exclaimed, dumbfounded by his question. And this dumb best friend of yours actually have the audacity to smirk at you. “Well, I will not be able to help you if I didn’t trip you in the first place.” He answered in a tone of nonchalance.

Letting out a deep and frustrated sigh, you decided to ignore him before stomping off on your own and left him behind. You know that it was impossible to talk to him if he continues acting strangely like that.

Kris was taken aback by your response, or rather, lack of response when he perfectly re-enacted one of Choi Youngdo’s scene in your current favorite drama. He had expected you to compliment him or perhaps tell him that you find him as attractive as Choi Youngdo but your reaction apparently says otherwise.

Quickly striding over to catch up with you, he looked at you before asking cautiously, “Are you mad?”


Kris’s shoulder fell upon hearing your reply and immediately regret doing whatever he did earlier on because you’re obviously mad at him. He knows you are.

“But I thought you said you find Choi Youngdo attractive?” He asked with a frown creased on his forehead.

Stopping in your track, you turned sideways to look at him, “You were trying to be like Choi Youngdo?” He nodded with a slight pout.

“Oh Kris!” You exclaimed and started laughing by yourself. “I thought you were trying to act like a jerk to me!” You continued in between laughter.

Feeling his face growing hot, Kris turned his head to his side so as to avert your gaze. It is times like this where you find Kris endearing despite his silly self.

“Are you still mad?” He asked again. You pretended to think about his question before a sly smile spread across your face. “I won’t be anymore if you agree to treat me to ice cream after dinner!”

He agreed in a heartbeat, smiling before you two continued walking towards your house.

A moment later, you felt a tug on your sleeve and you looked at Kris quizzically, waiting for him to speak.

“But I’m as attractive as Choi Youngdo, right?”

He kept pestering you for your answer when you refused to tell him, not wanting to inflate his ego any further. You had wanted to ask him why he was so obsessed on being like Choi Youngdo but forgotten entirely about it when you ordered Chinese takeout for the both of you since you allowed the thought of food to completely invade your mind.

But you do think that Kris being a bad boy like that was, well, slightly attractive.

Krystal shoved her phone showing the picture of her new boyfriend to your face, “Doesn’t my baby look good in black?” She asked, smiling like a lovesick fool to herself.

Shaking your head, you rolled your eyes at her before commenting, “I’ve always thought guys look the best in white, though.”

She pouted at your response and poked your side, making your squirm a little, “Excuse you, but my baby looks good in any color.” She retorted before going back to admiring the picture of her boyfriend with googly-eyes while you went back to reading your storybook.

What the two of you didn’t know was that Kris, sitting behind the two of you in class, was listening intently to your conversation instead of the lecturer, already planning to head to the new mall with Tao to get more white colored top.


“Hey,” Chanyeol nudged you with his elbow, “is Kris having some sort of new obsession with white or something? He has been wearing white colored top for two consecutive weeks.” He asked, making you look at Kris.

Despite Kris’s constant complaints, Chanyeol still insisted on being your lab partner for Chemistry, seeing how you’re good in this particular module. Biting your bottom lip, you stop yourself from snickering at how he’s being grumpy for being forced to partner up with Jinae – your classmate who has a huge, and not to mention, perceptible crush on him.

Averting your gaze away from him to Chanyeol, you pouted. “But I think guys look good when they wear white.”

Chanyeol narrowed his eyes, looking at you then looking over to Kris questionably and touched his chin in contemplation, “Do you think Kris’s latest obsession has got something to do with you?”

Arching an eyebrow, you looked at Chanyeol as if he was talking trash, “Why would that have got something to do with me?”

“Well, maybe he wants to impress you.” He shrugged.

You rolled your eyes at his feeble attempt in getting you and Kris together, again. “Yeah, right. So you’re telling me that he’s always being weird because he wants to impress me as well?”

“Of course not. Being weird is just one of Kris’s forte, the other one is being dumb.” He stated with a deadpanned expression, making you burst out laughing.

Hearing your laughter, Kris turned around to look at the two of you, ignoring Jinae who was currently raving non-stop on something that was boring Kris. His face, which had been somber, lit up with a wide grin showing his gummy when his eyes met yours, which you’ve returned with a smile of yours.

Chanyeol pretended to gagged, seeing how you and Kris acted with each other. “I don’t understand why you two are still ‘best friends’ when both of you act so much like a couple.”

“Yeol, you do know that platonic friendship does exist, right?”

“I know, but it certainly does not exist for you and Kris. One of these days, you’re going to tell me that you’re dating Kris. It’s just a matter of time.”

Chanyeol’s words kept ringing in your mind and sometimes, you can’t help but find yourself questioning Kris’s actions whenever he treats you with extra care or does the things that you like. It’s not like he changed, but rather, you’ve just only realized that.

For instant, you love eating prawns but hates peeling its shells. Kris hates peeling it as well, but he never fails to do it for you.

He also dyed his hair to blonde the next day you mentioned that blonde suits him as a passing remark once.

You didn’t even realize that you were starting to see Kris in a different light and also wondered what it would be like to date someone like Kris.

Did he really do all these things just to impress me? You thought to yourself.

Even though you didn’t know the answer to your question, you were adamant to find out.

Which is the reason why you dragged him to watch this movie — where two best friends fell in love with each other and ended up together — with you.

Glancing over at Kris, who, for once was paying attention to the movie instead of getting distracted, you pretended to be nonchalant as you commented, “I doubt I’ll ever date my best friend.”

With his eyes widened in shock, he looked blankly at you for a moment before snapping out of his reverie, “W-What? But why?” He stammered and you simply shrugged before explaining, “Well, imagine if the two best friends broke up and ended their relationship on a bad note, they will not only lose their boy or girlfriend but also their best friend, isn’t it?”

“Well, you may be right. But dating your best friend isn’t all that bad, right?” When you simply shrugged his question off, showing that you still disagree to his point of view, he continued to list out the perks of dating your best friend, not giving up.

“I mean, your best friend knows you like the back of his hand, so you can be totally comfortable around them without trying to act like someone you’re not. What’s more, you don’t even have to be afraid of having moments of awkward silence because you guys would have tons of stuff to talk about.”

“That’s true but like what I said, all these could ended up with breaking the relationship off on a bad note. On top of that, who is going to lend me their shoulders to cry on if I broke up with my best friend boyfriend? So why should I risk it?”

He rolled his eyes in annoyance to your stubbornness, “Well, if I date my best friend, I would make sure not to let her go because she’s a keeper.” He muttered angrily under his breath, knowing that even if he has a million more points to refute you back, you would’ve won the debate anyway because you’ve always been a good speaker.

Raising your eyebrows, you had a teasing smile playing around your lips when you heard what he said, further confirming your doubts. “Wu Yifan,” you started, causing him to look at you with eyes widened in confusion as you seldom call him by his birth name, “are you saying that I’m a keeper? Because from what I know, your best friends are inclusive of only me and Chanyeol.”

Obviously flabbergasted by your sudden question, Kris stared at you with open mouth, causing you to chortle at his reaction.

“You could’ve just ask me if you wanted to go out with me. You didn’t have to do all those stuff to impress me, you know?”

Blushing the color of cherry popsicles, Kris covered his face with his hands in embarrassment.

“I thought you didn’t know because you’ve never mentioned anything about it before.” He admitted. After he fully processed your words in his mind, his head shot up before holding onto your shoulders and asked tentatively, “Wait… so you mean you’ll agree to date me if I’ve just asked?”

You nodded with an amused smile. “You could’ve had the easy way out. Why did you do all those stuff anyway?”

The crimson colored blush spread across Kris’s cheeks again, “I wanted to be the perfect guy for you.” He said, looking everywhere else but you while scratching the back of his neck.

Hearing that, you felt something warm tingling inside your stomach — the unexplainable feeling that made you smile unconsciously.

“So, what do you say we have Chinese takeout and movie night for our first date?” Kris asked with a hint of twinkle in his eyes.


The two of you shared a knowing smile with each other before you started to speak up and broke the comfortable silence. “Just so you know, Kris, you don’t even need to try to be perfect for me.” Confused, Kris raised an eyebrow.

“Because you’re already perfect, for me.”


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iwantyoubaek #1
Chapter 1: Awwww :3 omg all this fluffy cheesy goodness ♥♥ I miss our duizhang omggg
InspiritHamster #2
Chapter 1: Your ending always the best! Thumbs up!
junmenpapi #3
Chapter 1: that was so cuuuuttteee gahd why ~
Chapter 1: cute cute cute! n adorable n amazing,n funny..hahaha...i love this story..keep up the gud work authornim! :)
xevxacxerman #5
jakwattah #6
Chapter 1: CUUUUTE! ♡♡♡♡♡ >_< Kris was soooooo adorable ♡♡♡♡♡♡ XD
Chapter 1: Perfect <3
Parson #8
Chapter 1: This is so sweet omg nice story!
Chapter 1: This story is perfect too. Haha.
Chapter 1: The ending was so cheesy XP