WTF IS GOING ON?But keys Kimchi fried chicken is good. 1/2

How is it that my dreams actually come true?

Taemin's pov

It was the usual work day. We got back to the dorms around 11 at night after doing some peformances.Anyways after eating Key umma's kimichi fried chicken, which is really good we suddenly got a phone call a really creepy one "SHINee tomorrow you will be where you aren't supposed to be" whats that supposed to mean? Oh well then we all headed off to bed. I had the wierdest dream about this really beautiful girl in and orange shirt and short shorts. Then i woke up... What a suprise we are where we aren't supposed to be. We were in the place i dreamed about. Everyone but me was still asleep will on the floor. I got up and looked around, then i saw her. The girl from the dream. I guess i spent an hour staring at her lips. Because will Minho started shaking me. "LEE TAEMIN WHERE ARE WE?" He shouted. Luckily she didn't wake up "Idunno but shes pretty" Then he noticed her to and well we both stared at her MINHO HYUNG BETTER BACK OFF! then well this happened "KEY U BETTER LEAVE HER CLOSET ALONE!" "ANDAY SHE HAS SUCH A WIERD SINCE OF FASHION" Then she woke up. She stared at me. I stared at Minho. Minho stared at Onew. Onew stared at Key. Well Key stared at clothing. Jonghyun stared at the ceiling. Well the usual stuff happened she screamed, we were rushed out... awkward much.


Minho's pov

The really pretty girl pushed us out. Well i can understand i followed everyone down stairs. Well her house was huge she must be loaded. Luckily we are on vacation yesterday was the last work day. We all found the nearest sitting area and well settled down well not Key. The umma went to the kitchen. "By the looks of it she hasn't eaten yet either, i'll make breakfast for everyone." "UMMA THIS ISN'T HOME YOU CAN'T MESS WITH PEOPLE'S STUFF" went the mushroom "She'll be thankful to" Then he went to cooking 10 minutes later she came down and we spelled something really good KIMICHI FRIED CHICKEN YAY! "Umm what are you guys doing" She asked calmly "Um will Key ummas cooking" "Hes cooking ok i guess" "But i want to hear your story first" And from there our interrogation began...

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uhh maybe you can make it pretty longer but it good :)