The morning

How is it that my dreams actually come true?

Joo's pov

I woke up feeling a since of being watched, i yawned and rubbed my eyes got out of bed then i looked up. I screamed. Taemin blushed. WAIT TAEMIN! WTHS GOING ON HERE? Then i looked around to see the rest of SHINee here. And well Key was going through closet. What a diva. Then i noticed what i was wearing. I made a O shape with my mouth. "Um you may feel threatened but um we don't know where we are either" "O well yeah" Key continued to go through my closet. He pulled out a sweater "Eww whats this" "Hey my boyfriend bought this for me" "Ex or current" I blushed "Ummm ex" "I knew it" Then Jonghyun pulled him away "Yah who are you to be messing with this attractive girls closet" Then he looked me up and down i blushed again "Hyung don't you have Sekyung noona?" Said the tomato mushroom "Well yeah" Then he blushed "GET OUT" I yelled i have no clue why "Oh but why" "Because i have to change and you shouldn't be here" Then one by one the shuffled out

What a morning......

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uhh maybe you can make it pretty longer but it good :)