Chapter 8


Author's note: Please don't be a ghost reader ! :3 we love your comments so keep them coming! Subscribe, enjoy !




"Sandrah why ... didn't you just leave?!?!" 

You woke up with a cold, dripping cloth on your cheek and a rigid, bruised back. It hurt to open the eye that was just above the bruised cheek. As you widened your eye, you found yourself in an unfamiliar bed in an unfamiliar room. Not being able to properly sit up, you turned your neck around to your left and right to see if anyone was there. 

"Why were you with Chanyeol.." Baekhyun said as soon as he met your eyes. 

"OI, Baekhyun, snap out of it." You heard Kris say. 

"Noona noona, you look so hurt.. " Sehun whined.

"How are you feeling Sandrah?" Chen asked.

You were only hit twice, it was your body that was hurt but surprisingly, you could speak normally. Just a bit tired from what had happened.

"I can still feel my legs so I'm ohkay. Hahah, thanks for coming for us. " you said, not sure if you should mention Chanyeol. 

 As if reading your mind, Kris blurted out, "Chanyeol's next door with the rest of us. He's not looking too good so there's a doctor there."

"Mmm. Thank you." You replied to Kris as he nodded his head. 

You looked over at Baekhyun to find him staring at Kris and then looking down at the ground. 

"Baekhyun, what's wrong." You asked, he didn't look so good today.

He lifted his head up to meet your eyes. You saw his eyes look at your red cheek,  then to your bandaged back, even though you hadn't completely opened your eye, you could see the unpleasured look on his face until he finally decided to stare out the window. 

"We're going to go see Chanyeol, it's been a while anyway. Baekhyun, take care of Sandrah yeah?" The rest of the boys in the room said, breaking the awkward silence as they stood up to leave. 

As soon as they left, Baekhyun stood up from the chair he was seated in at the edge of your bed and went over to you and gave you a loving hug, even though you couldn't sit up. As he sat back down, you could see his eyes glistening and filling with tears. 

"Baekhyun-ah, where is this place-"

"WHY WERE YOU WITH HIM?" Baekhyun surprisingly yelled in a fierce voice that you had never heard before. 

You felt unsafe for a second, being around this kind of Baekhyun, it didn't feel right.

"HE DISAPPEARED AND NOW HE TAKES THE GIRL I LOVE? WHY WERE YOU WITH HIM?" He said again, still in the fierce voice that you had heard earlier.

"You love me..?" You said both surprised at his sudden anger and sudden confession. 

You looked over, expecting Baekhyun to be plastered with an angry face that will kill but, he was not. 

He turned out to look like the opposite of what you expected, hair ruffled, puffy eyes, wet cheeks of tears and something that you hadn't noticed before, a bloody lip. 

Forgetting the pain that was in your lower back, you used all your energy to get out of that bed and sat of the side infront of Baekhyun. You wiped his bleeding lip that made you realise, without any other evidence, that the six boys and EXO had a fight. Whoever the six boys were, whatever connection they had with EXO, Baekhyun seemed to be the most mentally hurt. 

After wiping the blood away from his supple lips, you placed your hands on the sides of his face and wiped away his tears. He hadn't looked you in the eyes since he scolded you. 

Feeling apologetic, you leaned in, slowly enough so that your back didn't scream out in pain after already hurting from sitting up, your began enclosing Baekhyun into your arms into another, warm hug.

Before you could rest on his shoulder for the hug, his head slightly turned to your face and his soft, blood stained lips locked onto yours. Your first kiss.

Baekhyun, one of the people that brought happiness to your life, taken care of you during your first few weeks of school, the one who noticed all your bruises from bullying, the one that first called you a friend, was giving you your first kiss.

You didn't know what to do, you felt sorry for him because you stayed so still and shocked. 

He was gentle though, all you could feel was his lips against yours and the butterflies in your stomach. 

As he backed away, his head lowered, your foreheads still touching. 

"I'm sorry for yelling at you." He said under his breath.

He then enclosed you into the hug that you were wishing to get just earlier. 

For some reason, all of this seemed so natural. You weren't angry at him in anyway, you weren't annoyed that he kissed you, you weren't disappointed or sad. It felt like it was going to happen anyway. You were glad that your first kiss could be from someone special.

As the two of your were still in a hug, the door slammed open.

"SANDRAH WHERE ARE YO-" you heard Chanyeol cry as he finally saw you, with Baekhyun. 

The rest of EXO, as if they had been desperately chasing Chanyeol, stopped abruptly at the door, staring at the science that was unfolding.

You got out of the hug and looked at Chanyeol. 

For the first few moments, you didn't know what you were going to do. Were they going to fight over you, verbally...physically? Or were they simply just going to fight over the fact the they are angry at each other for their past problems? 

It hit you. 

"What..are you doing with" Chanyeol barely said. He wasn't angry, he looked more.. sad than angry.

Just like many times at school before Chanyeol left, the two ex-best friends stared at eachother, speechless. 

"Chanyeol-ah, come sit." You said, ushering him to sit next to you on the the side bed, infront of Baekhyun. 

He did just that but instead of looking ahead where Baekhyun sat, he looked at you, as if snapping out of his daydream.

"Sandrah, what did they do to you?? Why'd you stay... now you're hurt and all.." Chanyeol said worryingly, staring at your red cheek.

"Don't worry about me Chanyeol, are you ohkay..?" You said, still completely and utterly aware of the bruised and bandages all of his body. 

As Chanyeol answered, telling you not to worry about him, you said Baekhyun in your peripheral vision staring at his bruises and bandages too. You knew he was just as worried about him as you were, if not more.

"You two need to talk to eachother."

"Sandrah.." Baekhyun said, choking on his tears that were building up in his eyes.

Chanyeol shook his head. 

Everyone could obviously see that they loved eachother. The rest of EXO stood at the door, waiting to pounce and help out if they were to resort to violence. 

"I never liked Jessica." Chanyeol suddenly said, facing Baekhyun.

"Neither did I..." He replied back.

It was so awkward between the two. They were like kids that hated eachother for no reason.

"Why did you leave..?" Baekhyun asked. His tears were falling. You never realised that they had such a big impact on eachother, it made you wonder if you could ever find a soul mate like the two of them had. 

"I couldn't take seeing you everyday..."

"Huh?" Baekhyun asked.

"I saw you everyday but I couldn't talk to you at all.."

They were the only ones in the bedroom at that moment. You and the rest of EXO were bystanders watching the friendship restart itself.

You swore that if the words that came out of their mouths were in a book, you would think they were lovers. 

When they were having a small apology after apology conversation with eachother, Kris interrupted. 

"Uh.. Chanyeol.. your mother is here. "

You looked over at the door, the EXO members had lined up on the sides of the hallway, letting through a tall women and 3 men behind her in suits. 

You could feel Baekhyun stand up from his chair beside you.

Chanyeol's body froze.

"What are you doing in MY house?" She screamed, picking up her pace towards the three of you. 

It happened so fast. Chanyeol got up and put his back towards you, holding you from behind as if to protect you from this monstrous lady. The lady then got angrier, you could see in the corner of your eyes EXO getting held back behind the door by the three men. You were sure that Chanyeol was going to get hit by his 'mother' until he jumped in.

You could see Baekhyun infront of Chanyeol, doing the same thing the Chanyeol was doing to you, protecting him. 

From then on, all you could hear were violent slaps to the skin. 






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stephanie1994 #1
Chapter 8: omg this was so good ths chapter was even better!!! waaa PLZ UPDATE SOON!!
Nice story you got here :D
I hope you check out my Kim Woobin fic too ^^
Please check it :)
dzeny4 #3
Chapter 3: pease more more