Chapter 5


As you finally walked through the school gates onto the back oval of the school, a person's hand grabbed onto your left shoulder.


"Mianhae! Are you ohkay?" Baekhyun said, red faced from the morning soccer game EXO had before school.

"Mmm." You replied rubbing your shoulder.

"Sorry. Uhrm, do you still take the bus home? I didn't see you yesterday."

"I moved.. "

"Ahh..hey, do you want to meet my friends?"

Without giving you time to answer, the ten other boys that were playing soccer with him all lined up in front of you. 

"We are one, we are EXO." They chorused together.

"Nice to meet you Sandrah." A tall boy coldy said to you in a familiar language as he put his hand out to you.

"Hi," you replied, "you speak english?" 

"I came from Canada after all." He replied back. 

Like that, the other boys then greeted you one by one.

"Annyeonghasayo. I know I can't speak cool english like Kris-Hyung but, I'm Kai. This is Kyungsoo-ie." 

A couple like pair then interrupted Kai and Kyungsoo, "NOONA ANNYEONG!" "Shh Sehun.. hahah hi, I'm Luhan, nice to meet you."

Suho, Tao and Lay introduced themselves politely.

"She's the new student in our class.." Baekhyun said as everyone crowded over you, scratching his head.

"WE KNOW. HAHAH." They all chorused together once again. 

"Hi I'm Chen." 

"Xiumin. Hey. Question. Why are you in our class?"

"Yah, don't be so nosy hyung." Baekhyun said.

"It's a good question." Kris plainly said. 

" I actually don't exactl-"

*Dingdongdingdong* the morning bell rang.

Avoiding the question, avoiding the boys, you made your way to class fast, leaving them behind even though they were headed for the same class. 

Already half way to your form room, you were too busy getting away from EXO, you ran into an unfamiliar girl. She looked older than you, a matured face. 

She just gave you a smile, before continuing her way to wherever she was going. 

Brushing it off, you too continued your way to class. 


"Hey, why'd you run off before.. I wanted to walk to class with you.." Baekhyun said to you when lunch began.

"Sorry.. " 

"Be my friend. I'd really like you to be my friend. "


"Are you.. ohkay Baekhyun..? " 

He was sitting rolled up into a ball on the side of the oval, the same place he saw you this morning, sobbing into his knees. 

He looked up to see you towering over him. Covering up his obvious tears, swollen eyes, wet cheeks, he stood up to then stand over you with his real height. 
"Mmmm. Just worn out, that's all." He said, trying his hardest to look you in the eye and smiling.

You could tell he just simply needed a hug, after all you were.. friends. You didn't know why he was crying but his pain was contagious enough for you to feel it. 

It didn't work. Still keeping his eye contact with you, water began to build up on his bottom eyelid, just one blink would have made them fall. 

Before he could blink though, to keep his pride, you put him into your embrace. For the first time, you felt warm hugging someone other than your brother. 

Baekhyun had practised soccer for an hour after school, he had told you that. You were busy in the school library finished off a few tasks and you knew Baekhyun would still be there, but you didn't know he would be in this state. 

Tiptoeing, your arms wrapped around his neck, your head rested on his shoulder. His arms freely enclosed around your waist as his head snuggled into your shoulder. You could feel a we puddle begin to fall on your shoulder.

The two of you let go of the embrace at the same time, for different reasons.

You knew you needed to make your way back to your apartment sooner or later, Baekhyun spotted him.

"I'm sorry for bothering you Sandrah. Go home safely before it gets dark.. thank you for being here for me. Friends." He said whilst handing you his pinky. 

Linking your pinky with his, you repeated, "friends."

He then made his way up to the bus stop at the top of the school, out of sight from you. 


As you were walking home, you finally noticed Chanyeol walking a distance away from you. From the back, you could see his head was down, his hands dug deep into his pockets. A tall figure, almost a tall shadow wondering in the streets as the sunsets. 

Today at school, Chanyeol had been out of class for the last two periods without notice. No one knew why, no one seemed to worry, but there was a noticeably weird atmosphere in the class before school ended.

He had obviously made it there before you, but once you entered your complex, he was standing at the stairs. 

"Sandrah-shi. Are you close with Baekhyun..?" He said looking down at his face in a shaky voice.

"We're friends since today.. friends."

"Will you take care of him..? For me..?" He said, looking you in the eye with eyes exactly like Baekhyun's earlier. 

"Did something happen between you two again?" 

"I can't go to this school anymore Sandrah-shi. " he said desperately as he pointed at his uniform. 

Your relationship with Chanyeol, you were acquaintances. You had barely even talked to him. 

"I'll look after him.." 

"Thank you Sandrah-shi."

You began walking up to your apartment until you realised he was not coming up. Why wasn't he going to his apartment?

You made your way back down to the bottom of the stairs to find him on the bottom step, face dug into his knees. It surprised you how much he and Baekhyun were alike. It was almost unbelievable. It made your heart ache to watch him cry, it made your heart ache watching Baekhyun cry. The only people that seemed to approach you for the few days you've known them both looked so miserable. 

You helped him up, wiping his tears, barely holding back your own as your mind began to carelessly make links to all the other absurd memories of you crying yourself, walking up to his apartment with him. 

As he was about to close his door to finally say goodbye to you, he muttered another statement that shocked you.

"Please look after me aswell, Sandrah-shi."  








Author's note: This chapter is a bad chapter but, I kind of felt this referenced to the situation with Kris right now. Nothing is confirmed about him actually leaving EXO and SM, rumours are going crazy but I just want to say, either way, the EXO members as twelve are all affected the most in this situation. Please support both parties and we shall wait to see what happens next. 






                                                                              WTF ASDAFDKG; MYUNGSOO WOT ARE YOU DOIN TO ME D: - pigoink


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stephanie1994 #1
Chapter 8: omg this was so good ths chapter was even better!!! waaa PLZ UPDATE SOON!!
Nice story you got here :D
I hope you check out my Kim Woobin fic too ^^
Please check it :)
dzeny4 #3
Chapter 3: pease more more