Chapter 2


"Uh yes, she's well..." your mother stuttered.
"She is our house maid."

Just like that, your body was taken over by your heart that felt like it had just been stabbed, and by your own mother. This has never happened before because well, no one had ever seen you in the hands of the Kim family. Unfortunately though, this time they have, and this was what, your cover story? You're a house maid?!

You ran, oh how fast you ran. You ran to your bedroom which at the time seemed like the safest place. This bedroom of yours though, since your weren't the favourable sibling, only had a small, single bed and a bookcase as a wardrobe. You were still in your uniform, only just realising that that was probably one of the reasons why this 'Jessica' girl recognised you.

Arghhh, this type of feeling was different from the feeling of getting hurt by bullies. Knowing that your own mother, even when you were caught red handed, called you her house maid. You only just fully realised why you don't call her mother.

Laying in your bed, facing the ceiling with an expressionless face, you began to hear something from downstairs.


"OMMA!!" You heard Woobin shout in the deep, fierce voice he only ever rarely used. You then heard his mother sarcastically mumble a sentence to the guests.

"Ah, haha, excuse us for a second.. yes my Woobin, what is the problem?"

Woobin's voice broke off as if something got caught in his throat. He stood up for you, like a real brother, he stood up for you. You were expecting him to introduce himself or even just say hello to the guests but no, he did this instead.


Great, your father is home as well. As this was still processing in your mind, fast footsteps were heard from the stair case. You were afraid, of course you would be afraid. Was it Woobin, was it your angry mother, or was it your powerful father who was the first to ever abuse you. You ran to lock your bedroom door just in time before the person on the other side could enter.

"Dongsang-ah, it's me...your oppa. You heard what just happened right?" You didn't answer because the current situation was so unbearable and secondly because this tone in Woobin's voice, the caring and loving tone has never been heard by you before.

"Listen to me, I know you're not in a state to talk or think or do anything really but I need you to quickly pack your things, everything your need, I'll come back with a suitcase, quick."

What was going on? Why do you need to pack? You're going somewhere?

Nonetheless, the only person you loved and trusted was your brother so, you did what he told you to do.

few minutes later, he came knocking for you to open the door.

"Change out of your uniform, wear a hoody and long pants, hide yourself."

Again, you did what he said and changed whilst he packed your clothes and books and.. time-of-month stuff. Seriously though, he was mature so it didn't feel uncomfortable, after all, he was the one who bought them for you.

Black oversized hoodie that was once Woobin's, comfortable black sweat pants and your only pair of black sneakers, done.



"Let's go. Run to my car."

"Eh? They are in the living room right next to the front door!"

"That's why I said run!"




Yep, they saw you, but you were already in his car, driving out of the rich property going to somewhere unknown. There was nothing his parents could do about it.

"We're out! Assah!" Woobin rejoiced, back to his normal way of talk.

"Where are we going?"

"My apartment, kehehe, you can stay there! It's closer to your school anyway, you wouldn't have to take the bus home."

Bus.. the guy that sits on the right of you in class.. bus..

"Ahh ohkay, so no bus for me anymore?"

He nodded.

"Wait wait, since when did you have an apartment?"

"I bought it myself a few weeks ago, don't worry, you're not that behind."

"How come you still stayed at home then?"

"That place you just called 'home' is not my home, it's not yours either. WE ARE HOMELESS!"

Right, he's still partially drunk... ... Uhrmm, should he be driving then?

Fear, yes fear, a fear that he would crash his car. If we died today, after what happened before, it would be just like the dramas shown on TV.

"PFFT, yes of course I am. How could I run down the stairs and out to the car without falling then? Did I prove my point?"

Hahha, you nodded to approve, still a bit unsure though.

Being with your brother didn't feel like being with a son that has extremely rich parents. He, surprisingly felt like a best friend, despite the . He was the only person you could actually talk to and laugh with and feel comfortable with. The only secret you never told him was that you were a strong victim of bullying. You had never brought it up and neither did he. In your opinion, this was a good thing, besides he wouldn't be able to do anything either, without ruining his reputation that is.

Arriving at your new home, you got out of the car and looked up at the tall building in front if you.

"How many floors are there?"

"20, not including the ground lobby. Hahha, it's not that tall."

"Well, I don't really see tall buildings everyday do I oppa?"

Woobin took out your luggage from the car whilst you were still staring at the apartment complex that looked so much higher than it actually was. You heard him mumbling to himself oppa again and again and again. Hhahaha, how cute of him.

He then nudged you to enter the complex's ground floor to be greeted by a nice reception lady that looked like she was in her 40s that recognized your brother. She kept looking back and forth at you and Woobin as if you guys were..

"BHAHAHAHA. Ajjumma, it's not what you think it is." You and Woobin said in unison.

Woobin then began to explain that you were his sister as you were in a trance. Even the ground floor looked clean and slick with a small food court and a sitting lounge. You weren't sure if this was an apartment complex or a hotel. At the sitting lounge though, there was a familiar figure. You could only see the right side of his head since he was facing away from you but even so, he looked too familiar, even from 5 metres away.

"There are stairs over there but let's take the elevator, press the 19th floor." Woobin suggested, carrying your luggage.

WOAHH, he lives on the 19th floor of a 20 floor apartment complex. Mahhgawdddd.

As you entered the actual apartment, you were surprised at how clean it was. Everything was black and white, furniture, TV, kitchen, even the mat next to the couch had black and white checkers on it.

"I've only been in here about 4 times since buying it so it shouldn't be that messy. Hahaha, don't be too surprised. There's only one bedroom here but since I'm expected to stay with our parents, you can have it. Stay here until everything regarding mother's company and my arranged marriages settle down before you come back. Or you could stay here forever if you'd like, since I'm your oppa! No need to say than-"

"THANK YOUUUUUUU, OPPA! SARANGHAEEEEYOOOOO!" You ran and gave him a hug as if your were a 5 year old kid again. It felt like you were completely safe now.




For the rest of the night, Woobin took the time out to give you a tour of the streets around the apartment so you wouldn't get lost. Surprisingly, your school was only a few streets away, a ten minute walk. This meant, though, that you had to enter through the back of the school, but of course, for you, this was perfect.

There were malls on the same street as your apartment and various convenience stores scattered around. Since you technically live alone now, Woobin made sure you knew every single thing, not forgetting to include the dangerous alleyways that had kidnappers hiding everywhere.

"If someone grabs you and tries to drag you to a club, speak in your English, they will let go of you. They don't dare to touch a foreigner."

Oh yeah, you were a transfer student at an American school for the whole of your grade 3, you have the most fluentest English in your family, only Woobin knew that though. If your parents knew, you would be used as a marketing tool.

"Make sure to lock the door, even if you are inside. This apartment is extremely safe but there's always room for danger. I don't want to come here to find it deserted. It's our home now, ohkay? I'll just be gone most of the time, take care of yourself, and eat yummy street food while you can. Oh and, always wear something like this when you go out, it suits your personality little sister. As well as the fact that you don't draw too much attention to people like mother and father." He said looking at your completely black outfit.

"Thank you Woobin-ah. " Today was the day you realized who your true family was. Kim Woobin is your only true family and you only just completely realised his care for you.




It's 9pm and Woobin has gone back to his original 'home'. It's Friday so you could afford to wonder around the street stalls tonight.

Honestly, you have money. Not as much as your mother and father, not even as much as your brother either but you had money. What, with being in this type of family, your parents are almost obligated to give you some of their share. It was the way you spent it which was different. You saved and saved, only used what you needed to survive in hopes of one day living on your own without the rich, mansion-like house your parents lived in, and it has happened, thanks to your brother.

You weren't going to unpack tonight, it was something you could do tomorrow. Tonight, you were going to enjoy yourself. Still in your 'personality' outfit, you liked to call it this now because of Woobin, you brought with you your phone to take pictures and 20,000won, enough to buy a big, hearty meal. Making sure you locked the door, you made your way down the stairs of the apartment complex. You liked stairs better than elevators, no reason. Maybe because each step required hard work and you liked the hard work? Or maybe because elevators didn't seem friendly to you. You had no idea why but you just never liked elevators.

You waved to the reception lady who was still in the same spot as before as you made your way out of the apartment complex. The boy at the sitting lounge was still there, in the same position with only the right side of his face visible.

For a slight second, you recognized the person. But it disappeared straight away. Suddenly though, whilst you were still staring at the side of his face, searching all the wires in your mind for who he was to you, he stood up. What startled you was that he began to walk, actually, power walk towards you. It hit you. He was the other flawless boy that sat on the left side of you in class and now, he's only a metre away.













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stephanie1994 #1
Chapter 8: omg this was so good ths chapter was even better!!! waaa PLZ UPDATE SOON!!
Nice story you got here :D
I hope you check out my Kim Woobin fic too ^^
Please check it :)
dzeny4 #3
Chapter 3: pease more more