
Leaving the world

There he was, Byun Baekhyun. He was in the hospital. He had stayed there ver since his brother brought him there because he was sick,

and it was around 2 years ago. Baekhyun had been sick for around 2 years and stayed at the hospital ever since. It was December 3rd

and he was still alone. A few more weeks till it was Christmas, and he would spend it alone. Baekhyun honestly hated to be alone.

The feeling of people leaving you, just hurts. When his brother left him, he had given him a braclet and said he would come back but he

never did, so Baekhyun was left alone. 

Chanyeol's Pov:


I heard my alarm clock go off. I quickly got up and got ready to go to the hospital. 

After getting ready and eating breakfast, I walked right out of the house and into my car. 

When i got there i asked the attendance lady if she knew where my mrs.Park ( my grandma) was, and she said my grandma's room

was room 220. I was walking in the halls of a hospital trying to find my grandmother's room.

* Room 220..... Room 220.....Room 220* i thought.

Then i saw nurses and doctors running to a room. It seemed like that person had an emergency to have that many people

surrounding the room. I finally found my grandmother's room and went inside. " Hi grandma! How are you feeling?" I asked

while getting her a cup of water. 

" Fine" 

I talked to my grandma for 10 minutes then left. 

When i left the room, i saw it again. Nurses and doctors surrounding one certain room. 

Just then, they all left to do their normal thing while i was a bit distracted. 

When they all left, I saw a boy in there that looked young. I was guessing he was a few years younger than me.

The boy looked pale. He had hair like he just woke up, and he had eyes that looked lonely. He seemed very lonely. 

I felt a little bad for him because he looked so sick and lonely so i decided to see if he is okay by meeting him.

Then we made eye contact. I felt my feet moving towards the room.

Baekhyun's Pov:

I woke up from coughing. I was having this a lot lately.

I was coughing non-stop that i think i could hardly breathe. One of the nurses came in to check up on my, but she saw my

coughing and told me to stay there so she could get a doctor. After that, i was still coughing. It was hard for me to breathe

cause i was coughing so much my throat started to hurt. I felt as if i was about to faint till i saw doctors and nurses running to

my room with medical equipment. When they came, i felt dizzy as if the room was spinning so much. The doctor gave me a

needle and a pill. I ate the pill then drank water. Then he did a check up on me. It took about 10 mins for him tofinsih and

everyone to leave my room so i could have peace. When everyone left, i saw a boy who was really tall. He looked like he was

around my age. He had dark brown eyes like mine. And his face was full of worry. I guess he was here for someone that was really

important to him. He started walking to my room then opened the door. When he opened it, the nurse said that he could only stay

for a bit since i need some rest. He came in and sat down. 

Chanyeol's Pov:

I came in the room then sar down. I don't know why, but i feel like this boy needed to be with someone. 

" Hey" i said to him. " Hi." he said back.

" What's your name?" I asked him and he replied back with ' My name is Byun Baekhyun'.

" What are you doing here? Do you know me?" Baekhyun asked as i said " No, i don't know you. I just wanted to see if you were

okay because i saw a lot of people surrounding your room. And you also looked a bit sad and lonely, so i came to help." I said

as he nodded his head.

Author's Pov:

" So, how old are you Chanyeol?" Baekhyun asked in a curious but dry voice.

" I'm 21 years old. How old are you Baekhyun?" Chanyeol asked back with the same tone but no sign of dryness.

" I'm 21 too" Baekhyun said with a surprising tone of voice.

" We're the same age!" Chanyeol said exitedly. " But my birthday is in November" He said.

" My birthday is in May" Baekhyun said.

" Really! To be honest, i thought you were way younger than me." Chanyeol said with a hint of shyness.

" Yeah, i'm used to that." Baekhyun said chuckling, but then he came back with a few dry coughs.

Chanyeol ran to a table with water then gave it to Baekhyun.

After he drank it and felt a bit better but his throat was hurting.

" So Baekhyun, how long have you been in the hospital?" Chanyeol asked.

" I've been here for 2 years and stayed here ever since." Baekhyun replied back.

Chanyeol was a bit shocked by how Baekhyun stayed in the hospital for 2 years. Baekhyun asked for his water again and

Chanyeol gave him the cup, but noticed that Baekhyun had a braclet around his wrist. " Nice braclet. Where did you get it?"

Chanyeol asked with a curious voice. " I actually got it from my brother after he left me here." Baekhyun said while Chanyeol

nodded. " What do you mean by ' after he left me here'?" Chanyeol asked. He was getting more curious about Baekhyun minute

by minute. " You see, when i got sick my brother brought me here. Then he gave me a braclet saying that it was for good luck.

After he gave me it, he said he had to leave, but he also said that he'd be back but he never came back. My parents were busy that

time i got sick, so they didn't notice. From that day, i was left along and never talked to anyone unless it was the staff

here at the hospital or Mrs. Park." Baekhyun said getting a bit sad cause he felt lonely. " But now i'm talking to you." He added in.

" Wait, you mean the Mrs. Park in room 220?" Chanyeol asked because he was thinking of his grandmother. "yes, how did you know?"

Baekhyun asked. " That is my grandmother. That's the whole reason why i came to this hospital was to meet my grandmother.

And im happy that i came because i also met you." Chanyeol said while smiling. " I think that sentence just made my day"

Baekhyun said while both of them chuckled. They had a small conversation untill Chanyeol left to let Baekhyun rest. " Bye Baekhyun!

It was nice meeting you! I'll see you tomorrow! Bye!" Chanyeol said while waving. Then he left to go home since it was getting dark,

and he needed to go home. When Chanyeol left, Baekhyun couldn't help but to put a small smile on his face because, for once in his

life in the hospital, he actually made a friend. He was happy, and couldn't help but to smile. The next day, Chanyeol came with flowers

for his grandma and for Baekhyun. 

Chanyeol's Pov:

" Hi granda! So, i heard that you know a guy named Byun Baekhyun and he is also in this hospital as well." I said as i went and sat

down beside her. " Yes, i do know him, do you?" Grandma replied back. " Yeah, we just met yesterday, and part of these folwers are

for him." I said while my grandma smiled. " He finally found someone that can be there for him when his family isn't" My grandmother

said and i smiled back once i realized what she said. " He finally has someone" I mumbled after i bid goodbye to my grandma. I walked

to Baekhyun's room to find him sleeping. I went in and greeted the nurse before she left. I sat next to his bed while studying his face

features. He was flawless. Even though he had white pale skin and was as skinny as a twig, I had never seen someone, or to be exact

a boy in this world that was so eye catching. Yes i've had girlfriends before but i have never liked a boy in my life but i think the one that

is in front of me is different. He makes me feel happy when im with him. 

Author's Pov:

Right then, something distracted Chanyeol from his thought. It was Baekhyun stirring in his sleep. " Hey" Baekhyun said with a raspy

voice. Then he pointed to the cup of water that was on the counter. Chanyeol passed it to Baekhyun smiling. " So, i was wondering if

you want to walk around outside if you want" Chanyeol asked with a bit of esctasy in his voice. " Sure." Baekhyun repied back then took

a big gulp of water. After Baekhyun was done in the bathroom, both Chanyeol and Baekhyun went out for a walk, but of course they had

to stay on the hospital ground. They were walking with silence till Chanyeol broke it by asking Baekhyun something. " How long has it

been since you seen your brother?" Chanyeol asked. " Um... I guess it's around 2 years or so." Baekhyun replied back with a hint of

sadness in his voice. " Sorry..." Chanyeol said feeling guilt build up in him. " It's fine" Baekhyun said small. They were walking until

they found a park. " Let's go on the swings!" Chanyeol said full of esctasy. They both went to the swings and started to swing. It was

a bit dark outside, the sun was setting to be exact. They were both having fun swinging, they didn't even notice that the sun was setting.

It was dark and the stars were coming out. It was beautiful. Then suddenly there was a shooting star. " Let's make a wish" They both

said at the same time unintentionally. " Okay" Baekhyun said then chuckled. They both made wish. 

*I wish for someone to love me the way i am. I'm thankful that Chanyeol came into my life and tured my frown upside down.

I finally have someone there for me when my family wasn't. Thank you Chanyeol* Baekhyun thought. " Thanks Chanyeol."

Baekhyun said. " For what?" Chanyeol replied looking like a lost puppy. " For being there with me. I was having hard time being alone,

but then you came into my life and turned it upside down. That's why i thank you" Baekhyun said with a raspy voice. While both of them

were getting emotional. " Well its nothing really to thank me for" He laughed a bit then continued " But im glad that we're friends." Chanyeol finished

then smiled. 


THERE WILL BE ANOTHER CHAPTER COMING OUT A WHILE LATER! Sorry for not updating in a while :3 


BTW, these pitures that im about to show you guys are NOT MINE!






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yy9491 #1
Chapter 1: Updateee updateee, i wanna know more aboutttt baekhyun