
Pizza Boy

You were in a dilemma. You’ve been ordering pizza everyday that week and for gods sake you were sick of pizza. “What’s the dilemma?” one may ask. Well it’s just that the delivery boy is the cutest boy you’ve ever seen. He was a scrawny kid, okay not scrawny, but he looks it because he was so tall. He also has dyed hair, which in your book means he’s not so innocent (because hey his parents let him dye his hair?). 

The previous night, he was wearing a shirt asking “How Do You Sleep?” and you could do nothing to stop your train of thoughts, because why would he wear a shirt like that? So, strike two for not-as-innocent-as-he-looks.

Then, the setting sun found you sitting in front of your laptop, staring at that new Order Online! Pizza Hut service. You were thinking of the pros and cons of ordering pizza. Your mental list looked something along the lines of cons: I don’t have that much money, therefore I can’t afford to keep buying pizza, I am so goddamn sick of pizza, I can’t even eat pizza again, I don’t even want to look at another pizza EVER again. And, of course, the pros: The delivery boy is really cute, and tall, his smile is bright, and his voice is attractive, I like the way he draws out his words, and I want to see what weird phrase will be on his shirt tonight. 

Looks like it’s decided, you were going to have to order pizza.

“Hell,” you muttered to yourself, “I’ll make someone else eat it.” You proceeded to call your best friend, Youngjae. The phone didn’t even ring once before he answered.

“Hello?” You heard him say, voice twisted through the phone lines, or maybe because he was munching on something.

“Come over in an hour. There will be pizza.”

“Sounds like fun. See ya, idiot.”

“See ya, then, idiot.”

When the phone line went dead, you began ordering pizza. You weren’t gonna eat any, so you just got Youngjae’s favorites. Cheese, sausage, and corns (why yes, in Korea, we put corns in our pizza, because we think it’s somehow american).

An hour later, you had your xbox hooked up to the TV, two controllers and a violent shooting game at the ready. Because Youngjae likes Harvest Moon and you just want to piss him off. You figured you would just eat ice cream for dinner because you did not want any more of the damn pizza.

The chime of your doorbell rang throughout your house. Your heart practically leapt into your throat and your stomach turned. You nearly ran to the door, yelling at your mom along the way to ‘Don’t touch that door!’ before trying to look cool and collected. You ran your fingers through your hair one last time before answering.

Only to be sorely disappointed when it was Youngjae at the door. Don’t get disappointed, that’s your best friend right there! “Hey Jae,” you chimed.

“Hey, what’s up?” Youngjae flicked his now blackest of black hair before smiling at you.

“Ah… nothing too exciting.” You answered, stepping aside.

“I was promised pizza.”

“Yeah, it’s not here yet. Sorry to disappoint. Ready to blow some heads off?”

“Always.” He replied with a smirk. Apparently, he wasn’t in the mood for his Harvest Moon. Drats.

Youngjae was screaming viciously at the TV when the doorbell rang again. You, in turn, was laughing so hard at him. When you answered the door, tears were rolling down your cheeks in an effort to suppress your giggles. You could literally feel it bubbling in your throat, waiting to escape. Your eyes soon snapped up to the delivery boy (this time wearing an “It’s So Hard” shirt. You had to wonder where the hell he shopped.)

You straightened up before letting out a pathetic, “Hey,” your typical greeting.

“Hello,” Oh god, you really love that voice, “Uh, Pizza?”

“Yeah…pizza,” you answered. Trying to take it.

The cute boy raised it over his head, away from you. “Money?”

“Yeah. Money. Hold on a sec.” You walked back into your living room, where Youngjae was still fuming. “I need money.” He proceeded to throw a pillow at you. Hard. “Please, Jae, I need some help here I gotta pay the pizza boy.”

“Ugh, stupid, stupid, stupid.” He yelled before grabbing his wallet and heading for the door, you on his trail. “How much for the pizza?” He asked the boy cooly, because hey, he was cool and mature, just not with you.

The boy answered something, but you couldn’t comprehend the words because, oh my gods, you just wanted to wrap yourself in that voice.

“Sure thing, kid.” Youngjae pulled out a note and shoved it in his face.

Tall Boy fumbled a bit before handing the pizza to Youngjae, and why is everything he does so cute. He pulled the change out of his delivery bag and then handed it. Your idiot of a best friend proceeded to poke you in the ribs and say, “You owe me, .” Before turning on his heel and taking his pizza to the kitchen, screaming, ‘Ahjumma! I bought you pizza!’. What a bootlicker.

“Um, thank you. For the pizza.” You stumbled.

“No problem. Thanks for ordering.” Holy– that voice. Why did he have to drawl like that.

“So…” You tried again.


“Um. How are you?” You asked, cocking your head to the side, because your neck was starting to ache.

“... I’m alright.”

“Yeah, me too.” What the hell.

“Hm, are you all done?” Okay, he needed to stop smiling coyly like that. It was killing you.

“Um. So.”

He shoved his hands in his pockets, the glint from the house reflecting in his eyes. He flashed you a smile, oh gods, he was enjoying this. “Hm, yes?”

“Maybe we should hang sometime?” You added lamely. Because, how were you supposed to talk to a boy that was not your best friend?

“Maybe. But we don’t even know each other’s names. I’m Junhong.”

“I'm yours.” 

Oh my gods, what the fu– you retard.

“Now that’s just adorable.”

The boy (no, his name is Junhong) pulled out your receipt and wrote his number on the back. “Here, text me.”

“Yeah. I will. So it’s a date?”

The stupid guy grinned at you and leaned down. “Yeah. But no more pizza, okay?”

“Yeah, okay.”

Before you could fumble any more, Youngjae screamed out to you, “Peasant! I’m gonna start blowing heads without you!”

“I’m coming, God!” You answered over your shoulder. “Um, I’ll see you later…Junhong.”

“Yeah. Call me. You’re mine.” Junhong laughed, before leaving. And now all you could think of (besides Junhong’s voice and smile) was what the hell, It’s So Hard, is supposed to mean.


You texted him about it later. Apparently, It’s So Hard is the name of a song in the same album with How Do You Sleep. Weird guy.



a/n: sorry, i thought it was funny…

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Chapter 1: Despite the fact that it's late and I totally missed the obvious and that it's a 'you' story (which I typically don't read on principle), this was... entertaining. I found it through The Library Recommendation shop so yeah... I know I would have liked it more as 3rd (or even 1st) person but this definitely had some funny moments in it and my opinion isn't really important on that point because it's your story, so go you! lol

The "I'm yours" comment was very much hilarious and also Youngjae's "Peasant" remark. Both had me laughing. And it was strangely endearing that Junhong was messing with her by the end. haha Likewise, the song name and album title made sense, even if they certainly were memorable. For sure. So yes. The comedic moments were definitely there. You did have a couple typos throughout but nothing major that got in the way of understanding or anything like that.

So good job overall and well done with the comedy. ;)
Chapter 1: That was funny... and sooo cute! XD
"I'm yours" cracked me up lol
Nice story! :)d
kpop-kookie33 #3
Chapter 1: This author-nim UGHHH u made my day well it's 11:54 so night
love this story ❤ its so cute and funny!!
Chapter 1: And I feel like jumping off a cliff after reading this! MY HEART TICKLES OH NO I JUST OKAY I WANT ZELO TO BE MY PIZZA DELIVERY GUY PLEASEE! xD
seondara #6
Chapter 1: so qt ugh; - ;
choi_harim #7
Chapter 1: Wow that was just so perfect x.x