he found his new side and he loved it


megalomania /ˌmeg. ə l.əˈmeɪ.ni.ə / noun [ U ]

an unnaturally strong wish for power and control, or the belief that you are very much more important and powerful than you really are. [sc: Cambridge]

It’s been months since they were dating and yet they haven’t doing anything more than hugs and kisses, and Jongin always the one who took initiative.

Jongin didn’t mind at all, at first, but more Sehun being dense than ever, it makes him more tortured to wanting him take initiative. When he bluntly asked him why he doesn’t do it up till now, Sehun shrugged and answered that why should he does it when Jongin already did it.

He’s right; Jongin can’t deny it, but even so…

Seriously, why did he love that airheaded person?

Jongin, note this: the person who named Oh Sehun is not sweet at all. So don’t hope he’ll be sweet all of sudden and hugs you and kiss you hard and being with his face flushes hard and—

He immediately smacked his head to the wall.

The first thing he met when he enters the locker room of gym room is sweaty Sehun who in the middle of taking his polo shirt off.

“Oh, it’s you.”

He completely took his polo shirt off and folded it before put it in his locker.

Jongin gulped when he saw sweats were trailing down Sehun’s half- body. He awkwardly clears his throat before manages himself to speaks, “What were you doing that made you that sweaty?”

Sehun stretch his arms before turns backward and replied, “I was asked to play soccer with Luhan-hyung earlier, that’s why I’m sweaty.”

The way he moves—

He awkwardly averts his eyes and opens his locker; try to not too focus to younger male’s body too much. He took his coat off and spoke with his face feigns lightly disgusted, “You look gross.”

Sehun lightly kicks Jongin’s calf and snorts before groans and wipe himself with towel, “You . I know even without you telling me, so stop with that face. You’re irritating me.”

…as expected he’s really not sweet at all.

“Why don’t you take a shower?” Jongin sighed and lightly shuts the locker before began to stretch his arms.

Sehun grunts and shakes his head, “Then I should take a shower twice.”

“But you smelled gross.” He lied, yes, of course. Sehun always smells like a chocolate, no matter how his body drenched in sweat, he still smells good—he just can’t say it out loud or Sehun will throw him weird stares even he is his boyfriend.

A stare dagger his head—and Jongin unconsciously feels his back was getting pushed hard because of the younger’s stares.

“I know I smell good, so don’t lie.” Sehun scoffed and bonk Jongin’s head before wear a clean t-shirt. “Why can’t you just be honest?”

“I didn’t—“

“Say that to a person who always sniff me when he hugged me.”


Why Sehun always right—

He can saw Sehun was smiling and chuckles before throws his towel into his locker and locked it. But soon Sehun stares at him confusedly before mouthing “What?” with his eyebrows scrunched.

Jongin can’t help but wants to pinch those adorable cheeks so badly.

Errm, Jongin.

“Do you have time after this?” He asked curiously and he saw Sehun’s facial face began more smoother, changed with a confusion look plastered on his face. “Maybe we can go to a café?” It’s been a long time since we have date after all, but Jongin decided to not say it because it just too cheesy and Sehun will mocks him further than this.

“Did the kingka of the college ask me for a date? Oh, how sweet,” Sehun mocked him with grins—a jerk grin, Jongin can sees that—before pinch Jongin’s cheeks and replied, “But are you really sure for it?”

Jongin frowns, ignoring the pain of his cheeks.

“Yesterday you said that Kyungsoo will come tonight.” Sehun sighed and pull Jongin’s cheeks harder.

Now he can feels his cheeks began to hurt as hell.

Damn, he had forgotten!

Jongin groans before yanks Sehun’s hands from his cheeks and abruptly fished his phone out of his pocket. He quickly typed Kyungsoo’s phone number and calls him, hopes he’ll answers quickly like always.

He forgot to tell Kyungsoo that he’ll be the one who pick him up tonight, not his parents as planned.


He sighed in relief before replied, “Kyungsoo-hyung, where are you?”

Jongin can felt that Kyungsoo frowns when he answering him, “I’m still at the departure gate in Haneda airport, why?”

“I forgot to tell you that I’ll be the one who pick you up tonight. Your parents are still away from home.” He can hear Kyungsoo was scathing retort I knew it and what he could do is chuckled before continued, “Anyway, stay safe. I’ll pick you up at seven.”

“Okay, see you later.

And Kyungsoo was the one who hangs up.

…well that’s much likely of him so Jongin really doesn’t bother with it.

Jongin looks up and found Sehun was still there, standing in front of him with hints of curiosity glisten in his eyes. He frowns and asked obliviously, “What?”

He smiled and lightly hugs Jongin’s neck with his pale palms before replied, “Can I come too?”

Hm? That was rare; he never saw Sehun this excited before.

His frowns stay still but eventually he nodded. He reached and hold the younger’s chin with his hands before grins plastered on his face, “Give me a kiss first—”


“—that was quick!”

Sehun lightly shove Jongin’s hands and speaks, “Because one, the dance class is about to start.” He began to let his own hands off from Jongin’s neck and pointed his pale bony thumb to the door, “And two, Yixing-hyung would be surprised—no, shocked—as hell if he saw us kissing right now.”

Jongin frowns before turns his head backwards—but as soon as he turned his head, his face began deadpanned.

He saw Yixing was there, with unreadable expression plastered on his face.

“…please don’t mind me, just go on with your business.” Yixing nodded even there’s nothing to nod for and rigidly heading towards his locker. “Just see me as invisible human being then you’ll be fine.”

Jongin awkwardly laughs and shakes his head, trying to deny what Yixing was assuming about their situation right now, “What are you saying Hyung? We didn’t do anything—”

“—yet.” Sehun smugly grins before walks heading the door and playfully waved his hand, “Anyway I’ll head to the room practice first, see you soon~”

And he closes the door with left both of them alone in locker room.

“Is Sehun usually like that?” Yixing stares him confusedly.

Jongin shrugs, “It’s not new though, for him to be weird.”

But the thing that he cared right now is how he’ll pick Kyungsoo with Sehun tagged along. It’s not that he mind, but the one that he think is…

How he’ll explain about Sehun to Kyungsoo?

Do Kyungsoo got a scholarship as exchange student at Tokyo University in Japan for three months.

He’s one of the top 5 to 100 smart students in their college, with his major in Physics. He got a chance as exchange student because of his senior who got a chance to go there too and asked him to tag along—in another way; they took the selection test together and got accepted as representatives of South Korea’s universities.

Of course Jongin’s jealous, but sadly there’s no scholarship for his major, which is English Literature.

And what Jongin can does was sighing miserably because disappointment of can’t getting scholarship like Kyungsoo did when he left goodbyes to Kyungsoo with his squishy cheeks and his wide eyes slowly fade away behind the departure gate.

Oh, don’t forget Kyungsoo’s senior who tagged along on his departure too.

Now he was on the way for picking Kyungsoo with his car—his father’s car, he corrected—with Sehun sat silently on Jongin’s right side. They bought Mc.D’s burgers through drive thru first before heading to Incheon Airport, with Jongin’s treat, of course.

I’m hungry so can’t we eat first? Don’t you feel hungry after practice? Please?, is what Sehun used to persuade him to bought those burgers—don’t forget with his cute pouty lips and his pleading eyes.

Jongin just can’t resist.

And the result was a paper bag full of burgers—Jongin bought four in case Kyungsoo and his senior haven’t dinner yet—sits comfortably on Sehun’s laps, with the younger hugged it gently.

But he can predicted that as soon as Kyungsoo sees him brought it, he’ll scolds him with similar reason; it’s junk foods and you know it and yet you still bought it and eat it? (Yeah he is so what. Foods still foods—and he loves foods, and he doesn’t care if it’s junk food or not as long as it delicious unless it’s expired.)

Well, in the end, usually Kyungsoo will still eats it even with shorts complaints flies away from his heart-shaped mouth.


“Yeah, what is it?” Jongin still focused in his drive.

He can saw the younger—through the windshield—was looking at him through the windshield too, with the black scarf that Jongin gave as Christmas present covers up to his lips. “Are you really that close with Kyungsoo?”

“Well, you can say that. We’re childhood friends after all.” Jongin obliviously answered with light smile painted on his face. “Why did you ask?”

Sehun shook his head, “No reason.”

“Oh, okay then.”

And the comfortable silence took his place back; surrounding around Sehun and Jongin—but Jongin didn’t intent to make it linger longer, yup.

“That reminds me, why did you want to come picking Kyungsoo up?” Jongin frowned while continues, “It’s rare for you to ask something like that.”

“My parents’ away and I was left alone at home and even if I’m going home right now, I have nothing to do as well. Let’s say that it’s for killing time.” Sehun answered flatly and ruffles his bangs back with his pale bony fingers. “Besides, I remembered someone has asked me to going out after dance practice and yet he forgot that he should pick his cousin up at airport so I guess I can say that it’s bonus.”

Jongin left flustered there.

(This guy, really, he’s not sweet at all.)

He sighed before manages to speak calmly—but even so, hints of annoyance stay still on his tone, “But I’m planning to go to a café, not junk foods restaurant.”

“I don’t mind.” Huh? Usually he would be like what it’s not like you never did it before or kinds of sarcasm replies come out from his small lips though… “As long as it’s your treat I have no problem with it.”

Oh so that’s why.

Jongin sighed before continues his drive. They almost arrived at Incheon Airport and the last thing that Jongin should do is parking the car. When he parked the car, he sighed for the last time before turned off the car’s machine, and throws his gaze at Sehun, “Do you want to come or not?”

Sehun nodded before lightly places the paper bag on seat and gets out from the car. Jongin glanced to the paper bag and found it’s still clean; there’s no proof that it has opened and what not.

He frowned.

When he gets out from the car, he reflexively grips his coat when cold breeze suddenly slaps his body as soon as he gets out. He shivered and reflexively reaches Sehun’s arms, arm to arm with him with lightly sneezes.

“What are you doing?”

Jongin grins, “Well, you’re warm—” he expected to sees Sehun’s face twisted in annoyance or boredom, but he went silent when he saw hints of red flushed on the younger’s cheeks. “—and I’m pretty sure you won’t mind so I guess it’s fine, isn’t it?”

Oh God oh God oh God why he’s too cute.

He rarely saw Sehun blushed like this. Really, the last time he saw Sehun being like this was when he gave Christmas present for him, when it was Sehun’s first time for wore the black scarf that he used to wear now.

But he never expected that Sehun will be like this—

“Whatever, and please stop making that face, you weird me out.”

…why good moment is always wouldn’t last so long.

“Thank you for your compliment.” Jongin snorts and drags Sehun to the airport gate, without cares about Sehun’s nags with his annoyed face appears so obvious.

Forget it; he would never get the sweet side of Sehun lasted long. Maybe he can get it when Pisa Tower is returning to its original planned look—standing as straight as a ruler, which is, impossible.

But no problem, his feelings is everlasting so he can wait.

He just needs a miracle to make it happen.

The meeting with Kyungsoo and his senior was really, a happy yet confusing one.

He was happy that Kyungsoo back but he was confused when he feels some special mood wrapped around him and his senior, like, a really special mood.

Kinds of fluff yet restrained so safely.

He high-fived Kyungsoo happily before hugs him tightly and shook his body and attacks him with bunch questions about his experience. Kyungsoo lightly smiles and told him any experience he had back there, but didn’t forget to introduce his senior to Jongin.

Jongin learned that his name was Kim Joonmyeon, but he usually called by Suho because of his past—he used to be a guardian back then, but he’ll just call him Joonmyeon-hyung because it just right.

They got out the airport before heading towards Jongin’s—his father’s—car with Jongin walked far behind Sehun and Joonmyeon who in the middle of conversation, and left him with Kyungsoo beside him. The next thing that he learned is Sehun—surprisingly—knew who Joonmyeon was, even they looked so close as soon as they met with casual greets, and light smiles.

Even Jongin never could make Sehun smiles that happy.

“Hey, who is he?” Kyungsoo asked confusedly—with his usual poker face, well, yeah—while secretly pointed his index finger towards Sehun. “But I think I’ve seen him several times at College though.”


“He… his name is Sehun, Oh Sehun.” Jongin abruptly answer unclearly because of nerves suddenly hits him—which makes him splutters his words, “He is… uh… yeah… he—”

Kyungsoo cuts him off hesitantly, “Your…?” Jongin decided to answers him with nods instead of words. “Oh, I see.” He fixed Jongin’s coat and mumbles, “I guess this kid really grown up now. Three months sure changed people a lot huh.”

Jongin sighed and replied half-heartly, “But I feel my face aging rapidly when I face him. He’s really, how should I put this, bitter.”He sighed for the second time and continued, “And my parents’ not helping either.”

The older man stares him confusedly, “What did they do?”

“I would never understand why they let me to date a guy.” He played the snow below his feet with playfully kicks some of it and keeps talking, “Not that I mind, but well, it kinds of weird for me.” He looks up in wonder before abruptly looks at Kyungsoo, “Did they know that I was traumatized by my sisters?”

But Kyungsoo shook his head in disapproval and retorts, “Or they found that it would be unnecessary to fight your will because you’re just a stubborn guy and they better back off instead getting childish rants from you.”


It hurts as always.

“You’re just getting meaner than the last time I saw you.” And Sehun’s not better either, he added.

But Kyungsoo replied him with scoffs before mouthed “Stop being a drama queen; you’re horrible at that.” and tugs Jongin’s coat and spread his hand wide, which is received a confusion stare from the younger, “Give me the key.”

A quick no replied Kyungsoo before added, “Did you remember that the last time you drive you were almost make both of us died together because of your carelessness?”

Kyungsoo frowned, “Who said I’m gonna drive?”

“Then why did you ask the key?”

“Give it to Joonmyeon-hyung, he’ll drive us tonight.”


“He said that he’ll treat us dinner, so give him the key, now.” Kyungso demanded with not-really-good expression plastered on his face.

Hyung, listen—”

“Jongin. Not now.”

He groans and pinch Kyungsoo’s cheeks before cuts him off, “I’ve bought us dinner, okay? We’ll come to your house and eat it together, sounds good right?”

“You must be bought those junk foods again, don’t you?” It was Kyungsoo’s turn to pinch Jongin’s arm harder than he used to be. “Throw it, we’re gonna have proper dinner.”


“Eh, but I don’t really mind though.”

Joonmyeon’s voice breaks their argument—with both of them looked at him with confusion.

He chuckled before speaks, “Sorry for interrupt, but I don’t really mind with junk foods. It’s would be a waste if we throw it. Besides, Jongin’s plan sounds fun; I never visit your house before, don’t I?”

Kyungsoo nodded while shove Jongin’s hand from his cheeks harshly, but soon he protested, “But junk food’s not good for health.”

“But it’s delicious—”

“Jongin shut up.”

And he shuts himself up right away.

“Or, we take the middle way here.”

Sehun spoke up.

Jongin blinked but he’s not protested at all, instead he was looking at his boyfriend, waiting what will comes out from the kissable lips of his (Jongin, don’t. Not now, please).

“Jongin will send you two to the restaurant and both of us will be the one who eat the burgers in car while waiting you guys finished. How’s that sound?” Sehun gave an advice with his flat face stay still. “We don’t mind at all. Besides, I don’t want to interrupt quality time of yours.”

Jongin frowns. Wait, what?

He abruptly stares Kyungsoo fiercely, and he found hints of embarrassment painted as pink shades on his cheeks.

Oh. Oh. Okay. He got it. He got it. He really got it.

“I don’t mind at all, but is that okay for both of you?” Joonmyeon asked in guilt, “I don’t want to be burden...”

Sehun shook his head, “No at all. I was the one who asking Jongin to bought it so I should eat it because it’s impolite.”

“Then it’s settled?”

“As long as you don’t forget to buy us some take out.”

Joonmyeon nodded in approval before smiles, “I’ll buy it even without you asking, so you shouldn’t worry.”

“I’ll keep your words then.”

Then they get in the car—don’t forget the luggage too—before they got too cold because stayed outside too long.

Kyungsoo and Joonmyeon went out for dinner—on a really famous expensive restaurant, even Jongin almost hits his car to the gate when he saw it—while both Sehun and Jongin stayed inside the car, eating the burgers with radio sings along with night.

Jongin never complained about food; he’ll eat anything as long as it’s edible, but Kyungsoo will always scolds him and stuffed his mouth and his empty stomach with his homemade food before says that he should eat healthy food more often or his skins will be rot easily since they were child.

He never complained about it; Kyungsoo’s food is always delicious anyway, but Jongin dislikes it when Kyungsoo always brags about how healthy his homemade food was and he would never allow him to buys burger or fried chicken, his favorite foods, under his watch when he was fifteen up till now.

Sometimes he secretly bought it and ate it by himself so Kyungsoo wouldn’t scold him—but sometimes Kyungsoo found out and joins in, but with a mouthful of scolds always awaiting him home.

What was strange is, his parents never scold Kyungsoo about it— they even approved Kyungsoo to do it more often and Jongin only could groan when he heard that.

Why didn’t he enter Medical instead of Physics? It’ll fit him with his mouth who always brags about nutrition and blah blah.


He was startled by Sehun’s call and spluttering in confusion, “Err… uh, yeah, wha-what’s wrong?”

Sehun frowned and lightly pokes Jongin’s cheeks before spoke, “What were you thinking about?”

“Hm? No, I didn’t think about anything, why?” He took a bite of his burger and munches it. He enthralled with Sehun’s confused face before swallows his food and joked, “Did my boyfriend worry about me? I’m touched.”

The younger rolled his eyes and stuffed his burger to Jongin’s mouth, “Stop that.”

He bites Sehun’s burger and pouts, “Hey, what’s so bad about admit it? It’s not wrong at all!” Eh, how come Sehun’s burger is more delicious than his, “By the way, why don’t you eat your burger earlier? Didn’t you say that you’re hungry?”

His words seem makes Sehun stunned for a moment.

Jongin finds its amusing before lightly pokes Sehun’s cheek and grins, “Oh, did it hit the bull’s eye?” Sehun murmured, but his voice’s really low that he could barely hear it—he just blinked before leans closer to Sehun for hear him better, “Sorry, what did you say?”

“It’s because I want to eat together with you. Are you happy now?” Sehun grunts and pulls Jongin’s cheek, again, but Jongin’s starts to laugh without cares his—almost—swollen cheek, “Really, why did I lo—“

Jongin’s eyes widen. Is he going to…?

“—lo-look, look, look, the radio is playing David Archuleta’s Zero Gravity!” Sehun awkwardly turns his head to radio and managed to return his poker face back.  “Isn’t that your favorite singer?”

“Mine’s Michael Jackson.”

“Oh. Right.”

They went silence with Sehun back to eats his burger.

 Jongin sighed, but a smile starts to linger on his face, before pats Sehun’s head softly, “Well, take it slow. No need to rush.” and he’s back to eats his burger. It’s awkward, Jongin knew, but he can’t makes Sehun feels uncomfortable too long because he knows the younger a bit sensitive inside, “Anyway, how’s the other two burgers? Should we eat it or…?”

A light tugs on Jongin’s coat makes him blinked and stares the younger confusedly.


And he can saw hints of regret glisten on Sehun’s eyes.

He smiles and lightly nodded, “I know. No problem, I won’t rush you.” he leans closer and lightly peck his cheek before speaks again, right on Sehun’s left ear, “Hey, at least you’re on the above level of like.”

“Stop that—” He weakly pushed Jongin’s chest away. “Not in my ears…”

But then Jongin almost lost it when he saw deep red flushes the younger cheeks, really, it’s red, as red as fresh tomato—and when his eyes went to the younger’s lips, the urge of kissing the plump lips of Sehun’s suddenly hits Jongin’s mind.

His lips’ really tempting—and it’s like it inviting his lips to press it on Sehun’s.

No, Jongin, not now.

He smells junk food and it’s not romantic at all (and gross, yes).

Jongin chuckled, “Anyway, what should we do with the other two? I don’t think we can finish it though.”

Sehun shrugs before throwing his gaze outside the window, not really answering Jongin, but the half-eaten burger still in his bony hands.

Oh, how cute, he’s embarrassed.

What Jongin had learned from the beginning of their relationship is when Sehun is embarrassed, he’ll ignore the person who made him that way and just like, averts his eyes with deep flushes painted on his pale cheeks even he won’t admit it or he’ll just smiles—to be honest it was really thin that Jongin barely saw it—but his eyes kinds of unreadable and his hands’ crossed on his chest—but Jongin only saw this reaction once so maybe it was a coincidence.

Sometimes he’s as sweet as cotton candy but he is as bitter as coffee at the same time.

“Hey, answer meee.” Jongin tried to get the younger’s attention while nudging him with his elbow, “Sehun? What should we do with the rest of it? Do you want to eat it or not?”

“Or can I stuff the burgers to your mouth instead so I can shut your mouth up.” Sehun grunts and shoves Jongin’s elbow away without looking at the elder, began to much his burger again.

Ergh. How harsh.

His bitter side made its comeback.

Jongin pursing his lips before sighed and pokes Sehun’s cheek, “Sehun. Look at me?”

Sehun slowly turns his body to face with confusion lingers on his pale-skinned face, “What?”

“Open your mouth.”

He frowned, but still obediently opens his mouth.

Jongin feed him with his burger without any notice, but Sehun casually bites it and eats it with savor—he can sees it, clearly—before asks in confusion, “What was that for?”

“You feed me before, even without you realized it.”

But Jongin didn’t really shock when the younger face turns disinterested and rolled his eyes as always.

“Oh, that,” Sehun swallows it and took sips of his beverage before responses, “Maybe it’s because I want to shut you up so I stuffed you with my burger instead.”

“Why are you so bitter.”

Sehun answers Jongin’s grunts with chuckles, but manages to answers him with unintended smiles painted on his face, “But you love me.”

“That’s an unfortunate tragedy.” Jongin grunted but began to eat his burger again. “Hey, seriously, what should we do with the other two? Don’t keep changing the topic.”

The younger silenced for a moment before hums in confusion. He looks like thinking about it for a moment before unconsciously clap his hands and answers, “Why don’t you give those to your sisters?”

“You don’t want to eat it?” Jongin asked confusedly.

Sehun shook his head before eats the last pieces of his burger, “My stomach isn’t monstrous like yours.”

Jongin jokingly punch the younger’s arms but groans still comes out from his lips, “You .” but he gave up and sighed before put the paper bag in dashboard and faces Sehun, “Hey.”


“Can I kiss you?”

He really can’t hold his urge to kiss plump lips of Sehun’s even he really tried to hold it.

Sehun silenced, but soon he shyly—Jongin assuming, oh right—nodded before murmurs “...sure.” and shuts his eyelids softly.

He smiles before hold Sehun’s jaw and leans his forehead with Sehun’s, feeling each other’s breaths. Jongin lightly kissed the tip of the younger’s nose before softly lock their lips together. Sehun didn’t resist; instead, he clutched on Jongin’s shirt when the elder male his below lip, teasing Sehun so he can enter the wet cavern of his.

Sehun’s lips tastes like vanilla like usual—it’s Jongin’s favorite flavor since he kissed him for the first time.

The younger muffled when Jongin try to taunted their tongue together softly. There’s no lust in it, Jongin dare to say, because he knew it’s not the right time and he bet Sehun really inexperienced about dating stuff so he doesn’t need to rush things—but he is really glad that he was the one who took Sehun’s firsts, it feels special.

He left a soft peck on Sehun’s lips before their lips parted. He has no chance to saw Sehun’s face because as soon as their lips parted, the younger buried his face on Jongin’s shoulder, not letting the older to saw his face.

It was always been like this after they were dating, so what could Jongin do is smiles happily while his hands soothing the younger’s back.

“You’re cute.” Jongin whispered softly right on Sehun’s ear.

Jongin can saw Sehun’s ear began reddened before he can felt his chest weakly being hits by the younger, “Stop it you sap.”

But the older only laughed before ruffles the younger’s hair messily and his laughs getting louder when Sehun began to lightly punch his abdomen in embarrassment.

When he throws his gaze outside the window, his eyes found both Kyungsoo and Joonmyeon were on their way to the car. He sighed before lightly push Sehun away and murmurs “Why they were so fast.” while push a button to lifting the window car up and lazily grabs the steering heel.

Sehun—with his poker face who has returned—tilted his head, “What’s wrong?”

“They’re back.”


Both of the elders enter the car with happy euphoria wraps around them. Kyungsoo got his hand full with plastic bags—which it smells, really, good—while Joonmyeon smiles like usual. They realized something was off with both of their younger and decided to ask, “Did we miss something?”

Jongin answers lightly with smiles, “No, shall we go home?”

But we all knew what happened before so—hahaha hasta la vista, baby.

In the end, Jongin sent Kyungsoo home—with Joonmyeon tagged along because earlier Kyungsoo so nicely asked him if he wants to stay till tomorrow—before drives Sehun home with good feeling filling his heart in happiness.

No, Jongin is too happy that he can be labeled as idiot judging by his face.

Sehun frowns and lightly nudges Jongin with his elbow. “What’s gotten into you? You’re kinda weird.”

But Jongin can’t help himself to not smiling and keeps humming to himself, “Well, there’s nothing gotten into me. After all, there are only two of us, so I don’t see any problem to not feel happy, am I? Aren’t I looked more handsome?”


“No problem, both of us are really good looking, so no need to be jealous!” He can feel Sehun was cringed because of his—silly, errr—words, but he keeps smiling and says, “Don’t you like it when I’m this handsome?”

Sehun frowns and glanced him fiercely, “…when did I say that.”

Instead of answering Sehun, he hummed to himself happily and his fingers drummed on steering wheel, singing along with the music that playing on the radio. He rarely have time with Sehun alone like this because Sehun usually dragged by either Luhan or Tao when the lunch time—and Kyungsoo not helping either; he was—felt—left alone in cafeteria while the older were either busy eating or planning to cooks new recipe that he found in magazine right beside him. It’s kind of sad, but he used to it so there’s no really any big problem because of it.

Well, Sehun never brags about their relationship so Jongin guess he’s a type who doesn’t really tell something unless he was asked to.

“You see… we never really have a chance to be alone, right? I just feel so happy.” Jongin grins, “I kind of excited.”

“Did you?”

Jongin nodded, “Well, don’t you?”

“Maybe, I guess?” Sehun smiles and playing by himself with drummed his palm on his knuckles, synchronized the rhythm with the song. “We haven’t gone out together lately, huh?”

The older smiles, “Yeah, we did. We’ve been busy with piles of assignments and stuff after all.” He turned his steering wheel left, “Shall we go somewhere then?”

“A trip, you mean?” Jongin nodded in enthusiasm. Sehun with face of happiness while they were on trip—oh, he can imagine and maybe he can fainted because he’s too happy. “Where do you want to go?”

“Maybe hot spring’s sounds nice?” Jongin smiles wider and turned his steering wheel left while Sehun still continues, “I never been a hot spring before so…”

“Then let’s go.” He smiled and softly stepped the brakes. They have arrived, which is, really disappoint Jongin. Aw. “It’ll be our first trip ever. Sounds great, isn’t it?”

Sehun smiles and nodded happily, agreed with Jongin’s idea. “Tell me when you have a free time. I’ll arrange the schedule so we can match.” He unfastens his belt and open the car’s door, “Anyway, thanks for drive me home.”

Can I come over because I still want to spend my day with you but because it sounds too cheesy and it even makes he got himself goosebumps so instead he replied dejectedly, “Yeah, see you tomorrow.”

The younger frowned. He silenced for a moment before called the older quietly, “Hey.”


He silently waved his hand, asks Jongin to leans closer.

Jongin frowns but still leans closer even he is confused with Sehun’s intention. He stared Sehun confusedly before asks, “What is it?”

Sehun quickly hold Jongin’s jaw and pecks his cheek without any warning.



What was happening.


“Uh, yeah, you can include that as my thanks.” Sehun abruptly cuts him off and quickly get out from the car. “So, I think… um… good night?”

Jongin stiffly nodded.

Sehun waved his hands before quickly close the door and enters his house. Jongin still slightly taken aback with Sehun’s sudden action, or he really didn’t know how should he put it because he’s too asdfghjkl of it and he even can’t describe well how Sehun’s soft lips leans on his cheek because what he can does was frozen of it.

It’s hot.

The place that Sehun was pecked feels really hot.

He could die in happiness right now.

(Eh, but he still wants to spend holiday with Sehun so it’s a big fat no. He can’t die yet.)

On the next day, Jongin has counted that there are four girls who has confessed to him today.

He doesn’t blame them; his relationship really didn’t show up after all, but even so he’s a bit uncomfortable with the way the kind of forcing him to accept their confessions. It’s like, he’s forced to choose for eat Jongdae’s homemade food or listen to Baekhyun’s hourly chatters (and no, he won’t choose two of it because he still loves his life).

Why people plastered him as kingka anyway? He’s not that good looking to be godly seen, really.

Maybe his face reminds people of Barbie’s boyfriend, Danny or whoever is it, which is makes him popular among girls but no. he doesn’t want to be lumped with a doll because he’s alive and being compared with a doll makes him feels really annoyed.

“You got another confession?”

He found Kyungsoo was begun to sitting beside him, with both hands hold his tray of lunch.

“How much did you get today?” He casually asked with lightly sips the milk can.

Jongin sighed and murmurs “Around four, I guess.” before lazily chews his kimchi. “It’s norm anyway.”

“Oh, right, our majesty kingka that has rejected most of girls in our college, didn’t he?” Kyungsoo began to eat his lunch without any changes on his face. “I guess later you’ll have more.”

Jongin chomps his stir-fry meat harshly.

“Normally any guy would be feels really happy to get confessed by girls though.” Kyungsoo chewed his food before swallows and continues, “Oh right, I forgot that you’re traumatized by girls.”


Kyungsoo casually chews his rice and stares him uninterestedly, “Why, it’s true anyway.” He picks more side dish and throws it in his mouth before continuously chews. “Your sisters really made a good job for raising you to be this human so don’t nag.”

“So you’re saying that I’m not a human before this.” Jongin grunted.


Hyung, seriously, you really mean.”

“Well, I can’t blame you for it though; your sisters really love to put girls clothes on you back then after all—and your mother’s not helping either, with makes your hair long until you graduated junior high school.” Kyungsoo swallows his food and put his chopstick on his tray. “At least you grow up normal except your uality.”

Jongin sighed and silently eats his food, doesn’t want to argue Kyungsoo since it’s the truth.

Hm? Then…

“Then does that mean Joonmyeon-hyung’s an exceptional?” Jongin suddenly blurted out.

What Jongin doesn’t expect is he can saw hints of smile forming on Kyungsoo’s poker face. “I guess.”

Jongin follows to smile and eats the last pieces of his chicken before speaks, “Don’t hurt him and don’t make his wallet root. Your fists are really too strong and your money’s outcome sometimes too hyper.”

Kyungsoo rolled his eyes and mouthed “Hah. Right.” before silently eats his lunch together with Jongin—with sometimes Jongin steals foods from Kyungsoo’s tray and a slapped hand replied him.

But in the end they just laughed because they realized that they’re really not so cool right now.

To : Oh Se-whinny
i’ve checked my schedule. i’m free at this weekend, hbu? can you make it?

Jongin tapped send button before placed his phone on bed and lazily rolls over on his bed. He has nothing to do and the dance practice got cancelled because the instructor was sick—he wanted to ask Sehun out but before he asked the younger he already flew out from gym, getting dragged by Chanyeol with a murmur “You should help me.” mouthed along with them.

It seems like life likes to bully Jongin to not have nice time together with Sehun.

From : Oh Se-whinny
sure, i’m free too.

What a typical answer of Sehun.

But before Jongin replied his message, another message received on his mailbox.

From : Oh Se-whinny
are you the one who will reserve it or me?

Jongin frowns.

To : Oh Se-whinny
can’t we just come instead?

From : Oh Se-whinny
ofc no you silly. they always full on weekend.

To : Oh Se-whinny
how did you know?

From : Oh Se-whinny
Luhan-hyung once had came with Yixing-hyung but they ended up went to a Chinese restaurant and had sleepover at Yixing’s instead.

Jongin can imagine at that time Luhan must be very upset and poor Yixing was the one who got attacked by his rants.

To : Oh Se-whinny
then I’ll reserve it. which inn is great?
i don’t know inn that well—

His fingers stopped tapping.


It would be nice if he gives Sehun a surprise.

He smiled before lightly taps his phone and sends the message. He’ll just ask Baekhyun or Yifan for a good recommendation since both of them often travelling and makes a good deal with the receptionist.

It sounds great.

To : Oh Se-whinny
then I’ll reserve it.
 i’ll pick you up on saturday at 9 in the morning, so you better prepared when I come or i’ll kick your later.

After he sent the message, he quickly searches Baekhyun’s contact and tapped his number before taps the green button to calls him. Sehun’s going to like his plan, he dare to say, he’s not going to throws him with confused stares and he’ll throws him a hug instead.

‘Hello? Kkamjong, what’s wrong?’

Yup, he’ll be.

“Baekhyun-hyung, I want to ask you…”

After he prepared everything, Jongin picks Sehun up on Saturday like he has planned—but he went thirty minutes earlier just for safe because he remembered that Sehun is really a heavy sleeper. He sighed before parking his car in front of Sehun’s house, planning to pay a (little) visit to Sehun’s parents first before take their son away for a day.

…wait it sounds like a kidnapping plan.

He nervously pressed the bell while mumbling words he should says to Sehun’s parents when they meet. Hello, I’m Kim Jongin. Is Sehun here? I want to pick him up because we planning to go on the weekend and…

He can heard the door was opened and he automatically greets while facing up “Um, hello—” but he slightly taken aback when his eyes found that it was Sehun’s father—he guessing, right—who opened the door. “Um—go-good morning.”

“Good morning.”

Then both of them silenced.


Jongin awkwardly clears his throat before tries to speak, “Uh… excuse me, is Sehun here?”

Sehun’s father gaze observes Jongin from head to toes, “Excuse me, have we met before?”

“Y-yes, it was on December, when you and your wife went out.” He held his fists to not scratching his neck because it would be very impolite. “I guess it was around December 23 last year.”

He hummed before commented, “No wonder I was kind of recognized you. You’re Jongin, right?” He opens the door and let Jongin in, “Sehun’s here, but I think he hasn’t wake up yet.”

That kid—

“I’m sorry, can I—“

But before Jongin finish, Sehun’s father cuts him off with a light nod and smiles, “Sure, you can go straight into his room. You’re here for pick him up, don’t you?”

Jongin nodded, “I do, but…”

“What a coincidence; today my wife and I have a plan to visit our friend for a day or two because she was sick. Actually Sehun comes along too, but when we asked Sehun to, he rejected and told us he has another plan.” Sehun’s father sighed while in the middle of sending Jongin to Sehun’s room. “Well, he usually didn’t want to come though. I guess he was just lazy. Ha-ha.”

Jongin silently listened to Sehun’s father’s chatters.

They arrived in front of Sehun’s room before Sehun’s father spoke “I guess both of us can go now since you’re here to pick Sehun up. Please stay safe.” and left Jongin sighing there. Finally!

“Thank you; and you too.”

Jongin breathes and opens Sehun’s room’s door. It’s his second time to visit Sehun’s room and yet it was neat like before, unlike Sehun’s personality—oops, no he was kidding sorry ahaha. The wall was painted in light brown milk and the furniture was all black and white. It was simple; it was really like Sehun’s style.

When he averts his eyes to the bed, he found Sehun was curling beneath his blanket, breathing steadily with his eyes beautifully closed.


He leans closer before lightly shook Sehun’s body, trying to wake the younger up. He repeatedly calls him but there’s no sign of Sehun to wake up. He tried to pinch Sehun’s cheeks, and it still failed.

He’s cute but no, they should go now or they wouldn’t have a chance for sightseeing in the noon.

“Sehun, really, wake up!” He began to shakes Sehun harder, but the younger still doesn’t show any intention to wake up at all. “Geez, wake up will you? Didn’t I tell you that you should be prepared when I come?”

Sehun still doesn’t answer, but Jongin knew that he already wake up.

Guess there’s no other choice then.

“If you don’t wake up…” He leans closer to Sehun’s ear and slowly traces his fingertips to shove the blanket off, “…I guess I’ll constantly whispers on your ears about something naughty until you feel hot and unable to wake up—”

Jongin’s jaw almost got punched by Sehun if he didn’t reflexively grab the younger’s hand.

He can saw Sehun’s face was flushing red, really, brightly red. Jongin smirked before yanked Sehun’s hand and lightly pinches the younger’s cheeks, “Morning. Are you ready to go now?”

Sehun rolled his eyes and shoved Jongin’s hands away from his cheeks, “Jongin, it’s 7 in the morning.”

“It’s not you silly, it’s almost 9.” Jongin placed himself to sit beside Sehun and sighed. “I was hoping that at least you’ve prepared when I came.”

Sehun’s stares went blank, “Don’t you dare to lie.”

“I’m not joking. It’s really almost 9.” He groans before messing Sehun’s bed hair, “Let me guess, your alarm’s gone off, don’t you?”

Sehun blinked before his gaze went to his alarm clock and picked it from the table. It’s not ticking; the pointer’s not moving at all and it was pointing at seven. He abruptly grab Jongin’s left hand and saw the watch; it’s almost 9.

Jongin sighed, “Told you.”

“Oh my God what have I done!” Sehun abruptly get up from his bed and grabs whatever he can get from the cup board before left Jongin blank there. He suddenly stopped his feet—Jongin he can saw that he almost slipped—and turn his head to Jongin “Wait for 5 minutes then we can go.” before quickly enters the bathroom.

The door slammed loudly and left Jongin was trying to hold himself to not curling his toes because oh my God Sehun is really cute that he really wants to keep Sehun for himself and spoils him as much as he want because he can—he just can.

He really picked a good choice to choose Sehun as his.

“You’ve gotta be kidding me.”

That was what Sehun saying when they arrived at their room and after the waitress excuse herself.

Jongin smiles after he placed their bags on the corner and took his coat off before spoke, “Aren’t I have good tastes?”

Sehun turns backward and violently shook Jongin’s body but his eyes filled by excitement, Jongin can tell, “It must be expensive right? Right? Right?”


“But it’s too damn gorgeous! How did you even manage to reserve this kind of room?”

See? He likes it.

Jongin reserved a suite room on a popular Inn around Busan for its hot spring, with really strong Japanese kind of feeling on it. He was really lucky to manage them got the suite room—even both Baekhyun and Yifan said that usually they should reserved it a month or two before because it’s really popular for its glamorous yet classic feelings that makes you could spoil yourself there and the queue of reservation is really long that it almost impossible to reserve it quick like he did on the other day.

He can’t deny that; the room was really great and he didn’t regret to spend a lot cost of money for it because it suits with what it provides.

“It’s a secret.” Jongin laughed and spreads his arms wide, “Well, why don’t you give me a hug as a reward?”

Sehun silenced and averts his eyes away.

Jongin is still waiting, “Well?”

“…should I?” Sehun puffed his cheeks but his gaze still went somewhere else, hesitant.

“Or should I kiss you until you’re breathless until on the end of the day instead?”

No thanks.

Jongin sighs, “It is just a hug, okay? Aren’t I your boyfriend?”

Sehun silenced for a moment before stiffly hugs Jongin. Jongin sighed and pat the younger’s back to put him more ease, to makes him more relaxed.

Oh well, Sehun’s still not used to these kinds of things after all.

“…thanks.” Sehun murmured and hugged him tighter while buried his face on Jongin’s shoulder.

Jongin chuckled and messing Sehun’s hair with his palms, “You’re very welcome.” He suddenly remembered something and he let go of Sehun’s arms before spoke, “Hey, wanna chill somewhere?”

The younger frowned while took his coat and his scarf off, “Do you know any place around here?”

He nodded, “Not much, but I know delicious bubble tea café around here, and it was on the basement.” He can saw Sehun’s eyes were lightening up. “Well, want to visit it?”

“Sure.” Sehun beamed happily and pulls Jongin’s hand, “Shall we go?”

Jongin nods and walks out from their room, not forgetting to lock the door first and went downstairs with Sehun hummed on their way out.

Then it hits Jongin when he suddenly remembered the time they first going out.

It was December 25 in the morning when he woke up beside Sehun’s side and he found Sehun was staring at him all morning long, with his messy bed hair and yesterday clothes that he forgot to change. Jongin was flustered at first, but soon he frowned and asked him why he stared him that intense.

And Sehun opened his lips and said they can go out, but he paused before hesitantly continued that he can’t do skinships well and he’s not used to touchy-lover-thing and stuff because it was his first time to have a date. At first, Jongin was confused, but before he asked why Sehun cuts him off with said that if he does mind with it then they can’t go out.

“Then should I ask you first before well… you know.”

Sehun stiffly nodded and felt bad for it, and he told him again that he can’t confessed to him now because he wants make himself ready before it. I don’t want make it looked like half-assed feelings, but I do like you, he told Jongin. Jongin still remembered Sehun’s expression clearly when he said it. Hints of regret were painted on his face.

Jongin just smiled and hugs the younger, with plants kisses on top of his head before replied he was okay with it, and he shouldn’t rush it and joked that at least Sehun likes him, even sometimes he is annoyed with his harsh tongue (and in the end he got his Christmas present that once Sehun told that he didn’t buy anything for him).

He sighed.

Sehun just feels shy. That what Jongin was assuming when Sehun told about it. He just doesn’t open enough, he minded and unconsciously hugged Sehun’s arm while his head leans on his shoulder.

But it settled that he was really Sehun’s first—and he’s really glad because it means he’s the only one who knows what Sehun’s weak spot was and all sides of Sehun.

“Please don’t be taller than this.”

The younger frowned and lightly shook his arms, “What are you mouthing all out the blue?”

Jongin blinked before spoke, “Did I say something?”

“Something like I shouldn’t be taller.”

Oh. “Sorry, I was kinda spacing out.” He apologized and smirks, “But I think it’ll be nice if I were taller than you though, so you’ll be the one who tip-toeing on me.”

Sehun only laugh it off before pointing his bony index finger to one of the shops that lined up on the basement, “Is that the café that you were talking about earlier?”

Jongin nodded, “Yeah. They really had good stuffs there. Let’s go.”

The younger nodded before gently pulls Jongin along with him walks faster heading to the café, which makes Jongin looked like he was the one who being dragged.

(And he’s really glad that now Sehun is his, and he’s not regretting his choice at all.)

“Mine’s chocolate bubble tea with bubble pearls as topping and a cheese cake. Jongin, what do you want to order?”

Jongin chuckled and said his order to the waitress, “One vanilla bubble tea with bubble pearls and castella, please.”

The waitress nodded before excuse herself from their table. Sehun’s humming happily and drums his fingers on the table, ignoring Jongin that staring him with wide smiles plastered on his face. Jongin still staring—and maybe because Sehun is really uncomfortable with it, finally he snaps, “Is there something on my face?”

The older reflexively shook his head.

“Then stop staring.” Sehun sighed and laid his head on the table. Jongin chuckled and ruffled the younger’s hair softly, which makes the younger purrs a bit. “Finally, though.”

Jongin frowns.

“I thought today I’ll be dragged by Luhan-hyung again to his room’s dorm and stuffed my brain with his relationship with Yixing-hyung if you don’t ask me out.” He pouted. “Recently they had fight because Yixing-hyung was pretty close with a woman and Luhan-hyung just a type of person who get jealous easily so, well, yeah.”

He chuckled and ruffled Sehun’s hair softer, “That much typical of Luhan-hyung.”

Sehun sighed, “Well, to be honest the women that Luhan-hyung always talked was Yixing-hyung’s sister but I’m not gonna tell him, it’s too much hassle.”

It must be because Sehun always gets bullied by Luhan and decided to revenge him with it, Jongin minded but soon he stopped when he realized Sehun’s hair color was dyed silver—he used to saw Sehun in his dark brown hair back in December.

Sehun ever told him that he usually won’t dye his hair color unless he feels like it, but it’s been three days ago he has dyed his hair color to pink—which is really made Jongin feels nervous yet happy because he looks thousand times attractive than before—and now…

It’s silver.

“You dyed your hair again?” Jongin ruffles Sehun’s hair softer, but he frowns harder, “Try to care about your hair’s health too.”

Sehun rolled his eyes, “For this one, all blames could be directed to Luhan-hyung.” He looks up and he looked that Jongin’s frowns stayed still. He sighed, “He forced me—no, it was more like he was venting his anger to my hair.”

Oh right, of course Luhan could do that, his major is Fashion after all.

But then he remembered again that Luhan always declared himself as manly man but his looks, his character and the major he chosen weren’t manly at all—and he dare to say that Luhan will deny all of it and says that he was forced to choose Fashion because of his mother.

Lies, Yixing ever told him that Luhan’s real reason for choosing Fashion was his desire to makes every low self-esteem people to be more confidence with what they had in life, of course through fashion.

It’s admirable but it isn’t when Luhan’s character went out of control—well, Jongin can saw on Sehun, which was Luhan’s favorite guinea pig.

“Well, it suits you though.” He smiled before his fingertips traced to Sehun’s cheek and lightly pokes it, “Glad that Luhan-hyung isn’t dye your hair to rainbow like a cotton candy.”

“He’s planning to make one, today. That’s why I said finally.” Sehun ignored Jongin’s fingers and sighed, “Will you stop poking my cheek please? I’m not a pet.”

Jongin chuckled, “Well, of course you’re not.” but his fingers still poking Sehun’s cheek, “But you’re too cute to be ignored.”

“I’m not a girl.” Sehun’s lips pursed.

If you were a girl then maybe I won’t interested in you—or not, Jongin almost say it and fortunately he isn’t. “I’m not saying that.” but because there’s a hint on the younger’s face that Sehun will sulk all day long he decided to stop poking his cheek. “But it was true when I said that you were—“



He is kind of familiar with that voice.

Jongin stopped and looks up, and his gaze eyeing a figure of a girl was standing in front of their seat, with shocked expression—in positive way, he means, well, like a fangirl who saw her idol or whatnot—plastered on her face.


He feels like he knew her but somewhat he can’t remember clearly.

“You’re Jongin-oppa, right?” She beamed and shook her hand with his. “What a coincidence! I was here for a vacation with my friend and yet I can see you here! It feels like we were fated, doesn’t it?”

Jongin left fazed here.


“Is he your friend?” She asked while giggles cutely.

“Uh… he is…”

But she left Jongin unfinished and keeps talking, “He must be your friend right? Hello, I’m Krystal! You can say I’m Jongin-oppa’s girlfriend though.” She giggles, “What’s your name?”

Oh crap.

She’s that Krystal who always chases him for be her boyfriend. That queenka. That delulu girl who always brags him that both of them really suit to be together—like a prince and princess that fated to be together, she said—and she coyly asked him like there’s no tomorrow and in the end Jongin just rejected her and left.

But she’s not giving up, like usual, and thinks that they were in a relationship.

“Nice to meet you, I’m Oh Sehun.” Sehun’s face remained calm and shook his hand with hers. “It must be hard for you to like this guy, huh?”

Krystal shook her head, but her giggles stayed still, “No, it’s not! We’re fated after all.” She sat herself next to Jongin, which is, really annoyed him but his face can’t say no. “Right, Jongin-oppa?”

“I’m not saying that.” Jongin tried to be as polite as possible, and it seems working with she who began to pouts. The hell with you, get out of here asdfghjkl can’t you see I was in the middle of date rawr hurry go awaaaaaaaay.

She chuckled, “Well, aren’t you shy.” and soon they can hear her phone was ringing loudly. “Oops, it was short but I should go, my friend is waiting for me.” She sighed in disappointment before stands up and unexpectedly kissed Jongin on his cheek. “See you later Jongin-oppa!”

Jongin froze.

Oh damn Sehun saw it.

He can’t say anything but waved back at her before silenced, with his eyes wavering to ground, unable to look at Sehun. Why the hell she did that. Why. Why did her?

It really makes them uncomfortable and awkward as hell.

“Isn’t she that queenka?”

Sehun was the one who broke the silence.

Jongin stiffly nodded and mutters “Yeah.” and he knew his voice was barely audible. He is nervous for God’s sake, he is nervous with Sehun’s reaction of Krystal’s action earlier.

The younger hums, “No wonder. You’re kingka after all.” his tone still as flat as usual, but Jongin feels there’s hint of anger on it. “Kingka and queenka. Fated. Well, of course. She’s pretty dare isn’t she?”

“Are you jealous—”

“No. Why would I?”

Sehun’s short answer makes them silenced, again.

Their order has arrived but the silence still barrier them for talk each other, even when they finished and returned to their room.

They walked to their room with little empty space between them.

When they entered the room, Jongin locked the door and hurriedly hugs Sehun from behind, buried his face on Sehun’s shoulder, preventing the younger to walks away. Sehun struggled under Jongin’s arms, trying to let go of him but failed and the older hugs him tighter instead.

They show no move and stay still in their recent position.

Jongin exhales sharply before buried himself more on Sehun’s shoulder, trying to calm himself with Sehun’s scent. He can’t snap at Sehun; it’s not his fault that he got kissed and accused Sehun that he’s jealous. He just doesn’t want Sehun to sulks more.

Sehun sighed, “Jongin, let go of me.”

“No, you’re angry, aren’t you?”

The younger shook his head and he can felt that he struggled more, trying to get Jongin off of him. “Like I said I didn’t! Why are you so—”

Jongin clench his teeth, trying to not to mouthed any curses out and instead he took a deep breath and his lips parted open, “—then don’t be like this, please.”

“Hah? What do you mean?” He can felt Sehun was frowning and turn his head to where Jongin buried his face on. “Is it about that Krystal girl?”

He can’t help but nodded while murmurs “Yeah.”

Sehun sighed and flick the top of Jongin’s head. Jongin yelped in pain and unconsciously let his arms go from the younger’s body while rubs his head because it hurts and damn Sehun is really a man that mean as hell. “Why are you so fussy? It’s not like it’s not normal for a girl to kiss a boy.”

But I’m your boyfriend for God’s sake—that’s the problem! Just how dense are you?, Jongin tried to not shout it on Sehun or it’ll become worst than this. “I’m not fussy! I just—” and Jongin stopped when the younger stared him dejectedly. “—why are you staring?”

“Jong-out, listen,” Sehun placed both of his palms on Jongin’s shoulder and softly grips it, “I’m okay and I don’t really surprised about what happened earlier and stop being fussy because it’s really unlike you. You got it?”

Jongin silenced, but his eyes still on Sehun.

“So, can I sleep now?”

He nodded even his brain screamed no because they haven’t done yet.

Sehun sighed and let his hands go before throw himself on futons that has prepared for both of them. Jongin sighed too, but he silently heading towards Sehun who looks like he can falls asleep in seconds.

He looks so tired, Jongin thought while he laid himself on futon beside Sehun’s. Oh well. Jongin sighed and began to close his eyelids, I need to sleep too.

And Jongin falls asleep, with a dream of Sehun and him.

(And Krystal was standing in the middle of them, tearing them apart with coyly smiles of hers.)

It was almost evening when Jongin realized that he was asleep on their bed—their futon—almost late.

The first thing he saw was Sehun sleeping with his back facing him. Jongin tried to reach Sehun’s shoulder, but he stopped because he can saw the younger’s shoulder was flinching a bit and soon shuddered.

He bites his lips and wrapped his arms around the younger’s waist before buried his face on Sehun’s shoulder, trying to calm the younger while hugs him softly.

“What’s wrong?” He whispered softly and hugs the younger’s waist tighter. “Did you have nightmare?”

“…sort of.” Sehun replied, but he still silenced.

Jongin really knew that jokes are not well-received in this situation so he hugs him tighter instead, with no word comes out from his mouth. Both of them need to calm themselves down, he thought.

Krystal wasn’t a part of his plan, and she succeeds to fail it.

“We haven’t lunch yet.”

“I don’t really care.”

Jongin sighed, “Sehun, don’t. You’re thin enough.”

Sehun doesn’t answer.

Jongin sighed and lightly kissed Sehun’s neck, which makes the younger a bit whimpered before he sighed for the second time, “Let’s have dinner fist then the hot spring. Remember, we’re here for the hot spring right?”

He nodded and spoke, “Nn. Let go of me first, I can’t get up if you keep hugging me like this.”


And he let Sehun off of his arms, although he is really reluctant to let it go because Sehun fits on his arm perfectly.

Their dinner was sent by the receptionist to their room—and it was a feast, he admitted. The dinner was amazing, Jongin admitted, even their dinner is full of foods that Jongin only could saw it on magazines and it looks expensive as hell but it worth it when he can saw Sehun was eating in excitement and happiness painted all over his face.

Oh well, he’s happy too, but the thought of Krystal was disturbing them earlier really makes him uncomfortable (and the dream, ugh, no).

He sighed before put his chopstick on the top of the bowl when they finished their dinner. He glanced at Sehun who already drags his feet away to his old travel bag, looking for something with—he peeked—messing it contains. He decided to not ask what he’s doing because it was obvious and he doesn’t want to get any harsh comment out from those plump lips of his.

Well, hot spring has waiting for them to get devoured by its warm soothe after all.

Jongin moved on from the dining table with dragging his feet to the window and lightly slides the shoji open and soon his eyes meet a really classic hot spring outside. It’s really a facility of suite; it has its hot spring for the guest who aren’t used to public hot spring but really want to have one—and maybe it sounds selfish, but Jongin doesn’t want anyone to see Sehun’s pale skin getting steamed in hot spring but him. Yep.

(And again he was really has no mood to go out from their room because there’s 50:50 chance that he’ll bump into Krystal again—what’s worse is, Sehun’s will sulks more and Jongin really feels guilty about it.

Sehun’s sulking, he knew, although he stubbornly said that he didn’t.)

He took off his clothes and wrapped a towel around his waist before slowly put himself in hot steamed water—the hot spring—and shuts his eyelids, trying to feels the warmth that slowly seeping through his body, and relaxed his shoulders while he leaning on the side.

No wonder bunch of people like to go to a hot spring, it’s so soothing yet hot at first.

Anyway, where’s Sehun?

“Sehun?” Jongin frowns and called the younger again, “Sehun? Where are you?”

He can hears Sehun replied “Just a sec.” before the shoji was sliding open, and shows Sehun’s only-wrapped-by-towel-on-his-waist and his pale skin.

Jongin, don’t noses bleeding now or you’ll screws the moment that already perfect.

Sehun silently put himself beside Jongin into the hot spring. He groans for its hotness before relaxes, but groans still slips from his lips. Jongin smiles before lean his head on the rock that placed on the edge of the hot spring, gazing the moon that shows its elegancy and accompanied by its servant, stars, that glows beautifully as always.

He can felt Sehun was leaning his head on Jongin’s shoulder, whimpering a bit about the hotness—again—before following what was Jongin doing earlier, gazing the night sky.

“I’m sorry for what happened at the café earlier.” Jongin decided to sort things out or he’ll face Sehun’s sulks all night long—and he hates it because Sulky Sehun is really stubborn even his expression would be quite cute. “She’s really annoying, huh?”

Sehun replied with a sigh comes along, “…well, a little, I guess. She’s a queenka after all, just like you.”

Jongin silenced, but his hand went to Sehun’s face and began to caress his cheek gently.

“Maybe you can say… I was surprised?” Sehun questioned himself and strangely, he lets Jongin to mess with his face. “Your kingka’s aura really works on girls, huh. As expected, a kingka is really different.”

He rolled his eyes, “What was that for?”

Sehun chuckled, “Well, I only heard rumors though, so I don’t really believe that you were that popular.” Jongin pinched his cheek instead, “And a queenka falls for you. Wow. I thought that’s only happened on those sappy manwhas.”

“You make me sounded like a bad guy.” Jongin feigns himself hurt of Sehun’s words.

“Aren’t you?” Sehun grins.

“For 20 years of my life I never commit a crime so no, I’m not. I’m a good citizen.” Jongin messing Sehun’s wet hair with combing it upwards, and his fingertips traced the younger’s face—he found Sehun’s plump lips and unconsciously caress it with his thumb.

And Sehun lets him.

They drowned themselves in each other’s eyes, with slowly Jongin leans closer to Sehun. The older smiles and leans his forehead on Sehun’s, “Are you jealous about what did she do earlier?”

Sehun slightly shook his head, “Not really.”

“But you were looked so shocked earlier.” Jongin teased while his fingers traces downward to the younger’s neck. Oh God Sehun’s skin is really soft and it feels nice.

The younger laughed without cares Jongin’s frowns and responses without put any weight on, “You know, anybody would be surprised if they were unexpectedly shown something like that too. Besides…” Sehun smiles, “I have you, so… how should I put this… it’s no problem for me since your eyes will always on me?”

Jongin stunned there.

Sehun smiled, “Besides, why should you asked me for your fake date on Christmas if you already have a girlfriend? Weren’t you the one who said that back then?”

He’s really smiled.

His smiles really sweet like a bubble gum.

“I’m not really good with words so—“


“—maybe it would be nice if… yeah what is it?”

He awkwardly clears his throat before asking a question that he have been meaning to ask but he didn’t have a chance to do it because he afraid he’ll regret it someday—but the moment’s too perfect to let it pass, “I know maybe it’s weird for me to ask this but why do you want to go out with me?”

Jongin was expecting to saw Sehun’s deep stares him and unwilling to answers, but when he faces him, his faces changed.

“Do you think I’ll let someone to do things like kissing and stuff if I don’t care about them?”

His face was strong-determined one.

Before Jongin attempt to answers, Sehun continued, “And do you think I’ll go on a holiday with you, just two of us, if there’s nothing between us?”


“And do you think I’ll let hold you hold like this, without any fabric on, if I don’t have any feelings for you?”

Jongin silenced.

And,” Sehun cuts off the distance between their face, “Do you think I’ll do this to you, if I don’t love you?” before pressed Jongin’s lips with his.

When Sehun pull himself off of Jongin, what only Jongin could do was staring blankly.


What happened.

He didn’t mishear anything right?

But it just—

God what happened.

He felt like his brain got some malfunction problem because of the massive amount of un-progressed data that caused him can’t progress the situation properly. He just... can’t.

It feels like a dream comes true.

“Um, Sehun?”

Sehun still stares right on Jongin’s eyes unlike the usual, “Yeah?”

Jongin blinked before manages to control himself and spoke. “Can you please… um… repeat what did you say before? The last one?”

“I love you?”

Jongin blinked for the second time and leans closer, “What did you say?”

Sehun spoke again—this time he was more determined, “I love you.”

He still trying to process Sehun’s sudden confession—but it seems like his brain really got a big shock of it, “I’m not dreaming, right?”

A splash of the hot water strikes right on Jongin’s face.

“Yah! Are you out of your mind? It’s hot!” Jongin yelped but soon sighed and pinches Sehun’s cheeks, “You little rascal—“

“I was proving that you’re not dreaming, at all.” Sehun tried to shove Jongin’s hand from his cheeks with grabs the older man’s wrist. “Didn’t I tell you that I’ll confess when I ready?”

“Well, yeah, you did.” Jongin tried to regain his soul that seems like flied away from his body because of Sehun’s sudden confession; really, sudden which is flabbergasted him. “Were you planning to confess here earlier?”

Sehun was slightly averting his face away while his lips mouthed, “Maybe.”

Jongin smiled.

God really loves him after all (and God, thank you. Sincerely, Jongin).

He hugs the younger before plants some kisses on his forehead and whispers “Me too.” right on Sehun’s ear, which is his weakness. “I always do.”

Sehun whimpered, but Jongin knew that he hold himself to not push him away and decided to let him instead—and hey, at least Sehun can be sweet sometimes and he didn’t really mind it because he’s the only one who knew this side of him.

His patience pays him well.

“Errm, Jongin?”

Jongin nuzzled on Sehun’s head, “Yeah, what is it?”

He grips Jongin’s shoulders tighter and buried his face on his chest, “I’m not intending to be a party proper but can we go out now? I think I’m getting dizzy—“

Jongin forgot that the side-effect of bathing in hot spring too long may cause dizzy.

Oh well.

They still could continue this later so there’s no need to rush things.

“Sure, let’s go.”

(And both of them shared smiles before get out of the hot spring and entered their room.)

“Hey, before you sleep, I need to give you something.”

Jongin—who already buried underneath his blanket—frowns and his head popped out a bit, “What is it? Is it love? I’ve got enough from you though.”

Sehun rolled his eyes and his hands still busy inside his old travel bag, looking for something that Jongin doesn’t even know what it is. “Not that. Wait a moment.” He sighed and unconsciously bites his lips while his hands still searching over something. “Where the hell did I put it—”

He frowned, “What are you looking for?”

“You’ll see.” He was looking it for the last attempt before grins in victory and took something out of his travel bag. “Here you are.” He spoke and shuffled a box in front of Jongin’s face.

His frowns deepened before he untied the ribbon and opens the box. His eyes automatically lay on brownish black things that were put in it, with its various shapes and a card was put on top of them.


When Jongin looked up to Sehun, the younger was staring him intently, observes how Jongin will react with it. He has no choice but gets up and takes the card before read the message. His eyes squinted a bit because of Sehun’s messy writing—it was getting better than the last time Jongin saw it but still, messy is messy—before he quits fooling around by himself and reads it for real.

“Should I read it out loud or—”

Sehun shrugged, “Do whatever you want.”

Jongin decided to read it silently.

To : Jongin
            you must be really wondered why did I give you this, but you know, it’s almost valentine and I guess you’ll say “hey Sehun valentine’s almost near so what will you get as my present?” all day long without cares my answer so I think I should give this earlier or you’ll have a mouthful of nags on days before valentine (and no offense, sometimes you were really annoying).
            you already knew that I’m not good with words, right? but really, for all of my life, I never thought that I’ll have someone who always kiss me and takes advantages to be so touchy whenever it’s possible. I know that sometimes you felt annoyed with my attitude but you still face me with that stare of yours and caress my cheeks and ask what’s wrong with me. I really, how should I put this, thank you for it.
            maybe if you weren’t asking me to be your fake boyfriend on Christmas, we wouldn’t be like we are now and we’ll be just an acquaintance that happened to be in the same club. maybe if you weren’t the one who took initiative, we would never have any skin ships and too plain to be called as lover. maybe—maybe if you weren’t patient enough to face someone like me, today must be one of my plain day because we broke up so soon.
            so what I’m trying to say is thanks for being on my side and found me. I love you. happy early valentine, I guess?

oh sehun

p.s.: it would be nice if you stop suddenly kissing me whenever there’s a chance tho.

Jongin frowns.

Wait, it got cut off.

Before Jongin spoke any word, Sehun handed him a black highlighter pen and pointed his finger on the blank parts that were cut off. “Try to mark this section with it.”

Jongin obediently marked the section that Sehun was pointing at and continued to read.

so what I’m trying to say is thanks for being on my side and found me. I love you. happy early valentine, I guess?

His eyes widen impossibly large.


Sehun was replying while staring him intently. “Yeah?”

“Can I give you a crushing-bone hug and kiss you breathless and keep you and treasure you because it seems like I can’t describe well how happy I am right now.”

The younger laughed before shook his head and mouthed “No.”

Jongin put the card in the box and lightly tugs Sehun’s knitted sweater, asked him to sits closer. Sehun obediently sits closer and gummy smiles plastered on his face, waiting of Jongin to speak more.

He began to thinks that Sehun should smiles more when it’s only two of them.

“Thank you. It was shocking but I’m really happy.” He put his arms the younger’s waist and hugs him before gently nuzzles Sehun’s nape. “I’m so happy that I don’t mind if I die right now.”

He can felt Sehun was smiling and his bony fingers were palming on Jongin’s hands, and gently caress it before spoke, “You better don’t; if you die right now I don’t know how I should explain this to your parents and your sisters. They must be really lost you.”

They laughed and Sehun’s laugh is getting louder when Jongin began to tickling his sides. They rolled down and unconsciously lay down which caused Jongin was on Sehun’s top, pinned him to floor with a grins plastered on his face.

An idea has passed on his mind.

“Can you feed me the chocolate?” Sehun nodded before took a bar of the chocolate in the box without any change on their position and feed Jongin with it. Jongin tasted it for a moment before hums and smiles, “It’s delicious.”

Sehun exhales in relief, “Glad you like it.”

“Did you make it by yourself?” Jongin asked curiously. He never has a taste of Sehun’s cooking because they rarely meet in college and once Yixing told him that Sehun usually took some take-out for dinner unless his parents were home or he’s no mood of ordering and decided to cook instead. The chocolate was really delicious and it tastes like homemade—that’s why he is really curious.

The younger nodded, “Well, my mother’s gave a good recommendation about which chocolate that tastes great and the one who did the rest is me. I don’t really know how to make it since it’s my first time so… yeah, sorry if it was horrible in shapes.”

Hey, Sehun’s being so soft tonight.

“It’s delicious, really.” Jongin leans closer before hold Sehun’s jaw and give a taste of chocolate that the younger made it himself with a soft kiss. He pulled himself off and grinned, “See? It’s delicious, isn’t it?”

Sehun rolled his eyes and his lips pressed flatly, “Well, yeah, but the kisser wasn’t.”

“It hurts!” Jongin feigns himself hurt of Sehun’s word.

But Sehun ignored Jongin and began to push the older away before crawled to his futon and buried himself underneath the blanket. Jongin soon followed and chuckles before buried himself behind Sehun’s back and hugs him, which receives groan from the younger.

Jongin smiles wider and nuzzled on Sehun’s shoulder but the younger nudges him to go away. He still smiles and well, let him go before spoke, “You know what? To be honest I don’t really remember that valentine is coming near though.”

“Well, isn’t that surprising.” But Sehun’s tone was flat as wall.

“But still, thanks.” He said with sincere smiles painted on his face. “Tonight is really the best day I ever had.”

He can felt Sehun was turning backwards and faces him with grins. “You should be; I was making the chocolates all night long that caused I lacked of sleep a lot.” So that’s why he looked so tired. “But still, yeah, same here.”

Jongin ruffles Sehun’s hair and spoke, “We should go on a trip more often.”

Sehun nodded.

He hugs Sehun—which make the younger buried his face on Jongin’s chest—while ruffles his hair softly before whisper and slowly closes his eyelids, “Let’s sleep.”


“I love you.”

“Yeah,” Jongin can felt Sehun was burying his face deeper on his chest and although he didn’t see his face, he can says that the younger was smiling softly, “Me too.”

They laughed before close their eyelids and deprived of sleep, with dreams await them back there to pleasure them on fantasy.

Jongin was sitting on bench at cafeteria with Kyungsoo when Krystal came to their seats, with anger painted on her face without any word comes out from her small lips.

He can’t help but frowns and throws stares at Kyungsoo, asking why she came out nowhere, which answered by shrugs but confused stares stay still on him. He turns his head to Krystal’s direction, but his frowns stay still and he kept quiet because he really doesn’t know what should he says because he feels something off on her.

Oppa, you have another girlfriend, don’t you?”

Jongin almost falls from his seat because he was flabbergasted by her question.

Why so suddenly—

Before Jongin has a chance to answers her, she crossed her arms on her chest and arrogantly rolled her eyes, “You do, don’t you?”

Kyungsoo stared them, but still there’s no words were coming out from his heart-shaped lips.

Jongin awkwardly clears his throat before answers—as polite as possible, , “Why you’re suddenly asked that?”

She pouted—but to be honest it’s not charming in Jongin’s eyes at all, otherwise it’s pissing him off so badly, “You’re cheating on me! Aren’t we going out?”

Now he is really pissed off with her gross cutesy.

Kyungsoo looked surprised when she said it and he is too. He never said they were going out neither accept her confession! How could she—

“I never said we’re going out.” Jongin tried to be as flat as possible, but it seems impossible when he saw her getting angrier. Crap.

“You’re lying! We’re fated, you know! You, as kingka, and me, as queenka, have fated to rule the college and being happily ever after as a couple until separated by death like those fairytales! How could you—“

Jongin cuts her off with a sigh. God, this is the reason why he can’t like girls; they were so noisy and delusional.

“Kyungsoo-hyung, let’s go.” Jongin took his bag and drags Kyungsoo out of this ridiculous situation. She’s ridiculous; is she living in fairytales too long that makes her brain broken or what? You could never expect people to follow you anywhere like a dog.

But she unexpectedly pulls his wrist and tip-toeing closer to Jongin, forcing him to stay still and trying to kiss him out nowhere.

His eyes widely opened when her lips almost touch his.

No. Nonononononononono don’t, don’t!

Before he shoves her away, he felt someone else was pushing her aside, with familiar voice that Jongin remembered by heart, and a harsh sigh was coming along with it.

It’s definitely not Kyungsoo, he minded hard.

“Will you stop this? It’s began ridiculous.”

And he found Sehun was pushing her aside, with his flat face painted on his face—but he can saw his eyes were showing his anger too.

Krystal glared him and shoves him harshly before shouts, “Don’t interfering us!”

Sehun sighed. He still silenced but his hands began drags her away, which were made him get a furious glare from Krystal while struggled under Sehun’s arms; not that he cared.

“Do you even his girlfriend?” Sehun scoffed and let his arms go.

Krystal steps her highheels loudly on floor and her fists clenched tightly before shouts right on Sehun’s face, “Of course I do! We were fated to be together after all!”

“Do you have any witness that you were his girlfriend then?”

She knotted her eyebrows, “What?”

Sehun calmly smiles and put his arm around Jongin without caring others’ stares, “Is he even does this kind of thing to you?”

Krystal silently shook her head, “No…” but then she scoffed, “It has nothing to do with you, isn’t it? Why are you so annoying? Don’t you dare to put yourself in someone’s business!”

…is a queenka really that arrogant? Jongin frowned but keep silenced. He just can’t find a right timing to enter, so he just let Sehun to things he wants instead.

And he wants to know how Sehun will end this .

“Well, unfortunately,” Sehun smirked and tighten his arm around Jongin’s shoulder, “This is my business too.”

“Don’t you dare—”

Before Krystal could finish her words, her words cuts off with Sehun’s sudden action and changed with shock yelp instead.

Sehun kissed Jongin.

He did it in public.

He did it among the crowds who watched them in curiousity—and shock, maybe.

What in the world—

Sehun pull himself off of Jongin and his lips before his smirks getting wider, “Because he is mine, and girl, you should back away. He never can be yours.”

Krystal was taken aback by Sehun’s action that her eyes almost fell out.

Oh, her reaction was funny but Jongin is not gonna falls for her. Never.

“Well, he was right, so maybe you can understand that I would never accept your feelings?” Jongin chuckled but smiles weakly, “I’m sorry, but I’ve fallen for him.”

“But… we were fated…” Her tears began to falls. “Aren’t… we, Oppa?”

Jongin shook his head and pats her head, “Sorry. Maybe we weren’t fated after all.”

Krystal bites her lips before she silently left the cafeteria with her head hanging low, too afraid to see the crowds who began whispering about her attitude—she used to be sweet and now they knew her real self, which is the opposite. But then she stopped and sharply turns backward, faces them with her arrogance, rudely pointing her index finger at them and shouts “I’ll never give up! Just you see; I’ll break you two up!” before quickly left the cafeteria.

Both Jongin and Sehun stared each other before laughed and hit each other’s shoulders without giving any care of their surrounding. Krystal disappeared and he got Sehun; it fairs enough.

“I never thought that you dared to do it in crowds.” Jongin smirked, which makes him got a sharp nudge on his ribs.

Sehun rolled his eyes and scoffed, “You should be grateful that I helped you dammit.”

“Okay I thank you so much for helped me, My Highness Mr. Oh.” Jongin scoffed back, but a pleased smile plastered on his face. “And I am yours too, so you don’t need to be jealous anymore.”


“Why are you so shy?”


“I wonder where’s the person who dared to kiss me in public went.”


“Sehun, really, you—”

But before he even finishes his word, Jongin could felt his waist was being poked by someone.

He blinked before turns backward and found Kyungsoo was continuously poking him while all of his colleagues were watching them intently—even some of them were cheering “Kiss, kiss, kiss!” and some rude one scoffing “JUST GET A ROOM PLEASE.”

wait, for a moment he forgot that they were in public.

Kyungsoo sighed before spoke while frustatedly clutched his head, “Jongin, I know both of you were going out but please don’t make it so public; do you even have a shame?”

Jongin was speechless right there; he was planning to make it public but definitely not in this way. “I—” he glanced at Sehun before quickly makes a runaway plan (run, run, run, run for your life Jongin, now), “—gotta go. Sehun!”

Without any warning, Jongin pulled Sehun’s wrist and quickly get out of the cafeteria; neither cared Kyungsoo’s scold and cared the crowds who cheers, shocks, yelps, screams, and mocks them altogether. He can hear Sehun was cursing under his breath, but he didn’t really care because well, he’s megalomaniac and he can does anything as he please as long as he with Sehun, and no one can oppose him.

He can takes care of the mess that he—Krystal—made at cafeteria later, but the thing that he cared now is that now their relationship is clear to others—he predicts that no one would confess to him from now on and it’s a relief for him.

Now he can felt ease when he walks because there’s no one would be disturbed him with their noisy confessions because now they knew that Jongin in relationship—maybe some of them still do, maybe, he just predicted. Now he can freely being all dopey around Sehun without feels more unsecure anymore because no one will judge him hard like they usually do.

Hey, at least he’s normal again although the kingka title still lingers on him.

“I hate you.” Sehun murmured while curses were still coming out from his lips.

Jongin grins.

And at least he got Sehun on his side.

“I love you too.”


(And it’s really an amusing valentine one for Jongin—he’ll always remember this moment because it’s really a big steps of their relationship and he’s really happy about it.

Not that he’ll tell Sehun though.)



shoji : a traditional japanese slide door.

….finally, it’s done. orz

i was rushing when i typed this fanfic because school is asdfghjkl and my homeworks’ pilling up like mad what can i do argh orz

when i was typing this i was like uh okay on 5k+ but when it gets more and more i was like what the hell did I write no stop don’t and when i realized that it reached more than 14k+ I was like wut I don’t even typed this much when I’m using my mother’s tongue what the hell is wrong with me STOP NOW GAH but well, at least it finished, right? /excuses go away

thank you for subscribing my latest story (which is the main story of this fanfic—that fanfic was a sequel of it), and i thank you a lot for asked a sequel of it! i was really happy that it got such a good response of you guys. really, thanks! :D

hope you enjoyed this and happy valentine! :3

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Chapter 2: Awwwww idk what to say but omg..this is so gud TnT
deeragon93 #2
Chapter 1: Keke, I've alteady guessed that in the end, Sehun will kiss Kai in public from the middle part of this story...
Nicely written! Gosh, I love Kaihun and I love you. Thanks for writing this!
I demand a sequel, seriously, especially because today is White Day :)
nemolisp #3
Chapter 1: ehehehe sekai <33333
I really love it when sehun's getting embarrassed and buried his head on jongin's shoulder bcos jongin is being chessy as hell lol they're so cute ;~;
This is really nice <3
Chapter 1: Sekai *-* Happy Valentineeee! ^^
ayanesakura #6
Chapter 1: arghhhh its so cuteeee
mazokuwithwings #7