Feelings and Curiosity

Transfer Student

When we got home, we all did our homework. I finished my homework at school and so did Luhan. I went to go get a book to read and Luhan got out his notebook. Man, I wanted to know what he wrote in there! Not being able to sit still with Luhan beside me writing, I went to the kitchen and decided to bake something. I decided to bake cookies, after making the dough. I shaped the dough into the names of everyone and put it in the oven. "I smell something sweet!" Chanyeol said while peeking into the kitchen. "Go finish your homework Chanyeol! The cookies are not done yet!" I told him and went to clean the dishes. When the cookies were done, everyone ran over to the table where I set them. "Hey! Our names are on them!" Lay said. "I was bored and I didnt want to waste the extra dough." I said as I picked out my cookie, everyone was about to take a bite out of their cookie, I yelled "Wait!" They all stopped, looking at me curiously. "We still havent decorated them yet!" I said as I pulled out 13 piping bags. "But wheres the icing?" Kris asked. "We are going to make it! Assuming you all are done your homework." I took all the food-colouring I had and each of them took their favourite colour. Everyone either chose black, blue, white, green or purple. I took red, I made 13 batches of icing of their colour. While decorating my own, Baekhyun and Chanyeol were messing around and made a mess on themselves. Taking a towel, I wiped thier faces and lectured them that the icing was for the cookie not their faces. "You are acting like a mom again ____(Y/N)!" Chen said. Ignoring Chen, I turned around and everyone was finished decorating.

It was late and we still havent took a shower so we decided to eat the cookies at school. I took a shower after everyone so I can supervise them. While I took a shower, I heard a scream. Panicking, I quickly finished my shower and rushed out the shower. Luhan was the one screaming as the others picked him up. "Get me down!!" He yelled. "Hes afraid of heights!" Chanyeol laughed. "Please put him down. I think ____(Y/N) going to be mad." Whispered Chen. They put him down, Luhan was covering his face blushing. "How many times have I told you not to scare me like that?" I asked. "Including this time, 2 times." Baekhyun answered. "You get my point, just dont scare me or I will worry!" I walked over to Luhan and patted him on the back. "Dont worry Luhan! Everyone has their own fear!" I said trying to cheer him up. "Like that time when _____(Y/N) saw a ghost on Halloween but it was just me! You shouldve seen her face she was like 'AHHHH!!!!' it was hilarious!" Chen said. "I told you not to bring it up anymore!!! I get scared easily! Why else do you think I dont watch horror movies?" I said, Luhan laughed. "Lets just go to sleep!" I said and hid under the blanket. "I swear, they have so much in common!" Kris whispered. "Who? And like what?" Lay asked. "______(Y/N) and Luhan! The 'Lets just sleep!' and hiding under the blanket when they are embarassed thing. They just seem perfect together!" Kris answered. Feeling my ears heat up, I started thinking that I might be starting to have feelings for Luhan.
When I woke up, Luhan's sleeping face was facing me. He looked so adorable! I noticed that he wasnt sleeping on a pillow, it was the notebook. I REALLY want to know what was in there! Trying to distract myself from the book. I started making breakfast. When I was done, I called them to wake up. "Five more minutes, mom." Sehun mumbled. "For the last time, Im not mom! Now get up!" I said while pulling up all their blankets. They got up eventually and got ready in the washroom. But their hair were still a mess. Walking to each person while they eat breakfast, I did their hair. "Wow, you should be a hairdresser when you grow up!" D.O said, I mumbled a thanks and cleaned the dishes. I looked at the time, we were going to be late, again! We ran out the door, Baekhyun started singing part way and soon everyone else joined in. "Its no time to sing! Save your breath and keep running!"
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Yehet_143 #1
Chapter 34: I love it author-nim and looking foreword to the updated chapter ^_^
Exofangirl68 #2
Chapter 30: Update soon please!!!!!
Chapter 10: hehehehe..
Chapter 9: hehehehe...Luhanand me...hehehehe....<3 <3 <3
Chapter 1: This is really cute ^^
Fanfictrainee #6
Cool story!