Chapter 31 : Back Again




“I’ve set the engagement party.” Yen’s grandfather settled in a seat fo four with Yen, Seungri and Yen’s father. “It’s on Saturday.”


“Saturday?” Yen was startled. It was Wednesday, only three more days before the public would know that and she and Seungri would be announced as soon to be married.


“Can we delay it?” Seungri asked.


Yen’s grandfather let out a laugh. “How many times have we talked about this? It was delayed before, I won’t let it happen again, it would be a humiliation if it would happen twice.” His eyes flicked to Yen.


“Can Yejin stay here until Friday then?” Yen’s dad suggested.


“I need to bring her home now, for preparations for Saturday.” Yen’s grandfather said.


Yen didn’t argue, she thought maybe she should just accept her fate, that she would get married this early.


“I’ll give you an hour to fix your things.” Yen’s grandpa stood from the chair.


“Wait, I’ll just bring her home tonight, she has to at least visit first her friend.” Seungri said. Yen’s grandpa looked at him with suspicion. “Don’t worry, I promise to bring her back.”


“Well then, I got your word. Before nine would be good.” Yen’s grandpa smiled before leaving.


“Appa,” Yen called his father once his grandpa was out of sight. “I’m sorry.”


Yen’s father stood from the chair, he wiped his eyes, and Yen could see he was holding back his tears. Yen walked to him and hugged him tightly. “Appa, it’s fine.”


“But I can’t even protect you, I can’t even stop him.” Yen’s father’s voice cracked.


“I just need you to be with me okay? Appa, you’re the only family I have since I was born, you were there, and you supported me, made me a strong person. I figured out how much you tried your best to make us live a peaceful and normal life. Don’t blame yourself because this is not your fault.” Yen said. She looked up at her father and smiled.


“I’ll go to the hospital first, I need to see Cho before I leave.” Yen said. “You’ll accompany me right?” she turned to Seungri. Seungri nodded with a smile.




“How’s Doojoon?” Yen and Seungri visited Doojoon in the hospital. Choong was taking care of him, unfortunately, he was sleeping when they visited.


“He’s fine, better than the last night.” Chorong said, offering them drinks. Yen shifted herself into a more comfortable position on the sofa.


“You hid to me about your relationship.” Yen said, she curled her lips.


Chorong sat on the plastic chair that was beside the bed, she scooted it closer to the sofa. “Sorry about that, I’m really planning to say it to you, but I just couldn’t find the right time.” She sighed.


“It’s okay, I understand, at least you’re happy that’s what’s important.” Yen grinned. “Why are you so quiet?” she turned to Seungri who seemed to be spacing out.


“I’m just envious, look at Chorong, she takes care of Doojoon, she’s here for like 24/7. I wonder if you would do the same thing when that happens to me?” Seungri told Yen.


“If that happens to you, you have your girls to visit you everyday. I’ll let them pamper you. Then I’ll go out with Cho and we’ll go shopping.” Yen said firmly.


“You’re so bad, I bet if I end up almost out of blood you’ll still wouldn’t care.” Seungri looked away, showing how hurt he was with what Yen said.


Yen playfully pushed him. She laughed, amused at his reaction. “You can take care of yourself, you’re old enough and I’m not a nurse!”


“Hey now, don’t fight here, Doojoon’s sleeping,” Chorong interrupted. “So you’re going back to your granpa’s house tonight?”


“Yeah, unfortunately,” Yen said. She gave up trying to run away from what her grandpa wants her to do. Maybe she should just give it a try, and if it didn’t work, she’d find every way to get out of this. “I’ll just call you then, take care of your boyfriend!”




“Can we eat first before we head back to my grandpa’s house?” Yen was sitting on the passenger’s seat of Seungri’s car. It was five in the afternoon. “I’m hungry.”


“Then go eat when you got back to your house.”Seungri said, his eyes fixed on the road. Yen wasn’t sure if she heard his annoyed tone.


“Are you angry at me?” Yen lifted her eyebrow and crossed her arms at him.


Seungri sliced his eyes to her. “I’m not! Why would I be angry?”


“Then why are you acting like a child! Let’s go eat first before we go home!” Yen raised her tone. She rolled her eyes and stared at the window. “Bipolar,” she murmured.


“Did you say something?” Seungri asked.


“Yes! I’m talking to the window so don’t mind me!” Yen hissed.


“Now you’re angry, I don’t get you, I don’t get girls, one time they’re all happy, then they become frustrated.” Seungri tsked.


Yen’s jaw dropped, she looked at him with eyes wide. “I am the one who should be blamed here? You started this, I was just suggesting if we could eat before we head home.”  


Seungri suddenly pulled over at the side of the street. “Yenny, are you just keeping me because I’ma big help to you? I bet you’ll dump me after all this.” It was a joke.


Yen playfully slapped him on the cheek. Seungri caught her hand after, squeezing it lightly. “You’re crazy, you know that? If that’s my purpose then I could have left you long time ago, I couldn’t endure you!” she chuckled.


“But you’re still here.” He brushed his lips against Yen’s knuckles.  “You can’t resist me.” He flushed a cocky smile, Yen slipped off her hand from his.


“You’re too cnfident of yourself, can you drive and bring me somewhere we can eat because I’m really hungry!” Yen laughed shortly.




“Thanks for today.” Yen said. Seungri dropped her off their house ata round seven in the evening.


“Just call me if you need something.” Seungri smiled at her yet Yen didn’t return it. She was back again at her grandfather’s house. Yet she thought just a little more waiting, and she’d be out of there.


“I will.” Yen sighed. “You’re not coming in?”


“No, I guess. I’ll go home already.”




Yen went inside the house, it was quiet. She thought maybe her aunt and her grandpa weren’t home yet. She was about to open the door of her bedroom when comeone called her.


“Hey,” Changmin walked to her. He was eating a kimbap. “I didn’t exepct you’ll be here by now.”


“And I didn’t expect you too.” Yen turned to him.


“Look,” Changmin leaned against the wall beside Yen’s bedroom door. He chewed on his food before continuing. “I’m sorry for what all I did before, I mean, I knew I brought you with me. I’m really really sorry. If you need anything, just tell your older brother.”

“Are you telling me you’re accepting me already as your sister?” Yen said impassively.


“I can try,” Changmin nodded slowly. “I kinda, owe you.”


Yen looked at him suspiciously. “Do you even have a life besides your eating sessions?”


Changmin craned his neck upward, laughing. “That would be my secret.” He looked at Yen, a grin plastered on his face. “If you need anything, I’m just in my room.” He started walking.


“In your room? Eating and watching ?” Yen lifted her eyebrow. She didn’t mention it before but one day she caught Changmin watching one and he left his door slightly opened.


Changmin turned immediately to Yen. “You sneaked in my laptop?” His eyes were wide.


Yen chuckled. “I didn’t. Why would I?”


“Nothing, I’ve got a collection, go tell your boyfriend so I could share it with him.” Changmin smiled evily. Yen threw him the first thing she could, her handkerchief at him, in which was unsuccessfully aimed at Changmin. He walked out laughing.






@panda_jana I’m glad you loved it!^^ Ahaha we’ll see soon what he’ll do!^^ Thanks for reading!^^

@bigbangdonut yes, unfortunately he still wanted to continue the marriage. Yes she did..^^ Thanks for reading!

@yenisvip12 ahaha yes..grandpa is forver a villain lol joke..xD Thanks for reading!

@PandaRiRi ahaha, the marriage will continue.. as grandpa stated lol! Thanks for reading!

@fosierrs ahaha more like a ninja! Hahaha xD he just comes and Thanks for reading!

@J-cryptic I updated!^^ Thank you for reading!

@sapphire1004 I updated!!^^ kkk.. Thanks for reading!


Thanks guys for reading, subscribing and leaving your comments! Have a nice day!^^

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Chapter 35: Aigoo Seungri is so _______... at least he is behaving too long xD And she had a hard life that I was pitying her, but she was rewarded a cute panda like him x]
I like this story a lot! :3 It's really great though Seungri's kinda a bastard at the begining >< SEQUEL!!!~~~~
musiclover251 #3
its over???!! :O<br />
anyway thanks for writing this story!!! it was awesome!!!!!!!!
Awe! How sweet XD
Sweetsailish #5
Kya~~~ SEQUEL!!! :D
seungriism #6
Omg! It ended so soon :( hope u make a sequel hehe :) fighting
J-cryptic #7
awe..its finished. :))<br />
two thumbs up for this fic!~♥
awwww!! thank you so much for this! and just in time for Christmas! <3 merry christmas~ :D this is such a very sweet story <3
@onewmintjongkey HAHAHA! He told me he loves me XD<br />
<br />
@iLoveChorong chingu! Omo! Thank you so much for writing this fic for me! Love ya!