Chapter 29 : Space




“Yen? What are you – “ Chorong was dumb founded when she saw Yen entering the Ramen House with her bags. Yen hugged her best friend.


“Can I stay here? Where’s Appa?” Yen asked.


“He went to buy some stocks for the Ramen House, why? What happened?” Chorong looked at Yen worriedly, she grabbed some of her bags and settled them at a chair. “Take a seat first, I’ll get you something to eat.”


Yen didn’t want to go back to their house with her grandfather, this is her home, with her father, with Chorong. She couldn’t believe herself for falling under Seungri’s trap. He was a playboy, and no matter what happened, he’d always be.


“Here.” Chorong came back with a glass of soft drinks and a small bowl of ramen. She sat at the opposite chair in front of Yen. “So, what happened? Why aren’t you with Seungri?”


“I don’t want to see him anymore.” Yen said, grabbing the glass of soft drinks, she gulped on it. “He’s a liar, and he shouldn’t be trusted.”


“Yen, you couldn’t have meant that, what exactly happened?” Chorong moved her chair beside Yen. Yen told her everything that had happened yesterday and today.


“What?! How dare he!” Chorong shouted. “He shouldn’t act like that, you’ll get married soon!” Yen heaved a sigh. She didn’t even want to think of the wedding. She and Chorong were busy chatting when Youngbae and his friends arrived at the Ramen house.


“Cho, Doojoon..” Youngbae said. He saw Yen sitting beside her, he looked surprise yet he looked back at Chorong.


“What happened?” Chorong stood from her seat, sensing trouble.


“We rushed him to the hospital, we had a fight with a group of guys earlier when we’re playing, and it seemed Doojoon has been hit hard.” Hyunseung explained. Seeing their faces, they were telling the truth, everyone was messy, their clothes with blood and their faces bruised.


“What!? Oh my goodness.” Chorong covered with her hands. “Which hospital did you take him? We should go now!” She dashed back inside to get her bag and stuffed some money then rushed outside. Yen didn’t know if she would go with them or stay at the Ramen house.


“Do you want to go with us?” Youngbae asked her with a faint smile on his face. Yen nodded, she wanted to go since she got nothing to do inside at the Ramen house. Chorong was in Hyunseung’s car while Youngbae offered his for Yen. Yen sat on the passenger’s seat, feeling really shy, it had been a long day, yet she didn’t want to be alone.


“So, how are you?” Youngbae started a conversation while they’re in the midst of driving.


“I’m fine.” Yen said, glancing at him. Youngbae to her, was a nice guy, someone who couldn’t hurt other people. Someone who could lighten up anyone with his smile, Yen thought whoever his girlfriend was, she was lucky to have him. “Do you have a girlfriend?”


Youngbae chuckled, he looked at Yen for a while. “Why’d you ask?”


“Nothing, just curious.” Yen said.


“I didn’t have a girlfriend yet.” Youngbae responded, his eyes fixed at the road. “How are you and Seungri?”


Yen looked out at the window. “We’re through.”


“You’re what?” Youngbae seemed surprised.


“Seungri will always be himself, and he’s not into taking a girl seriously. I don’t want to be one of his games.” Yen explained. ”I thought he was sincere when he was helping me, when he told me he loved me, but it was all a show.”


“Maybe you got it wrong,” Youngbae said. They arrived at the hospital. He killed the engine, went out of the car and headed to open the door on Yen’s side, Yen was surprised, it wasn’t something Seungri would do.


“Thanks.” She said, smiling shortly at Youngbae. They went inside the hospital halls, Chorong and Hyunseung were already there.


“How’s he?” Yen asked Chorong who was sitting on one of the benches.


“They said he’ll be fine, he got hit with a wood on his head, but what if he won’t be fine?” Chorong sobbed. Yen sat beside her, her back gently.




Doojoon had been transferred to a private room.


“I’ll stay here, your father must be at the Ramen House, and I’m sure he’d be worried when he sees your things there.” Chorong told Yen.


Yen nodded. She just realized how much Doojoon must mean to Chorong. And by the way she saw Doojoon before, she knew he feel the same for her friend.


“I’ll take you back there.” Youngbae offered.


“Thanks, but I don’t want to disturb you, I still have spare money in my pocket, I’ll just take a taxi.” Yen responded with a smile.


“No, I don’t want my conscience to haunt me if something bad happens to you, and it’s really dark outside, it’s dangerous. I’ll take you home, let’s go.” Youngbae insisted. Yen didn’t respond. Youngbae had a point there, and it would be really hard looking for a taxi seeing the time.


Youngbae brought Yen back to the Ramen House, even though Yen could see he looked so exhausted, he even went inside with her.


“Thanks Oppa.” Yen said. Youngbae just flushed her his eye-smile. “My father’s still not here.” She looked around and only saw Chorong’s mother.


“He would be a little late, he went back but he got some errands to run.” Chorong’s mother explained, she gave Yen and Youngbae some drinks. “Here, I bet you’re both tired. Chorong called me and she already said she’ll stay in the hospital.”


“Um, is Cho and Doojoon already dating?” Yen asked Youngbae when Cho’s mom was away. They settled at one table.

“Yes they are, since last week, Chorong accepted Doojoon as her boyfriend.” Youngbae broke off.


“Omo, she didn’t tell me!” Yen pouted. Cho was her best friend, how dare she hide this from her?


“Maybe she didn’t want to tell it at once, she knew you were in deeper problems, and she didn’t want to look like she’s having fun while you’re struggling.” Youngbae get hold of his glass of soda.


Suddenly, they heard the door of the Ramen House being opened harshly. It was ten in the evening and few customers were just dining. Yen tilted her head.


“Why didn’t you go back to your house?” Seungri walked fast towards Yen, pulling her up to stand, grasping her elbow.


“House? My dad’s house is here! What the hell is your problem and what are you doing here?” Yen glared at him. She didn’t want to see Seungri for now, after what he had done, he still got a face to show her?


“Your house is not here! I’ve looked for you and your grandpa said you didn’t go there!” Seungri shouted at her. Yen felt her rage stirring, how dare he shout at her? It wasn’t her fault at the first place.


“What do you care where I live and where I go?! We don’t have any connection now except you being my husband-to-be! We’re still not married, and you’re acting like this? How dare you, you don’t have a say to what I do!” Yen yelled back. She didn’t want to fight but she couldn’t help it.


Seungri tightened his grip on her elbow. “I’ll take you home if you don’t want to go back to my house. And I need you to hear my explanation first!”


“I don’t need anything from you let me go!” Yen struggled to pull herself away from him and yet all Seungri did was drag her out of the Ramen House. They were right outside the door when Youngbae interrupted. He stood in front of Seungri.


“Seungri, let Yen go.” Youngbae said calmly.


“Hyung, let us handle this on our own, I need to explain to Yenny first.” Seungri said, holding Yen tightly.


“She might need some time, she just got back and she’s tired Ri, at least let her take a rest.” Youngbae said.


“Sorry hyung, I can’t let this off until morning.” Seungri started dragging Yen to his car.


Youngbae grabbed Yen’s free wrist. “Seungri-ah, let her go.”


“I don’t want to go with you, just leave.” Yen told Seungri. She wanted a time for herself, a time to keep her mind off the troubles that were haunting her continually. “Just leave please.”


Seungri stared at her impassively. Whatever he was feeling, Yen wasn’t able to decipher, it was as if his face was just too hard to read now. Had she told something wrong? She wanted some time alone, she didn’t know what to do anymore, and she didn’t know who to trust, she needed someone who could be there beside her, and she wasn’t sure if Seungri would be that one to fill in the place.


He let go of her arm. “I’ll give you some time if that is what you want, but I am not letting go, we’re not through, we’re just starting, at least give me some of your trust Yenny.” Seungri sighed, he smiled, yet it hardened at the edges of his mouth. “At least.”




Updated! I’m sorry for not updating in days.. >.< just a lil busy in school but now it’s all fine, hopefully!^-^ I can’t respond to your feedbacks now but I promise I will on the next update! I hope it’s just fine to you! thanks for reading this through and through!^-^


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Chapter 35: Aigoo Seungri is so _______... at least he is behaving too long xD And she had a hard life that I was pitying her, but she was rewarded a cute panda like him x]
I like this story a lot! :3 It's really great though Seungri's kinda a bastard at the begining >< SEQUEL!!!~~~~
musiclover251 #3
its over???!! :O<br />
anyway thanks for writing this story!!! it was awesome!!!!!!!!
Awe! How sweet XD
Sweetsailish #5
Kya~~~ SEQUEL!!! :D
seungriism #6
Omg! It ended so soon :( hope u make a sequel hehe :) fighting
J-cryptic #7
awe..its finished. :))<br />
two thumbs up for this fic!~♥
awwww!! thank you so much for this! and just in time for Christmas! <3 merry christmas~ :D this is such a very sweet story <3
@onewmintjongkey HAHAHA! He told me he loves me XD<br />
<br />
@iLoveChorong chingu! Omo! Thank you so much for writing this fic for me! Love ya!